Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1426 Don't need to be so nervous

Chapter 1426 Don't need to be so nervous

Those women were of course Bai Bingbing and the others, and the miserable old man lying on the ground, who else could it be if it wasn't Xing Jiulong?

Before they traveled through time and space, they had heard of Xing Jiulong's name. Not only was he a shrinking turtle, but he was also so rude. They wanted to fix him a long time ago.

However, before they could do anything, Lin Yi shot and killed him, which made them feel very annoyed.

This time, they can travel through time and space to 6000 years ago. Of course, they must take this opportunity to give Xing Jiulong a good beating.

They didn't seem to hear Xing Jiulong's call, but looked up at the sky with a very solemn expression.

"Strange, didn't my husband say that you can't go too far after traveling through time and space? Judging by his current appearance, it seems that he has gone too far than us." Bai Bingbing said with a puzzled expression.

"Husband must have his reasons for doing this, we just need to do our own thing." Mei Ji smiled, she was not worried about Lin Yi at all.

Her eyes fell on Xing Jiulong, and she said with a smile: "You really didn't provoke us, but who stipulated that if you don't provoke us, we won't beat you? A turtle like you, even when your family is in crisis Ignoring old guy, even if he kills you, you will be responsible for it!"

As Meiji was talking, she slapped out again, sending Xing Jiulong flying, hitting the stone wall hard.

It was the first time that Xing Jiulong was so aggrieved after reaching the Emperor Realm. This feeling was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Don't force people too much, at worst, I will die with you!" Xing Jiulong got up from the ground, his old face was flushed, as if he could bleed.

Bai Bingbing slapped him again, flew him away, hit him again, and hit him in a mess.

"To die together? With your strength, you still want to die together, it's ridiculous! My old lady beat you again, what can you do to my old lady?" Bai Bingbing said disdainfully.

Xing Jiulong's anger finally climbed to the extreme, without saying a word, he immediately prepared to explode his soul and fight desperately with the girls.

However, as soon as his divine soul started to burn, Bing'er stretched out his finger, and a burst of innate black ice power shot out, hitting him.

Xing Jiulong's self-detonation was immediately stopped, and his whole body was frozen into a lump of ice. It was extremely painful to look like that.

"I can't continue to provoke him anymore. If he really blows himself up, the matter will become a big mess. Let's go and see how the husband is doing, maybe he still needs our help." Bing'er said very seriously, all the girls nodded, Agree.

Ever since, Xing Jiulong just watched the girls leave, and Bai Bingbing's voice echoed in his ears: "For the time being, I will spare you this time, if I let my old lady see you again, I will beat you once!"

The anger in Xing Jiulong's heart was about to explode!Since when did he become a turtle?In the past, when the God-killing clan was in crisis, he took action, okay?He was so aggrieved by the sudden beating!

However, after experiencing the fear of self-explosion just now, he never dared to self-explosion again.These women are too terrifying. In front of them, he couldn't even blow himself up. If those women were not merciful, his life would be gone.

Thinking of those women's tricks just now, he felt his scalp tingling, and he secretly swore in his heart that this time, he would definitely go to the death test, and he would never come out again unless his cultivation was raised to a level where he could compete with them!

Bai Bingbing and the others don't know that the reason why Xing Jiulong became a shrinking turtle is mainly related to them. This is probably the first unjust case in the history of the killing gods.

In the cosmic space, Lin Yi has collided with Xue Ziyi many times. Xue Ziyi finally realized how stupid his idea just now was. That is to say, the current Lin Yi is not in the strongest state at all.

Lin Yi, who is not in the strongest state, has already abused him like this. If Lin Yi regains his full strength, how long can he last?

Thinking of this, a trace of cold sweat dripped down his forehead. What kind of power is capable of cultivating such a genius? Even the Destiny Clan can't do it!

Soon, Bai Bingbing and the others appeared not far behind Lin Yi. Lin Yi didn't look back, but smiled lightly, and said, "Why, have you enjoyed the game? I thought you would have to toss around for a while!"

The goddesses were slightly stunned. Hearing what Lin Yi said, how dare Lin Yi see clearly when they beat someone?

"Hmph, so you have been watching us all this time, so you are so worried about us? By the way, why did you change your appearance? Are you afraid that someone will recognize you..." Before Bai Bingbing finished speaking, Lin Yibai With a glance, she immediately reacted and stopped talking.

Xue Ziyi's face changed slightly. Although Bai Bingbing and the others were not stronger than him, they were all real strongmen in the imperial realm, and they were not too old.He was very puzzled, when did so many masters appear in the Creation God Realm? This situation is extremely strange.

What's more, Bai Bingbing's words also caught his attention. It turned out that this kid used the disguise technique, and he could still hide the disguise technique from him. He had never thought about such a thing before.

Then, Bai Bingbing and the others all changed their faces in front of him, Xue Ziyi was even more puzzled, he could see their appearance clearly, is it meaningful to change their faces now?Could it be that Lin Yi and the others wanted to kill people to silence them?
Thinking of this, his expression became more vigilant, looking at Lin Yi very unkindly, waiting for Lin Yi's next attack.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Yi smiled, and said, "Xue Ziyi, why are you so nervous? Don't worry, this is a battle between the two of us. My wives are just spectators and won't make a move."

Xue Ziyi couldn't laugh at all, and he didn't know Lin Yi well, so he wouldn't believe what Lin Yi said.

He was not Lin Yi's opponent in the first place, and now with these women who have reached the emperor's realm, he is absolutely doomed!

Xue Ziyi chuckled and said: "I already know your secrets, can I still live? However, I don't care anymore, since the day I promised my wife, I have predicted today's ending. However, you It's not that easy to kill me, you should understand this."

Lin Yi was a little dazed, and smiled lightly: "What are you talking about? When did I say I was going to kill you? You know it yourself. How can it be so easy to kill if you have reached the ninth level of the Emperor Realm? A few times, but most of them rely on external help, and those guys are stupid. I really don't know how to deal with a master of the ninth level of the Emperor Realm by myself. So, don't worry. , don't be so nervous."

(End of this chapter)

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