Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1437 Think Tank

Chapter 1437 Think Tank

Now that the most important things have been settled, there is no need for Lin Yi and the others to stay. The Sunlight Treasure Box was activated again, and they returned to the previous flying boat.

However, there was something wrong with the way the girls looked at Lin Yi, especially Bai Bingbing, she kept looking at Lin Yi with a playful look, which made Lin Yi feel a little unnatural.

"Well...why are you looking at me like that? I don't seem to have done anything wrong, right?" Lin Yishi couldn't help asking because his whole body was terrified.

Bai Bingbing chuckled, and said: "It's true that I didn't do anything. I just heard that a gay man made a 6000-year agreement with his gay friend, and my hairs stood on end. Alas, I didn't expect that." Now that gay people are so rampant, showing affection in front of their own wives is really overwhelming!"

Lin Yi's expression immediately changed when he heard the words, and he couldn't help laughing and said: "So it's like this, I didn't expect you to find out that it was so perfectly hidden, you really deserve to be my good wife, you really understand me Heart! Actually, to those handsome guys..."

"Hey... don't touch me, don't touch me, gay, you're so disgusting!" Bai Bingbing slapped Lin Yi's hand away, and fled to the side like a ghost.

Lin Yi smiled even more happily, she was really a second-hand wife, she was so stupid.

He laughed for a while, then his expression suddenly became more serious, and he said: "I'm not joking, don't you guys stop making fun of me, okay? I clearly know that I am a standard heterosexual and have no love for homosexuals. The reason why I said that , I want that guy not to beg for death so quickly. The death of a strong man at the ninth level of the imperial realm is a big loss for us. Moreover, there is a new mystery now, who killed that bitch? .”

"Need to say? It must be the mosquito demon! It is our greatest enemy, and I can't think of anyone else except her." Bai Bingbing's tone was very certain. Think about it.

Apart from Mosquito Demon having this ability, he really couldn't think of another person.

Lin Yi thought about it for a while, then his eyes fell on Mu Shuang'er, and he said very seriously: "Who killed Xianmeng, this matter cannot be determined for the time being, let's put it down for now. Shuang'er, among you sisters, you should be The one who knows the most about the Creation God Realm, what do you know about the Destiny Clan?"

Mu Shuang'er shook her head lightly, and said: "Husband, I know you want to ask me this question, but, to be honest, I have never heard of the Destiny Clan. But we still know the name of the Immortal Clan. It is said that It's just a very small star field, by the way, the Sword Tomb is also a faction attached to the fairy clan, you should still remember the sword three?"

Lin Yi smiled and nodded, and said: "Of course I remember this. I used to talk about going to the Sword Tomb, but I never had a chance... Shuang'er, according to what you said, the Destiny Clan is not the same as the Immortal Clan. The Destiny Clan is just an illusion that the Destiny Clan shows outside. But I can't figure it out, since the Destiny Clan is so powerful and claims to be the master of the Creation God Realm, why none of them showed up at such a critical moment, and even the outside world The people in the family hardly know this name? No, everyone in the Killing God Clan should know it, and such a big force knows it, why hasn’t it spread to the outside? It’s strange, it’s too strange.”

"It's nothing surprising. It's like the gag order that we Dragon Fu issued before. Since it is clear that we must seal it up, and only some high-level personnel know it, of course it won't spread. With the means of the Destiny Clan, it should set up various This kind of restriction makes those people afraid and dare not spread it indiscriminately." What Solanum nigrum said made Lin Yimao suddenly understand, if it is explained in this way, it really makes sense.

Bing'er smiled softly, and said: "Husband, you seem to have forgotten one thing, is there any connection between the Eternal Temple and the Destiny Clan? That place has always been very mysterious, and the two old men from Heaven and Earth Mie come from If you find the Destiny Clan and the Primordial Demon Clan, you will know everything? Besides, the Temple of Eternity has never paid much attention to the matter of the Mosquito Demon. Do you have to ask, what are they doing?"

Lin Yi really felt very fortunate that he had such a large think tank to advise him, otherwise he would probably have even more headaches with his own head.

"Okay! With the enlightenment of my wives, my mind immediately cleared up. That's it, I will transfer all my people back first, and then I will take thousands of troops to the Temple of Eternity. I would like to see Look, what the hell are those people in the Temple of Eternity doing, and how calm they are!" Lin Yi said excitedly.

Suddenly, a message came from nowhere. After Lin Yi received it, he was stunned for a while, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Cuihua seemed to see something, and quickly asked, "Honey, what's your expression? Did you get any good news?"

Lin Yi hugged Cuihua into his arms, kissed her on the face, and said, "Of course it's good news! The evil spirit world that hurt you back then has been completely destroyed, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor was killed by Tai Yi. Not only that, all the big worlds occupied and enslaved by the evil spirit world are being rescued one by one, and those places have regained their light. Once the evil spirit world is wiped out, the entire demon realm is completely liberated, and the arrangement of the mosquito demon has completely disintegrated."

"Hahaha, that's great! I've been waiting for this day for so long, and finally made my dream come true! It's a pity that I didn't go to the evil spirit world to kill the enemy in person. It's a pity. Husband, why don't you use sunlight to kill the enemy?" The treasure box sends me to the evil spirit world before killing the enemy, I really want to go and fight!" Cuihua's eyes flashed with fighting light, this woman is definitely a militant, the kind that Lin Yi can't do anything about .

He smiled wryly, and said: "Let's forget it, the Sunshine Treasure Box is temporarily unusable after going through this space travel. It performed well this time, and I plan to refine it again, and try to refine it into a Super artifact. And, even if the Sunlight Treasure Box can be used, you don’t need to go to the evil spirit world. Isn’t it enjoyable for you and your sisters to kill those puppets and mosquito monsters in the God-killing Starfield? Go back through time and space, It’s a little too much.”

Cuihua stuck out her tongue and said, "I'm just kidding, you don't have to be so nervous. By the way, where are we going now? There should be no need to go back, it's too boring."

Lin Yi opened his mouth and was about to speak, when another message came suddenly, making his face slightly stiff.

He sighed softly, and said helplessly: "It seems that we really don't need to go back, and another headache is coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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