Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1440 Hit until you are willing

Chapter 1440 Hit until you are willing

As soon as Taiyi finished speaking, three demonic auras rose up into the sky. The three brothers of the Wu family walked towards Taiyi step by step with vigorous steps and handsome poses. This posture and this lineup will definitely make many women scream crazily.

"Did someone call us just now?" Wu Da tossed his hair, pretending to be aggressive.

"I seem to have heard it too. Most likely they are our admirers." Wu Er's face showed a look of vicissitudes, which was a kind of faint sadness.

"Oh... that admirer, come quickly, let me give you an affectionate kiss, third brother, oh, Beibi!" Wu San pouted, his appearance really stunned everyone, as if he had seen a ghost.

Tai Yi's face was extremely ugly, these three guys were obviously out to make a joke, they didn't feel ashamed, but he was afraid of it!

Xuanzang was stunned for a while, and then asked suspiciously: "Who are the three of them? Are they comedians invited by Brother Tai?"

Tai Yi's forehead suddenly darkened, he gave the three of them an angry look, and shouted: "What the hell are you doing! Have you forgotten the purpose of coming here? We are here to save people! Can't you be serious?"

Wu Da coughed lightly, and said, "Brother Taiyi, you don't have to be so excited. You're just an old tortoise, and you just take care of it. What's the big deal? Do you need our three brothers to do it?"

"That's right, our three brothers are all finale roles, so it's unreasonable to make a move so early! How about you fight one game first, if you can't beat us, how about we go again?" Wu Er said with a smile, not caring at all. Tai Yi's expression as if he ate a fly, if it wasn't because he couldn't beat the three of them, he might have already taken action to teach them a lesson!

There was a sneer on Xuanzang's face, and he said: "It's really shameless, the three transformed monsters dare to be arrogant in front of me, don't you know that the status of divine beasts is much higher than you miscellaneous monsters? "

As soon as Xuanzang's words fell, the terrifying aura of being the Xuanwu Emperor erupted from him. For a moment, this powerful blood force suffocated the turtle egg beside him, and he was only affected a little bit.

However, Xuan Zang didn't see the scene where the three brothers of the Wu family were shitting. On the contrary, the three of them still looked stupid in a way?He looked at Xuanzang with the same eyes, and that expression obviously told him that they were fine.

"How is it possible? Even if they are divine beasts, they will be oppressed by my bloodline. Is it possible that their bloodline level is higher than mine? This kind of thing is too unbelievable!" Xuanzang couldn't help but exclaimed, eyes widening Stare big.

"What is he doing? Is he constipated? This is not a toilet, does he want to pull on his pants?" Wu Er couldn't help asking.

"Who knows? These beasts and horses are all rare breeds. What special hobbies do they have? In fact, we country bumpkin monsters can understand? By the way, Master Lin Yi seems to have told us a word, what is it called... The city can play? Yes, the city can play!" Wu San suddenly said happily, his memory has always been not very good, so he was very happy when he suddenly thought of this word.

"Let's all be serious, okay? Although this guy's strength isn't great, he's still at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm. In addition, this is still his territory. There may be many masters who are as strong as him. Let's keep a low profile. Only in this way can you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, cough cough, you should pretend to be a pig and eat a turtle." Wu Da said very seriously, although his expression was very qualified, but no matter what he said, it was difficult for Tai Yi to relax.

The bitterness in Tai Yi's heart was almost overflowing, if he had known that these three guys were so unreliable, he would not have come with them.

But after thinking about it, now only the three of them are able to suppress the Xuanwu clan strongly. Although his subordinates are large in number, they are still far behind the strength of the Xuanwu clan.

He sneered, and said to Xuanzang: "Xuanzang, you should have seen that the strength of the three brothers of the Wu family is no worse than yours, that is to say, we have four powerhouses at the ninth level of the imperial realm, do you still think you can handle it?" Us? As an old friend, I just told you so much about you, you should know that my temper and patience are not very good, before Lord Lin Yi arrives, you Xuanwu clan, I must deal with it!"

As soon as Taiyi's words fell, the power of the ninth level of the emperor's realm suddenly exploded, and collided with Xuanzang's power immediately, making Xuanzang numb all over.

The three brothers of the Wu family all cooperated very well this time, and at the same time they erupted with a powerful force, and the four forces locked on Xuanzang together, no matter how conceited Xuanzang was, he was suppressed until his blood stagnated.

This is just a collision of momentum. If there is a real fight, with his strength at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, how can he fight against four masters who are no worse than him?Thinking of this, cold sweat dripped down his cheeks. If this kind of thing is not handled properly, the Xuanwu clan will be doomed forever!
"It seems that the kid named Lin Yi is really extraordinary, and he can make you masters work for him. Is it possible that he is stronger than you? Or is it that you are all controlled by him with some despicable means, one by one? Can't help it?" Xuanzang asked in a cold voice, his eyes were also very cold.

Tai Yi chuckled and said, "If you really ask that, then I have to tell the truth. Master Lin Yi did make us swear a blood oath..."

"Haha, it turned out to be a blood oath? I really didn't expect that a master like Brother Tai would succumb to others and swear a blood oath. This really surprised me!" Xuanzang suddenly burst out laughing. Cutting off Tai Yi's words, his tone was full of sarcasm.

But Tai Yi looked at him indifferently, and said: "I haven't finished my words, so you don't need to be so excited for now. Yes, I did swear blood oath to loyalty to Master Lin Yi, but these are all voluntary, Lin Yi Master Yi has never forced me. Including now, as long as we don’t do anything that endangers the common people, we enjoy absolute freedom! Master Lin Yi is now working hard for the entire Hongmeng universe, and he is willing to risk his life for the sake of the common people! It is much more noble than those so-called divine beasts who clearly possess great strength but cannot shrink back!"

Tai Yi's emotions suddenly became very agitated, which was a release of true temperament, he calmed down a little, his voice became much colder, and said: "Xuan Zang, in fact, Master Lin Yi does not force you to contribute to the world, but you But he buckled the turtle egg, intending to threaten Lord Lin Yi. Since you dare to play like this, then I don't need to give you any face. I just ask you one question, are you willing to surrender? If not, I will call you today You are willing! You should know that I never like to joke, if you don’t believe me, you can try it!”

(End of this chapter)

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