Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1423 Survive Well

Chapter 1423 Survive Well

Bet your life!

These four words made Xianmeng's face slightly stunned, she could feel that Lin Yi was definitely not joking.

She quickly recovered, sneered, and said, "Bet on my life? Hehe, since I have bet on my life, what do you take? Or, you can bet on your body. If you lose, You will be my stove and have a good time with me?"

Xianmeng's eyes flickered lewdly, and her subordinates were all stunned. If this is the case, Lin Yi will take advantage no matter whether he wins or loses. This kind of gamble is too profitable!
Lin Yi glanced at her in disgust, and said: "What a bitch, she dared to bet with me like this, it's disgusting! Go away, I'm not interested in you at all!"

Lin Yi suddenly felt a little nauseous, and then began to continuously inject the power of his soul into Mu Shuang'er's body in infancy. Soon, he thought of a way to treat Mu Shuang'er, and began to treat her.

As the treatment of Mu Shuang'er in infancy continued, Mu Shuang'er's own weakness gradually weakened, and her cultivation began to show slowly.

Xian Meng was planning to let her subordinates do it, but after feeling the aura emanating from Mu Shuang'er, she didn't dare to do anything wrong.

Lin Yi's strength is already terrifying, and now with a woman she can't see through, the people around her are simply not enough to kill!
"Damn it, why didn't that guy come here until now? Do you want to see this princess in danger?" Xian Meng gritted her teeth and said, of course she wouldn't just run away, she was afraid that once she left, Lin Yi and the others would run away, In that case, she would not be able to take revenge.

After Lin Yi completely healed Mu Shuang'er in infancy, he was completely relieved. Judging from the current situation, what he did was in line with the development of history, and everything is fine for the time being.

After Mu Bawang felt that Mu Shuang'er's breath was normal when he was a baby, his face immediately filled with joy, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, and kowtowed desperately to Lin Yi.

Mu Shuang'er's heart trembled slightly, the man has gold under his knees, let alone someone like Mu Bawang who would rather die than surrender?Mu Bawang actually kowtowed to Lin Yi for her, what a deep love this is!
"Thank you senior for saving me. It was my fault just now. I shouldn't have doubted senior. Please punish me!" Mu Bawang said here, and slapped his mouth fiercely. After a while, his mouth was slapped by himself. bleed.

Lin Yi gave him a hard look, and snorted coldly: "What do you mean by doing this? Could it be that in your eyes, I am the kind of stingy person? Why don't you get out of here quickly, I have to treat your wife Woolen cloth!"

Although Lin Yi knew it was inappropriate to speak like this, but as a senior expert, of course he had to show the arrogance of an expert, otherwise how could he fool Mu Bawang?
Mu Bawang's eyes flashed brightly. He thought that Qingrou was too seriously injured and could not recover, but he didn't expect Lin Yi to say that he could be cured. This was a big surprise!
This time, he didn't dare to have any more doubts, and quickly stepped aside to protect Lin Yi with Mu Shuang'er.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether they protect the law or not, Xianmeng and the others dare not make a move at all, they can only watch from a distance.

At this moment, Xianmeng was too shocked to speak, she never thought that someone could treat the poison like Sanghunsan.Who is this man with extraordinary strength and such terrifying medical skills?Why has she never seen this character before?

She became more and more interested in Lin Yi. Even though she knew that Lin Yi was very dangerous, she still fell in love with this top-quality stove!

She's been called a bitch, and she definitely deserves her name, and what she loves most is the feeling of being trampled on her.If Lin Yi called her a "bitch" a few more times, she would probably be directly excited to "peak" a few times.

She licked her lips and murmured to herself: "After that guy comes, you will belong to this princess! Don't worry, this princess will love you very much and make you very comfortable."

Lin Yi felt Xian Meng's scorching eyes, and a strong sense of disgust welled up in his heart, making him want to kill him directly.The same is true for Mu Shuang'er, that bitch Xianmeng was disgusting to begin with, but now she still has Lin Yi's idea. In her heart, this bitch has already been sentenced to death thousands of times.

But they didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that if they accidentally made a big mess, they would really beep the dog!
Lin Yi knew that Xianmeng had already summoned a master, no matter how strong the master was, he was most concerned about the safety of Mu Shuang'er and her mother, that was the most important thing!

However, when he treated Qingrou, he discovered that Qingrou's situation was much more troublesome than he had imagined.Qingrou was not only poisoned by Sanghunsan, but her dantian was also damaged, and the source of her life was severely damaged. Even if she survived, she would not be able to live for long.Moreover, her cultivation has been completely abolished, and her body is much weaker than ordinary people.

Qingrou seemed to see something, she looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and said: "Senior, I know my own body, I can't cure it. I am already very happy if you can save my daughter, not so What an extravagant hope."

Lin Yi frowned, and said: "Don't say these things are useless. Although your daughter is cured, she needs her mother to raise her and accompany her. Are you willing to die like this? Whether it can be cured or not is up to me. , you just need to think about surviving well!"

Qingrou's body trembled slightly, her eye sockets were slightly moist, she nodded lightly, hummed, and cooperated with Lin Yi in the treatment.

Lin Yi condensed a large number of lives into a seed, and buried the seed in Qingrou's dantian. With this seed, at least Qingrou can be kept. As for how many years, Lin Yi can't guarantee it.

If the development of history has not changed, it is estimated that Qingrou can last until Mu Shuanger is 16 years old.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi frowned slightly. With his current cultivation, why couldn't he keep the two of them in the God-killing clan?If she stayed in the Killing God Clan, Mu Shuang'er's life would probably not be so disturbing.

Now that the result has been determined, it proves that many unimaginable things must have happened, such as the coming "storm".

Lin Yi's gaze fell on Xian Meng, who still looked at Lin Yi eagerly.

Xianmeng's eyes are really red, as if he has seen through his clothes, as if he has pushed him to kiss wantonly on the bed, asking for it crazily!

After Lin Yi read this from her eyes, a trace of cold sweat could not help streaming down his face. How hungry and thirsty is it to reach this level?

"Husband, capture the thief first, capture the king first, as long as you capture that bitch, the overall situation will be settled, leave it to me!" Mu Shuang'er made up her mind and immediately rushed towards Xianmeng.

Just after rushing out two steps, Lin Yi's expression changed, his figure flashed, he stood in front of Mu Shuang'er, and punched forward!

(End of this chapter)

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