Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1432 Pleas Not Guilty

Chapter 1432 Pleas Not Guilty
Xianmeng's tone was a bit playful, and then slowly appeared in Lin Yi's astonished eyes, and it really felt the same as Lin Yi, Xianmeng was really unharmed!

Seeing Lin Yi's surprised look, Xian Meng's smile became more intense. She seemed very satisfied with Lin Yi's current expression.

"Boy Lin Yi, now you finally know why I told you not to fight? Judging from the current state of that girl, she is definitely a descendant of that old guy Hongjun. Hongjun originally cultivated the power of heaven, you That day's Punishment Sanshen Seal itself was based on the power of heaven. For her, the power you exerted can be directly converted into "nutrients" for cultivation. Therefore, your chances of winning against this girl this time are really too small. " Mo Hao's voice sounded in Lin Yi's Soul Realm, he has always had no reservations about Lin Yi, and he has something to say.

After hearing his narration, Lin Yi frowned immediately, and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier? In hindsight, it's really interesting?"

Mo Hao coughed lightly, and said: "Didn't I not make sure just now? By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Now I am in conflict with the body of this world, so I can't use my power to help you. So, you You have to be prepared to fight alone. Speaking of it, I can talk to you, which is pretty good, unlike those trees, who can’t even talk to you..."

"Then I really have to thank you for chatting with me to relieve the boredom. If you have nothing to do, please go to sleep. I don't need you to worry about it here." Lin Yi said indifferently, Mo Hao, this guy, can't help but is still talking there. He even provoked him on purpose, Lin Yi didn't want to hear this guy's voice again.

Mo Hao was also self-conscious, and quickly fell silent, leaving only one voice echoing in Lin Yi's mind: "If you figure it out, I can take you away, there is only one chance, you have to think clearly..."

Lin Yi hummed lightly, looked at Xianmeng who was complacent, and said: "The descendants of ancestor Hongjun are really extraordinary, but unfortunately, his reputation as an old man has been ruined by you, a bitch. Since The Heaven's Punishment Three God Seal is ineffective on you, so I can only use more direct means to deal with you."

Lin Yi clenched the evil knife tightly, and a steady stream of murderous aura emerged from his body. At this moment, these murderous auras actually aroused the original murderous aura of the entire Death God Starfield. The feeling was very similar to the previous fight with Mo Xin.

"Able to arouse the original murderous aura of the Killing God Starfield, who is this senior? However, this way, the movement is too big, and the Killing God Clan will probably take action!" Mu Bawang looked bitter, his body As the Lord of the Killing God Starfield, he can clearly sense these changes.

Suddenly, he made up his mind, looked at Qingrou, and said, "Rou'er, take Shuang'er away from the Killing God Starfield first, the farther you go, the better. I have to help that senior, you are here, I worried."

Qingrou instinctively wanted to refuse, but when she saw the infant child, she could only nod her head and said: "I understand, I will take Shuang'er away right now, you have to be careful, don't just die like this!"

"Don't worry, I am the patriarch of the God-killing Clan, and the Destiny Clan will not take anger at me for such a trivial matter. After all, our God-killing Clan is also very important to the Destiny Clan. I will leave a mark on you, After this matter subsides, I will find a way to find you!" Mu Bawang said very seriously, and after Qingrou nodded, he arranged for his men to send Qingrou and her mother away.

Although Mu Shuang'er was seriously injured, she still heard Mu Bawang's words. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she muttered to herself: "So the truth is like this. It seems that I really misunderstood him."

As soon as Mu Shuang'er finished speaking, countless figures flew out from the Killing God Star, all of whom were strong members of the Killing God Clan.

Xian Meng glanced at those people, and snorted coldly: "Why are you trash running out now? You only came out until now, did you think that the princess died and wanted to come out to celebrate collecting the body?"

Hearing this, the strong men of the God-killing Clan turned pale and dared not speak.At this time, Mu Bawang's figure suddenly appeared in front of those people, staring at Xianmeng sternly, and shouted: "The members of the Killing God Clan are obeying orders, this demon girl intends to destroy our Killing God Clan, her heart is to be punished! We kill Although the God Clan is weak, we are still proud! If we bow our heads to this demon girl today, then the God-killing Clan will no longer exist!"

"Hahaha, Mubawang, how dare you say it! I am a demon girl? I intend to destroy the God-killing Clan? How ridiculous! This princess wants to destroy the God-killing Clan, it's just a matter of thought, who among you can stop me? You are arrogant, right? I want to see how arrogant you are!" Xianmeng erupted with an incomparably terrifying aura, under the oppression of this aura, the masters of the Killing God Clan had no room to resist at all. This is simply the gap between heaven and earth!
Mu Bawang's face was also full of shock, he did not expect Xianmeng's strength to suddenly increase so much, this strength, I am afraid that only those sealed ancestors can contend.However, how dare he let those old ancestors out, it will definitely make more chaos!
Lin Yi let out a long breath, flew to Mubawang, and said, "Patriarch Mu, you should take your people and leave quickly. A battle of this level is not something you can contend with. As for those elders of your killing god clan Ancestors, please don't let them out, they are going crazy, and they are no more difficult to deal with than this bitch."

Mu Bawang's face suddenly changed. He didn't expect that Lin Yi even knew the biggest secret of their killing god clan. This kind of thing is really unbelievable!

When he was wondering, those masters of the god-killing clan surrounded him and Lin Yi in the middle.

One of the black-clothed old men who had reached the seventh level of the God-Emperor Realm saluted Xianmeng and said, "Your Highness, I wonder if we can help you? As long as you give me an order, we will go through fire and water, and we will do whatever we want!"

Mu Bawang's eyes widened immediately, and he exclaimed: "Third Elder, are you crazy? She wants to destroy our God-killing clan, but you still want to be her lackey, what are you..."

"Mubawang! Don't think that your name is loud, you are really an invincible overlord! Don't forget, the reason why our killing gods can recover their vitality and develop rapidly is all thanks to Her Royal Highness! Your Royal Highness How can you destroy our God-killing clan if you only think about it for the sake of our God-killing clan? But you, as the patriarch of our God-killing clan and the husband of Her Majesty the Princess, have joined forces with outsiders to do such rebellious things. Doing it is the real crime of treason, according to the family rules, it should be punished with death, do you plead guilty or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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