Chapter 1428
Xian Meng straightened her back, and when she said these words, she actually felt very proud.

Xue Ziyi suddenly broke out in cold sweat, wanting to slap this idiot to death?It's a woman, this woman's ability to pull hatred is definitely top ten!
However, what surprised Xue Ziyi was that the girls didn't have any angry expressions, but just looked stupid?He looked at Xianmeng with eyes like eyes, with a hint of pity in his eyes.

You can't blame God for being stupid, but you can only blame your mouth for being killed.

Lin Yi took a long breath, looked at Xue Ziyi, and said, "What else do you want to say now? Do you have any reason for me not to kill her?"

Xue Ziyi's face was a bit tangled. To be honest, if it were him, I'm afraid he couldn't help but extinguish the fairy dream.

"Hey, my little princess, can you stop talking? To tell you the truth, I am not his opponent even if it is just a one-on-one fight with him, let alone them together. So, if you really want to die, you Just continue to mock, there is nothing I can do." Xue Ziyi smiled wryly, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

Xianmeng's pretty face froze immediately, and she forgot to breathe for a moment. She looked at Lin Yi in a daze, and said, "No... isn't it? Could it be that his strength is stronger than yours? You are at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm... ..."

Xue Ziyi smiled wryly, sighed softly, and said, "So what about the Ninth Layer of the Emperor Realm? If I could really beat him, how could I stop the blow just now so hard? Besides, he hasn't shown his true strength until now. Strength, has always been merciful!"

Xianmeng's face was even more ugly, she knew that Xue Ziyi's words were 100% not a lie.Xue Ziyi can't even deal with them alone, how can he deal with all of them?

Thinking of this, she immediately lost her temper, and hid pitifully behind Xue Ziyi, as obedient as a little quail.

Seeing her like this, Lin Yi sneered and said, "It might be too late now, right? Xue Ziyi, you haven't given me an answer to what I asked you just now. I want to know what else you have to say. ?”

Xue Ziyi frowned, and said: "I know, what the little princess did, every word and deed, is very damnable, and she deserves to die! But since I promised to protect her, I will do my best to protect her, absolutely not There will be a little bit of backing down, this is my promise from Xue Ziyi, if you want to kill her, kill me first!"

When Xue Ziyi said this, he suddenly sent a voice transmission: "Don't forget that if you kill her, it is tantamount to tampering with history. You must not be able to afford this kind of result, right?"

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth. This guy is quite interesting. If you use sound transmission for such a critical thing, you don't want Xianmeng to hear it. On this point, Lin Yi is very satisfied.

However, there is one thing he can't figure out. Since history has acquiesced in his existence, why can't he kill Xianmeng?For an unbearable slut like Xianmeng, I really feel sorry for the audience if she doesn't die!Are there any other variables?
Thinking of this, Lin Yi's expression suddenly became tense. The development of the matter is definitely not that simple, but Lin Yi has not discovered the key point yet.

"Husband, this woman must die, otherwise I will not be relieved!" Mu Shuang'er's voice suddenly sounded behind Lin Yi, Lin Yi's mind was shocked, and a black shadow flashed past him, He rushed directly towards Xianmeng, full of murderous aura.

Xue Ziyi's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly tried to stop it, but he didn't dare to use his big move, for fear of hurting Mu Shuang'er and making Lin Yi angry.

However, just as he raised his hand, Xianmeng's sneer suddenly sounded, and then, a sword light shot out from behind him and shot towards Mu Shuang'er.

This sword light contained an extremely fierce killing intent, which instantly pierced Lin Yi's aura. Lin Yi's hair stood on end, and he quickly used the law of space to block Mu Shuang'er.

There was only a dull explosion, and the sword light instantly disintegrated Lin Yi's defensive mask and collided with his body.

Even though Lin Yi practiced the Golden Body Art, the sword light still penetrated into Lin Yi's body, frantically destroying the meridians in his body, and even began to attack the soul.

Lin Yi quickly gathered all his strength to suppress the sword light, and activated the God of Destiny Needle to speed up the recovery of his body, so that he managed to withstand the wave of shock dangerously.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, hugged Mu Shuang'er tightly, and appeared beside the girls in the blink of an eye.

The faces of all the girls changed, and they immediately surrounded Lin Yi. At this moment, a burst of laughter came from Xianmeng's mouth, which was very ear-piercing.

"Hahaha, continue to be arrogant with this princess! Aren't you amazing? In the eyes of this princess, you are a piece of trash, a piece of trash, and you have the face to speak nonsense here. It's ridiculous! To tell you the truth, this is me. One of the three sword qis given to me by my father, each one is so powerful, it is indeed remarkable that you can resist it once without dying, but do you think you can block it twice? This princess only needs to release one more , can kill all of you, leaving no one behind!" Xianmeng said here, her eyes fell on Xue Ziyi, and said: "Xue Ziyi, now that kid has been seriously injured, and the rest are just some weak chickens , if you can't even solve them, then you don't need to live, just go down and accompany my good sister."

Xianmeng's words made Xue Ziyi's face change slightly. All along, he has been hiding his relationship with sister Xianmeng and silently protecting Xianmeng. Why does Xianmeng know?

Seeing Xue Ziyi's appearance, Xianmeng couldn't help laughing out loud, and said, "Why, my good brother-in-law, are you wondering why I know the relationship between you and my sister? It's very simple, I My sister told me, didn't you?"

"Your sister told you? Why didn't I know? She..."

"Brother-in-law, can you stop talking nonsense? Now the enemy is in front of you, and the strongest one has been disabled. Could it be that such a garbage lineup, you, a master of the ninth level of the emperor, can't solve it? Man, you can't be so cowardly, Show a little bit of your strength, okay? Sigh, no wonder my sister was killed by bad guys back then, brother-in-law, you are so cowardly, what kind of enemy can you deal with?" Xianmeng sighed and shook her head.

These words are heartbreaking!

Xue Ziyi's face was suddenly gloomy, Xianmeng clearly wanted to push him into the limelight and force him and Lin Yi to work hard!
However, he had to work hard, because Xianmeng hit his pain point, which was the fact that he had been escaping all along, but he couldn't escape it!
Back then, he and his wife were besieged by a group of mysterious people, they were outnumbered, and his wife died protecting him.

He only hated himself for being too weak, unable to protect the most important person in his life, the despair at that moment, he still can't forget it to this day!

He took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on Lin Yi, his eyes were extremely complicated.

However, when Xian Meng's words echoed in his mind, his expression became resolute again, and he said, "I'm sorry, little brother, although I'm taking advantage of others by doing this, I have to do it, I'm offended! "

(End of this chapter)

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