Chapter 1424

With this punch, Lin Yi's body was frozen there, and then, the figure of a middle-aged man in purple gradually emerged, just in time to collide with Lin Yi's fists.

The middle-aged man showed surprise on his face, but he recovered quickly, and with a slight withdrawal of strength, his body drifted back a few meters and landed beside Xianmeng.Lin Yi did not continue to attack, but put his arms around Mu Shuang'er's shoulders, and flew back in front of Mu Bawang with an extremely dignified expression.

"Your Highness, I told you that you should not use that jade token unless you are in a life-or-death crisis. Don't you want to waste an opportunity like this?" the middle-aged man said in a deep voice, with a rather haughty look on his face.

Xianmeng pouted and complained: "It's a life-and-death crisis now! If you don't come, this guy will definitely kill me! Big Brother Ziyi, just do me a favor by capturing him alive and making me a cauldron OK?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately frowned, looked at Lin Yi, then shook his head lightly, and said, "Your Highness, if I want to kill him, I should do my best. But if I want to capture him alive , the difficulty is very high, and I don't have any confidence!"

"What? Even you are not sure? You are not lying, are you? You are the number one expert sent by my father to protect me, how could you not do it?" Xianmeng looked distraught, and the middle-aged man smiled wryly. , walked a few steps forward, cupped his hands towards Lin Yi, and said: "Brother, I don't know where the little princess offended you and made you so angry. If it's not a big deal, just expose it, how about it?"

Although the middle-aged man seemed to be very polite, he was actually very arrogant. How could such a gesture look like an apology?

If Lin Yi agrees, he must feel upset and can't swallow his breath. However, if he disagrees, it will give people a feeling of calculating.

However, this middle-aged man made a mistake. Why is Lin Yi afraid that others will say that he cares about every detail?He never thought about it!

"Just to expose this, are you really ashamed to say it? You are also a member of the so-called Destiny Clan? You can't be a group of demons, right? That's right, you must belong to evil forces, right?" Lin Yi looked through everything, Xianmeng's expression changed suddenly, and he jumped and shouted immediately.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Our Destiny Clan upholds the Destiny, and the purpose is to maintain the peace of the primordial universe and not allow anyone to destroy it! How could we be evil forces! Boy, fortunately, you said this in front of me. Benevolent, I don’t care about you like you. As long as you are willing to voluntarily surrender, in front of me, I will spare your life for the sake of your obedience.” Xianmeng swallowed hard after speaking , She became more and more interested in Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was numb all over when he looked at her. All he had was disgust with this woman who did her best!

Mu Bawang's face also turned blue for a while, thinking that he had touched this woman before, he felt that he was also stained, this kind of dirt, no matter how much he washed it, he couldn't clean it!

The middle-aged man frowned when he heard Xian Meng's words. Obviously, he also hated this feeling very much.

Just as he was about to speak, Lin Yi suddenly sneered and said, "Aren't you demons? Hehe, you are not demons or something! A woman who has no shame seeks thousands of faces to practice extreme obscenity. What to do? Poison a pregnant woman with the intention of killing the pregnant woman and the child. Isn’t that an evil way? To oppress people with power, and kill anyone who doesn’t like them. This is the so-called maintaining the peace of the primordial universe? Ridiculous, It's ridiculous!"

Lin Yi's words slapped Xian Meng's face like a slap in the face, but Xian Meng didn't seem to hear anything, still looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and said: "You continue to scold! A little bit more, this princess likes to hear it very much."

There is a black line on Lin Yi's forehead, is this woman mentally ill?He even took the initiative to beg for scolding!This was the first time he heard such a request.

The middle-aged man's face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "This is the matter of Her Royal Highness, please don't involve the entire Destiny Clan. As for what you said, our Little Princess is indeed responsible. However, After all, the princess is a little princess, and she is different from you mortals. If you are willing to expose it, then everyone is happy. If you insist on fighting with me, then I can only be rude to you."

When the middle-aged man said this, an extremely powerful aura erupted from his body. After feeling this aura, a sneer appeared on Lin Yi's face immediately, and said: "If you don't show off your power, you think I am a sick cat? Do you want to treat me badly?" You're welcome, come on! But this place is too small, let's have a good fight in another place!"

Lin Yi put on a domineering look, Xianmeng's eyes are twinkling with little stars, Lin Yi is so handsome.

"So handsome, if he is willing to bow down under the pomegranate skirt of this princess, this princess is willing to drive away all the faces and only dote on him!" Xianmeng said very seriously, Lin Yi immediately felt hairy when he heard her words , This woman, he wants to kill her every minute.

"Husband, that guy's strength is not simple, are you really sure?" Mu Shuang'er said secretly.

Lin Yi chuckled, and responded: "My wife, don't worry, although my strength has been consumed a lot due to time travel, it is still more than enough to deal with this guy. I was polite to him just now, just to show a little bit of meaning, otherwise he How can you be so confident that you can solve me?"

Lin Yi's tone was playful, and Mu Shuang'er immediately understood that she seemed to have seen the end of middle-aged men, and those who fought with Lin Yi generally had no good end.

The middle-aged man nodded and said: "It's really not suitable for fighting here, come to the universe, let's have a good fight! Your Royal Highness, you must be careful, don't always think about those unrealistic things. Thing, that kid really has murderous intentions towards you, if you are not careful, you will be killed!"

"Nonsense, with you here, how could something happen to me? Hurry up and go to the universe, I can't wait to see who is the strongest between you two! Let's do this, the bet between you two is me, whoever wins, I will be who How about entering the bridal chamber immediately?" Xian Meng said eagerly, her eyes full of longing.

The middle-aged man's face turned cold, and he said very seriously: "Your Highness, please respect yourself! If you do this again, I will not save you!"

Lin Yi looked extremely disgusted, and said coldly: "If the bet is this bitch, then I admit defeat, you take her to the bridal chamber!"

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Xianmeng felt numb all over again, but Lin Yi's cursing at her made her feel very excited. That look of being cheap to the bone is really disgusting and outrageous!
(End of this chapter)

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