Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1436: A 6-Year Covenant

Chapter 1436: A 6000-Year Covenant

Xue Ziyi's face was very serious. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Lin Yi frowned, his eyes swept over the woman's body, he was a little puzzled, because the breath from the body was clearly from Xianmeng, there should be no mistake in this point.

However, when those fragments turned into dots of golden light, he realized that his previous idea was too stupid, and that fairy dream really used some special means.

"Hehehe, I almost thought I could hide from the world, but I didn't expect to be found out. It's a pity." Xianmeng's voice echoed in everyone's ears, the voice was erratic, and they couldn't catch her current position at all.

"This is the secret method of the true soul of the ancient demons. As long as a trace of the true soul escapes, it can break through all shackles. It really is a good method. You are really cruel to yourself!" Xue Ziyi sneered, his eyes were extremely fierce.

"True Soul Secret Art, what is that?" Lin Yi immediately transmitted the sound to Mo Hao. As the ancestor of the ancient demon clan, Mo Hao knew 100%.

"Hmph, it's something I just created for fun. It's nothing. It's an idiot to say it. It abandons the body, condenses all the cultivation bases in the soul, compresses the soul to the extreme, and finally achieves hiding in everything. The purpose of being discovered. Tell me, isn’t this method of abandoning the physical body and lingering to survive? Isn’t it too contrived? It doesn’t fit my noble style at all! So, although this is a trick I created, But I have never admitted it, but I never thought that my descendants would pass this trick down, it is really embarrassing to me!" Mo Hao sighed, looking very annoyed.

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, although this move is a bit useless, but it is a sharp weapon to escape, if you learn this move, it will be hard to die!

However, Lin Yi would not mention this to Mo Hao. Mo Hao despised this trick very much. If he said that he wanted to learn, wouldn't he be ridiculed by this guy to death?It seems that even if he learns, he has to come secretly.

"Hahaha, Xue Ziyi, you are a cowardly man, so it doesn't matter if you are not ruthless. But this princess is not a cowardly woman. As long as she can survive, this little sacrifice is nothing! Xue Ziyi, and you who don't even have a name Brats who dare to say, when this princess recovers, I will definitely come back to seek revenge from you! At that time, I would like to see what other means you can use to deal with me! To provoke our Destiny Clan, you only have the intention of death, not... …Ah——what is this, don’t, don’t eat me, ah——” Xianmeng, who was screaming, suddenly let out an extremely screaming scream, Lin Yi and the others had no idea what happened, and everything was calm Down, as if nothing happened.

Xue Ziyi hastily checked every corner of the Endless Sword Domain. The strange thing is that he didn't find any suspicious people entering.

Lin Yi looked at Xue Ziyi in a daze, and asked, "What's going on? What happened to that woman? It sounds like she was killed. Could it be that you used some means to solve her?"

Xue Ziyi shook her head and said: "I don't have any means. I can't solve her transformation in this state. However, it seems that there is a force that we can't detect, and then give her... have eaten……"

When Xue Ziyi said this, Lin Yi and all the girls felt chills all over their bodies. It was already terrible to be killed, but they were still eaten.Could it be that they might also be eaten?
Lin Yi and the others immediately became vigilant, but they relaxed after maintaining this state of vigilance for 5 minutes, because they had not received any attack, nor could they feel any strange aura.

"Could it be that the other party only devours the soul? We are all normal people, so we won't be swallowed? But the soul compressed by the true soul secret technique can't be detected at all. Who is it that can steal her away without anyone knowing?" Killed?" Xue Ziyi said to himself, it was the first time he encountered such a strange thing after so many years of practice.

Lin Yi frowned and said: "Now is not the time to think about this, there are more troublesome things we need to solve. Xue Ziyi, although we didn't kill this bitch Xianmeng, her death must be counted on us , the Destiny Clan shouldn't let it go, right?"

Hearing this, Xue Ziyi showed a wry smile on his face, and said: "Little brother, I don't know if I should be relieved that you can think of this. Alas, although that woman in Xianmeng has an extremely bad style, she is very good at it. To please his father, who is also the Emperor of Destiny. Therefore, if she dies like this, it will be difficult for the Killing God Clan not to be implicated, and it may be possible to exterminate the clan. However, if someone is willing to take the blame, the Killing God Clan may be able to survive. come down."

"Back the blame? Then let us come, we don't belong to this era anyway, even if they really want us, they can't find us. Hehe, this idea is very good, right?" Lin Yi was quite complacent, Xue Ziyi's face The wry smile grew stronger.

"Little brother, it's really easy for you to think this way. However, many things are not just for you to think about. You have to make others believe it. With faces like you, without any motive to kill the fairy Princess Meng, don’t you think it’s ridiculous to say that?” Besides, you are also a member of the God-killing Clan, so if you are being blamed, you are not the same as the God-killing Clan? Hehe, so, there is only one best choice to take the blame, That is me who has a deep hatred with Xianmeng. I will tell Emperor Tianming about me, and I think, in this case, he should not suspect the cause of Princess Xianmeng's death." Xue Ziyi laughed, with a relaxed and natural look look.

Lin Yi frowned, his face turned cold, and said: "But, if you do this, won't your life be saved? Besides, we didn't kill this bitch in the first place, so you should tell the truth and say that you were killed by someone with an identity. Killed by an unknown enemy, isn’t that all right?”

"If you were the Emperor of Destiny, would you believe it?" Xue Ziyi asked back, and Lin Yi fell silent for a while. Indeed, thinking about this kind of thing is unbelievable, and no one would believe it.

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Xue Ziyi smiled and said, "Little brother, you don't have to worry so much. I am still the son-in-law of the Emperor Tianming, and the Emperor Tianming has always been very concerned about my wife's death. I think he If you know the truth, maybe you will spare me and the God-killing Clan. However, for the God-killing Clan, I have to ask you to discuss it with Namu Bawang. This is the only thing I can do. Alas, if you die , maybe it is also a relief for me, she is alone there, she is really lonely..."

When Xue Ziyi said this, his eyes suddenly became extremely soft, with a hint of longing.

Lin Yi coughed quickly, waking him up from that longing, and then said very seriously: "Don't be in such a hurry to die, okay? Save your life, and wait 6000 years later, and then fight side by side with me, how about it?"

"6000 years later... Hehe, well, if I don't deserve to die, then I will live another 6000 years and fight side by side with you again. My life is yours, little brother, I dare not die casually By the way, little brother, can you tell me... your name now?" Xue Ziyi asked with a smile.

Lin Yi nodded and said with a smile: "My name is Lin Yi. After 6000 years, if you don't die, you must come to me, otherwise, you can't bear my anger!"

(End of this chapter)

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