Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1433 Destiny Excalibur

Chapter 1433 Destiny Excalibur
The third elder looked aggressive, and Mu Bawang was dumbfounded. He never expected that his own clan would attack him.

Lin Yi chuckled and said: "Patriarch Mu, don't be so surprised. Good birds choose trees to live in. These people will follow you without such a powerful master? Isn't this a joke? However, these guys have It's stupid, they didn't find out, and I'm actually not easy to mess with!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, he waved a half-moon-shaped knife light, which quickly passed through the waists of the masters, and then disappeared.

Lin Yi glanced at the astonished Mubawang, and said with a light smile, "Patriarch Mu, you'd better go back and clean up the clan, otherwise, your title as patriarch will only be a joke."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the bodies of those masters began to stagger from the waist and abdomen, and then, a large piece of intestines and internal organs floated away, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Mu Bawang stared blankly at this scene, and stammered: " do you..."

"What's wrong with me? Sometimes you have to be so straightforward in cleaning up things like this! People like these who turn black and white, kneel and lick sluts are a disaster if they keep them! Hehe, those who are not loyal to the killing gods, I will kill them for you. Isn't it right?" Lin Yi sneered, after killing those powerful people from the God-killing Clan, Lin Yi obviously felt that his own strength had increased a bit, and that feeling was very comfortable.

Mu Bawang gritted his teeth, and said: "Yes, it's not good to be too merciful. Leave it to me to kill the gods. You can deal with that bitch at ease!"

After Mu Bawang finished speaking, he turned around and flew towards the God of Killing Star. This is the only thing he can do now, and he must do it well!
Xianmeng looked at Lin Yi with radiant eyes. This is the real man. He is decisive in killing and attacking without any sloppiness. Isn't this the type she likes?
However, she is also very clear-headed. Although this kind of man is rare, he is extremely difficult to control. If she really can't get it, she will still cruelly kill him.

She was about to persuade Lin Yi to surrender again, when she suddenly found a slight fluctuation in the space beside her, which was very slight, and she would never have noticed it if her cultivation had not improved.

She quickly swung her sword to block it, the space beside her was suddenly torn open, and a knife collided violently with her sword.

Xianmeng was blown away by this huge force, and then she was suppressed by that huge force and retreated rapidly.

Since the power of heaven will be absorbed by Xianmeng, Lin Yi will use pure power. He doesn't believe that this woman can absorb all his power.

With a bang, the two of them hit an asteroid, and Xianmeng was crushed by Lin Yi.Lin Yi's momentum was high, and Xianmeng's breathing was short of breath. People who didn't know the truth would probably think they were doing something embarrassing.

Xian Meng looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and said, "Sure enough, you are so strong. I can imagine how brave you will be on the bed. Tsk tsk tsk, just thinking about it, my saliva is drooling!"

Xian Meng wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth. In the face of Lin Yi's powerful attack, she was able to wipe her saliva with one hand, which proved how strong she was.

Lin Yi's face changed suddenly, because he felt the terrifying power coming from Xianmeng, and this power began to suppress his power!
"How is it possible? In terms of pure strength, how could I lose to her?" Lin Yi's heart set off a huge wave, and Xianmeng yelled, and by the way, the explosive force sent Lin Yi flying.

She stretched her muscles, looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, our Destiny Clan is the one that really fights, and the fight of pure strength is our favorite!"

As soon as Xianmeng's words fell, his body flew out like a cannonball, stabbing towards Lin Yi with a sword.

Lin Yi blocked the sword horizontally, and the sword pierced the blade. In an instant, Lin Yi felt a sword energy pass through the blade and hit his body, almost breaking through the defense of the Golden Body Art.

The smile on Xianmeng's face became even stronger, and she said: "I never expected that you would have learned the body training formula created by our ancestors of the Destiny Clan, and you have also cultivated it to such a level, no wonder you can hold back my father's legacy!" Give me the sword energy. However, this alone is not enough, you are a foreigner after all, as a foreigner, how can you display the true power of the Golden Body Art?"

When Xianmeng said this, the hand holding the sword suddenly turned golden. Lin Yi clearly felt that her strength began to increase crazily, and even a crack appeared on Xie Dao Dao's body. The sword was obviously not ordinary. !

"Sword of Destiny, one of the swords, the soul of the sword!" Xianmeng's eyes suddenly became extremely fierce, and a sword energy shot out from the long sword, piercing the evil knife, and hit Lin Yi's chest.

Lin Yi's expression froze, and the golden body formula was used to the extreme in an instant, concentrating all the defensive power on his chest. Even so, the sword energy still pierced through his defense, passed through his chest, and opened a small hole the size of an index finger. Hole.

Lin Yi spat out a mouthful of blood, his body flew upside down, and was caught by Mu Shuang'er who flew over.

"Husband, don't fight anymore, let's do it!" Mu Shuang'er's voice was full of tears, she really couldn't bear to see Lin Yi like this.

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "My wife Shuang'er, you just need to watch from the sidelines. Your husband is a hero of the world, how could he die at the hands of this bitch?"

"Oh, you have a big tone! Indeed, if Xue Ziyi hadn't improved my cultivation, this princess might not be able to use the Destiny Sword to this extent. It's a pity that this kind of cultivation lasts for a long time. It's too short, it would be great if we could maintain this state forever." Xian Meng clenched her fists, looking very annoyed.

The soul flame on Lin Yi's body burned more vigorously, and the bloody hole in his chest began to recover gradually, and after a while, it completely recovered.

There was a sinister smile on his face, and he said: "Very good sword energy, strong enough, come again!"

Lin Yi clenched the evil knife tightly, and rushed towards Xianmeng again. Xianmeng shook his head lightly, looked at it with great pity, and sighed softly: "Moths jumping into the flames, they don't know what they can do, it's really pathetic!"

As soon as Xianmeng finished speaking, Lin Yi appeared in front of her again, and slashed at the top of her head with a knife.

This knife once again affected the original power of the Killing God Starfield, and the killing essence turned into a huge knife light, as if it could split the entire Killing God Starfield in half.

Xianmeng chuckled, and said lightly: "The second sword, the sword soul is broken!"

Xian Meng waved a sword lightly, and the sword light quickly turned into hundreds of millions of golden light spots, and those light spots turned into small pocket swords one after another. Yi shoots away, the sword qi arrives, the space shatters, and even the turbulent flow of space is crushed, what a terrifying power this is!

(End of this chapter)

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