Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1427 Unless I am mentally ill

Chapter 1427 Unless I am mentally ill

Xue Ziyi couldn't describe his mood at the moment, his only thought was, is Lin Yi teasing him on purpose?

Lin Yi actually killed several of the ninth-level powerhouses in the Emperor Realm. Is this something that people do?Is it true that the powerhouses at the ninth level of the imperial realm are bedbugs, and they trampled one to death?He has never thought of such a thing as being able to solve the ninth-level powerhouse of the imperial realm with the help of external force!
"Can I be okay if I'm not nervous?" Xue Ziyi said angrily. While speaking, a black shadow suddenly shot out from the Killing God Star.

Xue Ziyi took a look, and his scalp suddenly exploded. The situation is so serious, why doesn't that woman stop?
Xianmeng had been brewing for a long time before deciding to attack the barrier, but she didn't dare to use too much force, so she just swung her sword and slashed.

But she didn't know, not to mention slashing a sword, even if she breathed on the barrier, she would be sent flying to Lin Yi immediately.

When Xianmeng saw Lin Yi, her little heart jumped wildly, and the light of "seeking abuse" flashed in her eyes. Lin Yi absolutely believed that this woman was a shaky m at all!

He swung his knife subconsciously, and a dazzling light shot out, locking onto Xianmeng.For such a vicious woman, Lin Yi didn't need any mercy.

Xian Meng's face turned pale immediately, she didn't expect that Lin Yi would attack her without hesitation, could it be that her beauty really didn't attract Lin Yi at all?
Xue Ziyi's complexion changed suddenly, and in a flash, he appeared in front of Xianmeng, and swung his knife desperately to offset Lin Yi's knife light.

The huge shock force caused him to fly upside down and hit Xianmeng's body, but with this impact, Xianmeng spat out a mouthful of blood and suffered serious injuries.

Lin Yi sighed softly, and said, "Why is this so? You clearly know that this woman is not worth saving, but you still work so hard, I really feel unworthy for you."

Xue Ziyi panted, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Why are you so desperately protecting the Mubawang family? You even sacrificed your life force to treat them. Is it really necessary to do this?"

When Xue Ziyi said this, his smile suddenly became more playful. He looked at Lin Yi, and his voice sounded in Lin Yi's mind: "Princess Xianmeng, you can't kill, don't you feel that when you shot just now, The law of time has changed? If you really kill her, you must be the first to be unlucky, right? Hehe, is the forbidden technique of time travel really good to use?"

Xue Ziyi's words made Lin Yi's face change suddenly. He didn't expect that Xue Ziyi's sense was so keen that he could see the clue all at once.

Indeed, Xianmeng cannot die. When she was in danger of life just now, Lin Yi and the others also felt the crisis of death. In other words, if he killed Xianmeng, they would have changed history.It is conceivable that the outcome of changing history is to be destroyed by the power of law!

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and said via voice transmission: "What do you mean by that? I just came back to find out the truth about something, and I didn't intend to do anything evil. You don't need to be so excited. Besides, everything is now Isn't it all good? This proves that everything I did was right, so am I wrong?"

"You are playing with fire! Can you guarantee that there will be no problems with your next step? Do you really think that your strength is so strong that you can be arrogant? Even if you are stronger than me, so what? The Destiny Clan is stronger than you There must be more than one person! They are the masters of the entire primordial universe, and if you travel through time and space, even if you slap them in the face, they will never let it go!" Xue Ziyi's sound transmission was extremely cold and harsh, although it was harsh, but Lin Yi was able to He could hear some concern.

All the girls felt a little strange, why did the two of them just look at each other without saying a word?Are these two men in love?
After Xianmeng calmed down the surging qi and blood, seeing Xue Ziyi's state, he immediately cursed: "Xue Ziyi, what the hell are you doing! Kill him quickly! I don't want him to be a furnace! My old lady wants his life! And those women, they all have to die! No, don’t kill those women, this princess wants to torture them one by one, make their life worse than death, kneel down and beg this princess to kill them!"

Xianmeng's words made Xue Ziyi's scalp tingle for a while, this woman is not only cheap, she is clearly stupid!

Didn't she see that Lin Yi's strength is the strongest here, and that group of women's strength is also terrifying?Didn't she see that the lives of the two of them were now in Lin Yi's hands, and Lin Yi could kill him if he wanted to, and they couldn't resist at all?Didn't she know that what she said would make the matter completely out of control, with no room for maneuver?
Lin Yi was very calm, but the girls couldn't calm down anymore.

Bai Bingbing snorted coldly, and said: "Fantasy big carrot, what kind of a woman is this woman? Could it be that you fell in love with this woman, and then abandoned her all the time, so that she said these words? Your speed is too fast Well, with such a short amount of time, it’s not enough to go to bed, right? How on earth did you do it?”

Lin Yi's forehead was suddenly covered with black lines, and he said angrily: "Hey, your imagination is too rich, right? I'll always give up? How could I always give up on this kind of woman? Unless I'm mentally ill !"

Lin Yi quickly introduced Xianmeng to the girls. After listening to Lin Yi's explanation, the girls all turned blue. There are such women in the world?Even the "missing women" can't do this step, can they?

"So this woman is so cheap? Husband, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now, I apologize to you." Bai Bingbing's voice immediately softened a lot, and the eyes that looked at Xianmeng were full of contempt and disgust.

Xianmeng snorted coldly, and said: "You women are really stupid. Could it be that we women can't build our own harem like men? Look at yourselves, you are obviously very good, why you only choose to commit yourself to one man, and So many people share, what is your brain is not sick? Look at me, as many men as you want, as many men as you want, and as many sizes as you want, no one can hinder me, this is true happiness .On the other hand, you guys, hehe, I feel really sad for you!"

Xianmeng's words made the faces of all the girls even uglier, this woman is not only cheap, she is cheap to the bone.It's fine if you don't know how to repent, but she still wants to assimilate them with "great principles", which is really ridiculous.

Seeing the expressions of the girls, Xianmeng's smile became more intense, and said: "I knew you had been brainwashed by that man, thinking that this kind of behavior is cheap. It doesn't matter, the princess has changed her mind and won't kill you After I arrest you all, I will let you enjoy the happiness of the harem, and then you will know that your previous life was wasted, and I am your savior, saving you from the sea of ​​fire !"

(End of this chapter)

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