Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1430 1 Slap to death

Chapter 1430 Slap to death
Mo Hao's words were too irritating, Lin Yi's face suddenly turned cold, and he subconsciously said: "How is this possible? Isn't the ancestor Hongjun missing a long time ago? How could he become the father of this bitch woman? Could it be that Destiny Clan Was he the one who created it? By the way, the Destiny Clan, that is, the Immortal Clan, the ancestor of the Immortal Clan seems to be Hongjun Patriarch!"

"It's just speculation now, don't think too much about it. Maybe a descendant of that old guy Hongjun has cultivated to a very high level, so he exerted a power similar to him."

Lin Yi was taken aback by Mo Hao's words. He had no idea what was going on with Mo Hao. Hearing his tone, the old man seemed to be speaking for Hongjun Patriarch!
"What, old man Mo Hao, what's wrong with you? Didn't you just say that the sword energy must belong to the ancestor Hongjun? Why did you suddenly change the word?" Lin Yi wondered.

Mo Hao's complexion changed, and he said: "I'm just telling the truth. Although this sword energy is too similar to that old guy Hongjun, it is impossible for him to have such a disgusting daughter. To be honest, even a bystander like me will see it." I can't go on anymore. If I had such a daughter, I would probably slap her to death directly, and I won't let her come out to harm others."

Lin Yi couldn't help applauding Mo Hao's words. He was a little puzzled, when did this old man have such a sense of justice? Could it be that he has become a good man under his influence?
Lin Yi didn't have time to think about this, the sword energy had already invaded his body again, and began to attack his body, soul, and soul. Although this attack would not kill him, it was extremely uncomfortable, like cutting flesh directly.

Lin Yi could only endure the pain, and slowly dissipate the sword energy, and then force it out of his body, not daring to be careless at all.

But at this moment, Xue Ziyi suddenly slashed at him with a knife. This knife was obviously fatal. After burning his soul, his cultivation level climbed to another level, reaching the late stage of the ninth level of the emperor's realm. This force is enough to threaten Lin Yi .

In a hurry, Lin Yi could only barely hold up the evil knife to block, but how could he block Xue Ziyi with his single-mindedness?
Hearing a miserable groan, Lin Yi's body was blown away. This kind of thing is obviously what he often does to others, but today, he was blown away by someone's blow.

Seeing this, all the girls immediately used a combined formation to fuse together. When things have developed to this point, what bullshit sword energy are they worried about?
The Valkyries led by Bing'er suddenly rushed towards Lin Yi and the others. No matter what, they couldn't let Lin Yi have trouble.

"Stupid women, since you want to die, then the princess will send you a ride!" A sneer suddenly sounded near the Valkyrie, and then, a sharp sword qi shot towards the Valkyrie, bringing a wave of destruction force.

After the fusion of the women, although the attack power has increased a lot, it is only a pure increase in divine power, and the power of the soul has not increased much.

When this sword energy struck, Bing'er immediately used the power of innate black ice to block it.

The power of the innate profound ice is worthy of being the power of the most yin and the coldest, and it actually freezes the sword energy.However, this kind of freezing only persisted for three seconds before the Xuanbing completely shattered, and the power of the sword energy remained undiminished, colliding with the Valkyrie.

Lin Yi's expression changed drastically, and with a loud roar, he forcibly knocked Xue Ziyi flying, and then flew towards the Valkyrie.

However, before he rushed to the Valkyrie, the sword energy penetrated the Valkyrie's body and smashed the Valkyrie to pieces.

After the Valkyries were crushed, they turned into severely injured women.The blood spurted out of the mouths of all the girls, and they were all sent flying.

Lin Yi's figure turned into more than a dozen, and rushed towards the girls respectively, catching their bodies.

Lin Yi's complexion was much paler than before. He really didn't expect that he traveled through time and space with full confidence, but in the end he was forced to such an extent.

He didn't even expect that there was a Destiny Clan hidden in this Creation God Realm, and such a powerful Destiny Clan turned into a living turtle, so that even a small mosquito demon could be so rampant.

Don't those guys know about the mosquito demon's capture of the Demon Realm?Don't they know about Chu Lingtian's various evil deeds?Or are those guys simply closing their eyes and letting those villains mess around?

However, Lin Yi didn't have time to think about it. The condition of all the girls was not very good, and each of them was seriously injured.Lin Yi could only use his avatar to rescue them with all his strength, and with the assistance of various panaceas, he stabilized the injuries of the girls.

The Xianmeng at the side unexpectedly swept away his sluggish state, and the whole person seemed to be full of energy, and his state was fully recovered.

She was about to launch an attack on Lin Yi, when Xue Ziyi's figure suddenly flashed, and stood in front of Xianmeng, saying: "Your Highness, it's almost ready, and it's meaningless to kill them all."

"Oh? Didn't you attack very violently just now? Why did you suddenly become this useless again? Could it be that you still want to keep them?" Xian Meng said bluntly, exuding an aggressive murderous aura.

In fact, even Xue Ziyi couldn't figure it out, what did Xianmeng do?Just now, Xianmeng was still looking like he was about to die. After a while, Xianmeng not only fully recovered from his injuries, but also seemed to have increased his cultivation by one or two layers. Xue Ziyi couldn't see what kind of magic was used. understood.

Xue Ziyi's spirit was still burning, he struggled to stabilize his spirit, and suddenly found a big hole in his chest, which Xue Ziyi penetrated just like that.

The figure of Xianmeng appeared behind Xue Ziyi. She wiped her mouth and said with a smile: "Finally, I don't have to listen to your nonsense. It feels so good. Is this the power of the ninth-level powerhouse of the Emperor Realm? Compared with those trash Come on, the taste is so much better, even...better than my sister's taste!"

Xianmeng's words made Xue Ziyi's words stuck in his throat. He stared at Xianmeng dumbfounded and said, "You...what are you talking about? Say it again!"

"Do you want me to say it again? Oh, it's so boring, my good brother-in-law, what is there to say about this kind of fact? Even if I say it, is it good for you? Now you I don’t have any power anymore, how can I do anything to me? Do you really think that this princess is a lustful person, and can’t wait to have sex with a man to get a strong sense of satisfaction? Huh! It’s ridiculous! This princess wants to become stronger, But the aptitude of this body is pitifully poor. I had no choice but to take that step and plunder all kinds of powerful aptitudes to make my own aptitude stronger. I was planning to show you my aptitude after hundreds of years. My strength, but I never expected that I would meet my destined enemy. Hehe, this is God's will, since God is destined to do this, then I can only follow the sky and accept it all!"

(End of this chapter)

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