Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1425 My strength is not bad

Chapter 1425 My strength is not bad

The middle-aged man's reaction was obviously not much better than Lin Yi's, especially when he heard Lin Yi's last sentence, his face changed suddenly. This sentence was simply a critical blow.

The middle-aged man calmed down his emotions, and said in a deep voice: "You say that, is it because you are afraid of me and dare not fight me?"

Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "You are the one who dare not beat you? If you accidentally let you win, will that bitch suck you dry? Your complexion is a bit bad, there must be something wrong with your kidneys Right? I'm a little worried, you won't be able to withstand that woman's attack."

"Really? Brother Ziyi? You look quite strong, is it true..."

"Your Highness, little princess, please respect yourself! If you talk about these things again, don't blame me for leaving you alone!" The middle-aged man's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be really angry.

Xianmeng snorted softly and complained: "If you don't say it, don't say it. Looking at you, you probably have a guilty conscience. Hurry up and fight, I can't wait to find out who is stronger between the two of you."

Xian Meng licked his lips, his eyes were full of longing, Lin Yi was afraid of nausea, so he didn't look at Xian Meng at all.

He turned around and quickly carved in the air, and soon, a powerful defensive barrier was drawn, covering the bodies of Mubawang and the others.

When the middle-aged man saw the defensive magic circle, his eyes flickered, and he said, "What a perfect defensive barrier. Even if I try to break this barrier with all my strength, I probably won't be able to break it in a short time. However, can you still Are you worried that I will use that despicable method? You underestimate me too."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!" Lin Yi disappeared from the room as soon as he finished speaking.

The middle-aged man sneered and disappeared immediately.

Only Mu Shuang'er and the others were left in the room, Xianmeng hadn't recovered yet, she had no idea how Lin Yi and the others disappeared.

Her eyes fell on Mu Shuang'er, and she said coldly: "You still need to protect yourself with a barrier, it seems that your strength must be very weak, hehe, this princess would like to see how strong this barrier is. You all go and try, whoever can break through the barrier, the princess will sleep with me tonight."

As soon as Xian Meng said these words, those subordinates immediately cheered up and walked towards Mu Shuang'er and the others gearing up.

Mu Bawang certainly wouldn't believe that a mere defensive barrier could stop those people.

He struggled to get up from the ground, and said very seriously: "I will deal with them, you and my wife and children, hurry up! Although I can't beat them, if you use secret techniques, it should be fine to hold them back for a while. Please ... Please help me take good care of them, this is my last plea."

Mu Bawang looked pitiful, but Mu Shuang'er's expression was very indifferent, as if he hadn't heard his words.

In fact, when Mu Bawang mentioned the words "wife and child", Mu Shuang'er's heart trembled.For the first time, she discovered that she had a father who really belonged to her father!

She shook her head lightly, and said: "Please trust my husband, he said that this enchantment can block it, then it must be no problem, just look at it."

As soon as Mu Shuang'er finished speaking, several people had already launched attacks towards the barrier, Mu Bawang's face turned pale for a while, and he clearly felt that if these attacks fell on him, he would probably be blown up directly.

However, the scene that happened soon stunned the Mubawang. When those people's attacks collided with the defensive barrier, they all bounced back, blowing those people upside down and spitting blood. God outside.

Lin Yi, who was in the universe, killed those people with a wave of his hand, very decisively and ruthlessly.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, and said, "Isn't your doing too much? Since you decided to duel with me, why did you kill them?"

Lin Yi sneered, and said, "Why kill them? Hehe, why don't you ask, why did they fly out? And the posture of flying out is so strange? I moved a little bit in the defensive barrier, as long as I attack the defensive barrier People will be bounced near me, since they appear here, it proves that they have attacked the barrier. They dare to attack my barrier, so what's wrong if I kill them?"

As soon as Lin Yi said this, the face of the middle-aged man suddenly turned cold. If this is the case, then these people really deserve to die.

Of course, he also knew that the reason why these people did what they did was absolutely inseparable from that Princess Xianmeng. If it wasn't for the promise made back then, he would never have protected this woman whom he even hated.

"Since they are looking for death, I have nothing to say. Let me introduce myself. My surname is Xue, my name is Ziyi, and my cultivation has just reached the ninth level of the Emperor Realm. Your strength is indeed good, but at your age, it should be impossible to be stronger than me Even so, you are the most talented young man I have ever seen, and you have a righteous heart. It would be a pity if you died like this. How about I help you, take Mu Bawang and the others away to kill Shenxingyu, find a hidden place to live incognito. Sigh, the Destiny Clan is not something you can compete with." Xue Ziyi sighed, his tone full of helplessness.

Lin Yi could feel the sincerity in this guy's tone. Compared with that Xianmeng princess, this guy was a completely different kind of person.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Thank you for your kindness. If you really can't beat you, I think I will consider your opinion. I have a question, since you hate that bitch so much, why do you want to be her lackey? With your strength, it seems that you don't need to do this kind of thing? Could it be that you have something to hold in her hands?"

Hearing this, Xue Ziyi showed a wry smile on his face, and said: "Little brother, there are always some things in this world that make people helpless. I really don't want to work for that kind of woman, but she is my late wife's sister after all. , I promised my wife to save her once at a critical moment. Although she is very unbearable, I, Xue Ziyi, always say what I say. If a man can't even keep his promise, is he worthy of being a man? "

Lin Yi couldn't help being moved by Xue Ziyi's words, and his affection for him increased a little.

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and said: "Since you said that, then I have nothing else to say. Let's see the real tricks under my hands. By the way, I would like to remind you, don't take it lightly, my strength is not bad."

Lin Yi took a step forward, and the power that had been hidden all this time burst out suddenly, and the powerful aura instantly swept across the entire Killing God Starfield.On the Killing God Planet, those whose cultivation level was lower than that of the god generals were paralyzed for a while, unable to even stand up in battle.

On Killing God Planet, in a hidden valley, a group of women raised their heads at the same time and looked at the sky with extremely solemn expressions.

Near those women, an old man with white hair, white clothes and white skin was lying on the ground, his body and face were covered with blood, and he was beaten into a big pig's head, looking extremely miserable.

He struggled to raise his head, looked at the group of women, and said with great difficulty: "You... who are you? Where did this old man provoke you? are talking..."

(End of this chapter)

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