Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1422 1 Everything is arranged

Chapter 1422 Everything Is Arranged

What Xian Meng said made Mu Bawang completely stupefied. He looked at Xian Meng in disbelief and said, "What did you say? I'm just your furnace?"

"Yeah, is there a problem? I have too many furnaces for this princess, but I choose to marry you because you are the most pleasing to the eye. Hehe, my good husband, for you, I have given up thousands of Furnaces, even some furnaces, are much thicker than yours. How about it, don’t you feel very proud and have a sense of accomplishment? Hahaha, are you still in the mood to think about this? You are going to die, and you, if you make the wrong choice, you might die too!" When Xianmeng said this, a man in black armor walked out from among the guards behind her, and the aura emanating from the man in black armor was stronger than that of Xianmeng. It was even more frightening, just feeling it a little bit made Mu Bawang feel almost suffocated.

"Your Highness, why don't you teach him a lesson and let him know that the majesty of the Destiny Clan cannot be desecrated!" the man in black armor said coldly, looking eager to show.

Xian Meng glanced at him, and said: "Okay, if I am satisfied with what you can do, I will allow you to serve the princess tonight, your performance last time was not bad, I hope you can perform better tonight. "

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, the little one will definitely satisfy you!" The man in black armor showed a flattering smile on his face, flirting with Xianmeng recklessly.

Lin Yi's face was extremely gloomy, and he felt sick for a while. It was the first time he saw such a shameless woman. I'm afraid that even those women who stumbled could not be like her.

However, what Lin Yi is most worried about now is Mu Shuang'er's body. Mu Shuang'er's condition is getting worse and worse, and he can't find the reason at all. The situation is extremely strange.

At this time, his eyes fell on the baby girl on the bed, and he immediately figured out one thing!It turned out that everything was arranged, including their appearance!
At this time, the man in black armor had already walked towards Mu Bawang and the others step by step, with a ferocious smile on his face, in his opinion, Mu Bawang was really no threat, even if he was killed, it was just a thought.If he could kill Mu Bawang, then he would be able to linger with Xianmeng a few more times, and when he thought of the feeling of ecstasy, the lewd light on his face became even more intense.

"Mubawang, you already have such a perfect woman as the princess, but you are still out there. I really think you are stupid. But it doesn't matter, I will put an end to your stupid life soon, and I will solve it by the way. This slut and that bastard, let your family of three live a good life in another world." The black-armored man's face became extremely fierce, his right hand turned into a claw, and he grabbed the Mu Bawang fiercely.

Under the strong aura of the man in black armor, Mu Bawang had no possibility of resisting at all, he could only watch helplessly as the claws grabbed his head.

Even if he dies, he will die in front of Qingrou and their mother and daughter. Even if he dies, he will not bow to that bitch!

However, when the claw was about to touch Mubawang's head, it stopped strangely.

Lin Yi and Mu Shuang'er appeared next to Mubawang. Lin Yi stretched out a hand, grabbed the black-armored man's wrist lightly, and said indifferently: "Bitch women are already disgusting. Dogs raised by slut women are just disgusting." It's even more disgusting. For disgusting things, I can't help but destroy them. So, sorry, as the cannon fodder for raising your hand to die, I can only destroy you first."

When Lin Yi said this, he just looked into his eyes, and the black-armored man's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground, dying.

This move stunned everyone in Xianmeng. This black-armored man was a powerhouse at the fifth level of the Emperor Realm, and he was killed so inexplicably. Who is this man who suddenly killed him?Why is there such a terrifying power?

Mu Bawang stared at Lin Yi with wide eyes. He didn't know where Lin Yi and the others came from, but he knew that Lin Yi came to help him, and they were saved!

Lin Yi supported Mu Shuang'er, his face was extremely gloomy, Mu Shuang'er's body was getting weaker and weaker, and treatment was imminent.

He directly kicked the man in black armor away, then supported Mu Shuang'er, and walked towards the bed.

Both Lin Yi and Mu Shuang'er's appearances have changed at this time, this is a quick decision made by Lin Yi.He was basically sure that his action was in line with historical development, but if he used his true face, the situation might be different, and Lin Yi didn't dare to take risks.

"Who are you? The person who dared to kill this princess, don't you want to die?" Xian Meng woke up from her trance, and shouted at Lin Yi, but she was obviously stern. After all, the strength Lin Yi showed just now was too strong. horrible!
Lin Yi glanced at her, his indifferent eyes made Xianmeng's body tremble, as if struck by a lightning bolt.

"Are you talking to me? If you want to die, go there and line up first. After I finish my business, I will clean you up one by one." Lin Yi said lightly, his words made those people tremble, All of a sudden, a group of people dared not even vent their breath.

Xian Meng didn't dare to go forward, and quickly crushed a jade talisman of communication, and then showed a sneer on his face.

Of course Lin Yi knew what she had done, move the rescuers?It's ridiculous, in this time and space, as long as the cultivation base has not reached the legendary step, who else can do anything to get him?

When Lin Yi walked up to the infant Mu Shuang'er, Mu Bawang immediately panicked and murmured: "Senior... Senior, what are you going to do? You..."

"If you want your wife and daughter to live, don't talk nonsense, just stand aside and watch obediently." Lin Yi said indifferently, he didn't have time to chat with Mu Bawang.

"But, senior, there is no cure for the poison of Sanghun Powder, why do you..."

"Didn't you hear me? Do you really want your wife and child to die like this, and then you can be that bitch's dog? Go away obediently and don't sway in front of me!" Lin Yi E cursed fiercely, not giving Mu Bawang any face.

Mu Shuang'er's situation is getting worse and worse, if it is too late, it will be really troublesome!
Mu Bawang quickly covered his mouth, not daring to speak, and obediently stood aside.

Somehow, even though he didn't know Lin Yi, he had a soul-spirited fear of Lin Yi, which was very strange.Moreover, when he saw Mu Shuang'er next to Lin Yi, he also had a very familiar feeling, but if he really thought about it carefully, he didn't know what this feeling was.

Of course Xianmeng also heard Lin Yi's words, she laughed a few times, and said: "It's really stupid, it is ridiculous to say that I can cure the poison of the soul! This princess would like to see, How did you cure them!"

Lin Yi pressed his fingers between the eyebrows of Mu Shuang'er in infancy, and said lightly, "Really? If you think it's ridiculous, then let's make a bet and bet on your life, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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