Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1434 Doomed to fail

Chapter 1434 Doomed to fail
All the girls turned pale, and wanted to rescue them, but found it was too late.They could only watch Lin Yi being engulfed by the sword light without any resistance.

As for the half of the sword light, it easily disintegrated the sword light without any suspense.

Xianmeng sighed softly, and said: "There is no way, it's all because your strength is beyond my control, otherwise this princess would not do such a tricky thing. Don't worry, what this princess said before is true, I will Take good care of your women, let them live happily and enjoy the most wonderful feeling in the world."

When Xianmeng said this, she stopped looking at the destructive sword light, looked at the girls, and walked towards them with a smile on her face.

"Little ones, sister, I'm here to love you, you don't have to resist, otherwise I will be very sad." Xianmeng said with a smile, and walked towards the girls while talking.

The hearts of all the girls were full of grief and anger. They stared at Xianmeng fiercely with their eyes wide open, fire in their eyes. It was a resolute look.

"Sisters, it's almost time to go all out, are you ready?" Mei Ji said lightly.

The girls nodded, their expressions were sad, and all the pain was hidden in their hearts. Just when they were about to forcefully merge with Xianmeng, a chuckle suddenly sounded in the ears of the girls.

"Are you so unconfident in your husband? How can I survive in this world because that little gadget can kill me?"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, Xianmeng's body was suddenly enveloped by a cloud of golden sword light. Before she could react, the sword light began to crazily destroy her body.

Lin Yi's figure appeared at the place where Xianmeng was standing just now, it felt as if the two had changed positions.

Lin Yi looked at the girls with a smile on his face, and just took two steps, he spurted a mouthful of blood, knelt down on one knee, and was supported by Bing'er.

"Husband, you can't fight anymore, let's go, use the Sunshine Box to leave!" Bing'er's voice was a little trembling, she was also a person who never gave up, but now, she didn't have this feeling at all. Thoughts, I just want to leave this past world with Lin Yi quickly.

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, and said, "Silly girl, we don't necessarily lose! Just like just now, didn't I die too?"

Lin Yi glanced back at the golden sword light, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "You bitch, do you need to put on such a show? This is your own trick, it shouldn't be possible to kill you, right?"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the sword light suddenly shattered, and Xianmeng's slightly embarrassed figure appeared.The clothes on her body were shredded a lot by Jian Guang, but as Lin Yi said, she did not suffer any substantial damage.

It has to be said that Xianmeng's figure is indeed amazingly good, the pair of proud twin peaks stand tall, and the silk strips left on the upper body just cover the peaks, which is very ingenious.

She smiled softly, her winking eyes were full of spring, and she said: "As expected of the man that this princess likes, this hand of space replacement is so superb that even this princess has been tricked. But, it's a pity, my It is impossible for the Divine Sword of Destiny to hurt me, are you disappointed? Oh, by the way, you should be very satisfied, seeing such a beautiful scenery, even if you die, you can rest in peace, right?"

When Xianmeng said this, she "accidentally" pulled back the strip of cloth, revealing a faint pink color, which was full of temptation.

However, Lin Yi remained calm, as if he hadn't seen anything.The eyes of all the girls were full of disgust. This flamboyant woman actually seduced their men in front of them. How could they continue to act like this?Fortunately, Lin Yi's reaction made them very satisfied and did not disappoint them.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said, "I really don't know where your confidence comes from, it makes me feel like I've never met a woman before, as for you? I like the natural one, unlike your pair The stinky meat that countless men have rubbed!"

The corner of Xian Meng's mouth twitched slightly, Lin Yi's mouth was too poisonous, no matter how magnanimous she was, she couldn't be so magnanimous that she lost her temper at all.

She glanced at Lin Yi coldly, and snorted coldly: "So what if you are rubbed big? My wife likes it! What else do you have, just use it, and this princess will destroy them one by one, haha, in this way, you can Really be convinced."

As Xianmeng was talking, her expression suddenly became surprised, because she saw that the flame on Lin Yi's body was slowly going out, that is to say, Lin Yi took the initiative to release the state of burning soul.

Not to mention how difficult it is to achieve this step, now that Lin Yi gets rid of this state, his cultivation will fall to the bottom all of a sudden, how can he beat himself in this garbage state?

"You bitch, you are indeed much stronger than I imagined, and you do have the capital of conceit. However, it is because you are too conceited that your failure will be doomed." Lin Yi said with a smile. Meng's heart trembled, and her intuition told her that Lin Yi would definitely make a big move.

However, what big move will Lin Yi use in this state?She really couldn't figure it out.

After Lin Yi's words fell, Xianmeng was on high alert for a while.However, she soon realized that something was wrong, because nothing changed much, nothing special happened at all.

This situation made Xianmeng's face more and more gloomy. She snorted coldly and said, "Aren't you playing tricks? Do you think you can scare me with this trick? You are too naive!"

As she spoke, she swung a sword, and the dazzling sword light strangled towards Lin Yi, unexpectedly hitting Lin Yi's body just like that.

Lin Yi's body exploded and turned into white light all over the sky. Any fool can see that this is not Lin Yi's real body.

She swung her sword again and attacked the girls. The girls were also hit by the sword light, and then they shattered and disappeared one by one.

Xianmeng was stunned for a moment, what is going on?What trick did Lin Yi use?Why didn't she see it at all?

"Could this be a psychedelic technique?" Xianmeng suddenly reacted, she held her breath, and the power of her soul burst out, but what she didn't expect was that what she did was in vain, and nothing seemed to change, including those white lights that disappeared .

At this time, a familiar voice sounded in her ears again, and she clearly felt that the speaker was beside her.

"Don't be so scared, calm down, in this case, maybe you can die a little better."

Xian Meng's face turned cold, and she swung her sword again, only to find that she couldn't find anyone to attack at all.

How could she calm down, this feeling of powerlessness is too painful!

"Bastard! Where are you! Don't play tricks here, this method has no effect on me!" Xianmeng roared, very emotional.

Before she could attack wildly again, she suddenly felt a pain in her chest, and a long sword pierced her chest. At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was quiet!
(End of this chapter)

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