Chapter 1431 Useless at all

When Xianmeng said this, she was a little emotional. In her opinion, everything is a foregone conclusion, and no one can change it.

Xue Ziyi's lips trembled, and suddenly he grabbed Xianmeng's collar and yelled at her: "I want you to tell me! Was it you who besieged us back then!"

Xianmeng glanced at him indifferently, then waved Xue Ziyi's hands and separated from his arms.But he still stared at Xianmeng viciously, and blood began to bleed from his eye sockets.

Xianmeng sighed, and said: "Why is this so? It's really boring. If I say such an obvious thing again, I will feel very guilty. But there is no way, this princess can't understand you two. This look of love and affection, plus I am very interested in my sister's physique, of course I have to try my best to devour it, and then transform it into my own strength! Such a simple truth, don't you understand ?My qualifications and cultivation are not good, but I can absorb more external forces to improve myself. One day, I will surpass my father and even my ancestors. At that time, who else would dare to provoke me? ,Hahaha……"

Xianmeng laughed even more crazily, and Xue Ziyi's whole body went limp, as if he had lost all strength.

"It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous! Thanks to your sister, when she sacrificed her life to save me, she asked me to do my best to protect you in the future. Now it seems that your sister and I are too stupid, so stupid that there is no cure, hahahaha ..." Xue Ziyi laughed until the end, tears fell down.Judging from his current miserable state, he has no ability to resist.

Lin Yi placed all the girls together, excessively consuming divine power and soul power, which made him in a very bad state at this time.

When he heard what Xianmeng said just now, his face became even more gloomy, and his murderous aura broke out uncontrollably.This woman should be killed, no matter what, he will kill her!

"Boy Lin Yi, what do you want to do? You are in a very bad state now. If you try to be brave again, you will die!" Mo Hao's voice rang in Lin Yi's mind. Of course he knew Lin Yi's real situation. If Lin Yi accidentally died in the past, that would be too fucked up!
Lin Yi's eyes were cold, and he said in a cold voice: "I don't die so easily, if I don't kill that woman, I can't swallow my breath!"

Lin Yi's eyes flickered with golden flames, and then his aura began to recover quickly, and he returned to its peak state in a short while.

The complexions of the girls suddenly changed. They knew that Lin Yi was burning his soul and forcibly improving his own strength!

Xianmeng was very calm, she seemed to have guessed that Lin Yi would do this, she looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and said: "Only cowards can use the method of burning the soul, I didn't expect you to be a coward too. However, a coward It doesn't matter, I will make you a real man."

Xianmeng's tone was full of playfulness, while Lin Yi broke away from the hands of the girls and walked towards Xianmeng step by step.

Xue Ziyi seemed to have lost his soul. At this time, not only was he seriously injured physically, but his mental trauma was even worse.Coupled with the fact that his original power was swallowed by Xianmeng, he couldn't live long at all.

As Lin Yi walked towards Xianmeng, he said indifferently: "Coward? Just you, a bitch, what qualifications do you have to call other people cowards? You exist from the beginning to the end to disgust others. I really don't know, you How dare you survive."

Xianmeng raised her eyebrows, and said with a light smile, "You're still trying to use your tongue with me? Hehe, I can meet your needs. However, I just don't know, is your tongue as dexterous and sharp as your mouth?"

Seeing that Lin Yi's eyes had returned to the lustful light before, Xianmeng felt as if he had been determined for a long time.

Lin Yi took a step, and his figure appeared beside Xue Ziyi. He looked down at Xue Ziyi, and said coldly: "You just gave up like this? Your woman was killed by others. How can you still pretend to be dead so calmly?"

Xue Ziyi's gray face slowly lifted up, looked at Lin Yi dully, and said, "What else can I do? I'm just a dying person, revenge? What should I use to get revenge?"

"Of course you use your own hands, do you want me to do it for you? Stand up for me, and join me in killing this bitch!" Lin Yi said coldly, the Divine Needle of Destiny flew out of his body and penetrated into it. Xue Ziyi's body quickly treated him.

Seeing this scene, Xianmeng found it extremely ridiculous, and couldn't help laughing out loud, saying: "You still want to save him? His origin has been swallowed by me, what else can you do to save him? Could it be that you still want to save him? Can you recreate the origin for him? If you can even do this, you can do whatever you want me to do."

"Really? All I know is that you talk like fart, so you'd better close your mouth that has contained so many dirty things, and just watch it obediently." Lin Yi looked extremely indifferent , looking at Xianmeng's eyes, as if looking at a fool? .

Xian Meng's face turned cold, and she snorted coldly, and took the initiative to attack Lin Yi, stabbing with a sword like a bamboo.

The three sword qis have been exhausted, so Lin Yi doesn't have to worry about this bitch's tricks anymore, but he is still a little curious. This bitch knows that he is burning his soul and desperately, so why is Mao not afraid?Could it be that this woman has some tricks?
Thinking of this, Lin Yi didn't dare to take it lightly, brandishing the evil knife, facing Xianmeng with a single knife.

There was a sound of gold and iron colliding, and Lin Yi's knife collided with Xianmeng's sword. In an instant, even the space was shaken to pieces, and a large area collapsed.

Lin Yi's face suddenly sank, this woman is really not simple, the power of this sword has reached the level of the ninth level of the Emperor Realm!

Xianmeng looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and said, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you something. After this princess devours the origin of this coward, her cultivation can be promoted to the ninth level of the Emperor Realm in a short time. It can be maintained for a long time, but it can still deal with you. The power you get from burning your soul can't last, now it depends on which of us can last longer."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and said: "It seems that I have really underestimated you, but you are too naive to want to defeat me with this strength alone. Heaven's Punishment Three Gods Seal, Heaven's Seal!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, Xianmeng's expression changed immediately, and she immediately stretched out a hand to meet Lin Yi's seal of attracting the sky.

In an instant, a dazzling white light burst out, and the seal of the sky slapped Xianmeng fiercely, sending Xianmeng flying, and then slammed into a meteorite not far away.

With a bang, the meteorite was smashed into pieces, and Lin Yi's face was a little pale. The consumption of the seal of heaven was too great, which made the situation worse for him who was already drinking poison to quench his thirst.

However, he was basically sure that Xianmeng's situation was definitely not much better than his. It would be difficult for him to withstand the [-]% powerful Heaven's Seal at such a close distance.

However, soon his face became very ugly, he clearly felt that the aura of Xianmeng was not only still there, but also stronger than before,
"The Heavenly Punishment Three Divine Seals in the God's Punishment Palace, I never thought that after the Heavenly Punishment Lord was killed, there would still be people who could learn this move. But it's a pity, this move is of no use to our Destiny Clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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