Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1435 Ask casually

Chapter 1435 Ask casually

Xianmeng's face was full of disbelief, she stared blankly at the long sword piercing her chest, then slowly turned her head.

At this time, her eyes widened and she exclaimed: "It's you, how could it be you? Are you dead? How can you be alive? This must be fake!"

The person who attacked her was Xue Ziyi. She never expected that Xue Ziyi, who had been robbed of his original power by her, could still come back to life, and judging by the current situation, his cultivation base has completely recovered!
"I said, don't bet with me, because if you lose the bet, you will definitely die."

Lin Yi's voice fell, and the figure appeared in front of Xianmeng again, and Xue Ziyi behind Xianmeng sighed, and said very helplessly: "Princess Xianmeng, this is my endless sword field, and this is also the place where my cultivation base has reached. The strongest ultimate move realized by the Emperor Realm Ninth Layer. I don't like to fight with others in my life, and neither does your sister. We both want to live our lives peacefully and don't want to pay attention to the troubles in this world. But, why , why did you attack us? Did we offend you somewhere? Your sister wants me to protect you until she dies. Is she really treating you badly? "

Xue Ziyi's tone was extremely sad. He really didn't expect the matter to develop to this point, so that he didn't know what to do for a while.

After he was swallowed by Xianmeng before, he had already decided to die like this, and it was over.However, Lin Yi gave him a chance to be reborn and woke him up by scolding him.That's right, he must take revenge, revenge for his wife who died innocently and was deceived!

Xianmeng felt that strong sense of powerlessness, she knew very well that Xue Ziyi had completely suppressed her and controlled her life.

A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said: "My dear brother-in-law, the matter has reached this point, do I need to explain it so clearly? I have already explained it very clearly just now, don't you understand? I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled to the injustice of heaven, so that I will never get what I want, and let others be so happy forever. So, of course, I have to do something to calm my inner unhappiness! For example, kill My sister, let you stay by my side like a dog, and be commanded by me. Hehe, this feeling is really wonderful!"

Lin Yi frowned when he heard these words. This woman's words were obviously mocking. Could it be that this woman is not afraid of death?If Xue Ziyi is stimulated in this situation, Xue Ziyi will definitely go crazy. By then, this woman will not have to die?

However, Xue Ziyi's expression at this time was much calmer. He looked at Xianmeng indifferently, and said, "Do you think I really won't kill you? You should know that I have never stopped looking for it all these years. Murderer, I have sworn a long time ago, no matter who the murderer is, I will kill him with my own hands, even if he is the Emperor of Destiny!"

When Xue Ziyi said this, the aura emanating from his body became even colder. His sword contained destructive power, which was constantly increasing. Once it exploded, Xianmeng's body would definitely be torn apart!
"Emperor Destiny?" Lin Yi frowned slightly. He had never heard of this title, not even Chisongzi and the others mentioned it. He was very puzzled. Could it be that the Destiny Clan only dealt with the Killing God Clan?It must be like this, if it wasn't like this, with the speed of the news of Creation God Realm, it is impossible for other forces not to know.

Xianmeng laughed again, so that both peaks trembled slightly, as if they had heard a big joke.

"It's funny, Xue Ziyi, you really think of yourself as a character. Just because of you, you still want to kill my father? To tell you the truth, if the matter between my sister and you is revealed, even if I don't need to take action, with the destiny According to the family rules of the clan, she will definitely die. At that time, your enemy will really be my father, hahaha..." Xianmeng laughed loudly, feeling very emotional.

Lin Yi had a little more doubt in his heart, and said: "Strange? I don't understand what you said. Why did your sister violate the family rules when she was with Xue Ziyi? And you messed around with so many men, and people Everyone knows, why are you still alive? This is a bit unreasonable!"

"Idiot! What's so difficult to understand? No matter how many men I hook up with, it's just for cultivation. However, my sister fell in love with a man from a foreign race, even a man from the Primordial Demon Race without permission. This is a serious crime." , of course you have to die!" Xianmeng said with a smile, and Xue Ziyi's expression changed again.

"How did you know? I obviously didn't use any magic skills, where did you see it!" Xue Ziyi said with wide eyes, in disbelief.

"Hahaha, my silly brother-in-law, do you think that there is anything in this world that can be hidden from me? You are too naive! Don't forget, I have met many more men than you imagined. Yes. So, no matter how much I hide the aura of the ancient demons, I can still feel something strange?" Xianmeng laughed loudly, with a playful tone.

Lin Yi was even more puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "Strange, I heard that there are two old men in the Eternal Temple, one is called Tianzhu, and the other is called Dimie. Aren't they the descendants of Hongjun Patriarch and Primordial Demon Emperor?" ? The two of them can be so close, could it be that the relationship between the two races is not good?"

"Oh? You also know Tian Zhu and Di Mie? Hehe, they are indeed members of the Destiny Clan and the Primordial Demon Clan, and they are also seniors with high qualifications. However, the relationship between the two of them is quite special, detached from the two clans .In fact, the relationship between the Destiny Clan and the Primordial Demon Clan has always been hostile, and intermarriage between men and women of the two clans is forbidden. However, it is still possible to cultivate and cultivate like me. Anyway, my father spoils me, so I can play casually .Why, do you have any questions? If you have any questions, you can ask them whatever you want, as long as I can answer them, I will tell you all. Anyway, I am going to die here today, so I have nothing to worry about." Xianmeng looked free and easy. Lin Yi suddenly found that Xianmeng in this state is a bit pleasing to the eye, at least he can learn something from her.

At this moment, the long sword in Xue Ziyi's hand suddenly turned into a blood-colored long knife, and the long knife burst out, blowing Xianmeng's body to pieces.

Only then did Lin Yi realize that Xue Ziyi's weapon could be transformed into a sword, which is really a wonderful weapon.

However, he couldn't figure it out, why did Xue Ziyi suddenly do this?Could it be that he was trying to hide something on purpose?
"Little brother, you must not be careless. This woman has made a move just now, but you didn't notice it. I really didn't expect that this woman could even crack my Endless Sword Domain. I really underestimated her!"

(End of this chapter)

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