Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1441 My own path

Chapter 1441 My own path

Taiyi's voice was extremely cold, Xuanzang's face was still deep, as if he wanted to fight Taiyi to the end.

However, after about ten seconds, Xuanzang sighed and said, "Brother Tai, I may not be able to decide this matter. The four great beast races have always been in the same spirit, advancing together and retreating together. Even if I am willing to cooperate, The other three races may not agree."

"Oh? What you said is quite clever. You can divert the disaster at once, which is a bit level. Listening to your tone, do you want to say that your four great beast races will unite together, and only by defeating you can you be convinced , right?" Tai Yi sneered, his tone very bad.

Xuanzang gritted his teeth, and said: "That's it! This is also the bottom line of our four great beasts. If that Master Lin Yi really wants to cooperate with us, then don't put on such a superior posture. If you really want us to surrender , then let us truly be convinced. Otherwise, even if you can really kill us, we will never give in!"

When Xuanzang said this, he looked quite strong, Taiyi stared at him for a long time, finally he could only sigh deeply, shook his head, and said helplessly, "Really, it seems that I really don't want to do it." The material of the villain. If this is the case, it is better for Lin Yi to handle it personally, otherwise I will be a bit out of touch. Xuanzang boy, I advise you, it is best not to be so tense and desperate, and greet my lord well, otherwise it will be true. I won’t take care of my old friendships. Okay, let’s get over it, shouldn’t we invite us in to eat, drink, and play? Isn’t it a little too impolite to leave the guests here?”

There is a black line on Xuanzang's forehead. These guys are obviously looking for trouble. How can they look like guests?Especially Taiyi, Xuanzang is really a bit offended now.If Taiyi revealed all the embarrassing things about him before, then he really didn't know where to put his old face.

He hurriedly put on a smile, and hehe said: "It's easy to say, all distinguished guests are here, of course you must receive them well. How about this, let this kid Guidan be your guide, and I will give him a pass token, what do you think?" You can go anywhere."

With a whoosh, the access token fell into Guidan's hands, and Guidan was still at a loss for a moment, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Tai Yi suddenly shouted: "Stupid boy, what are you in a daze for? Why don't you take us around to have fun? You don't need to worry about Mr. Lin Yi at all. You just need to encourage him silently. It’s ok. Take us to go shopping quickly, the Xuanwu clan is not accessible to ordinary people, if you miss this village, you won’t have this shop!”

Seeing Taiyi and the others disappearing in front of him, Xuanzang felt very complicated. He glanced at the distance, and there was a pitch-black cosmic space. He knew that Lin Yi was approaching the Xuanwu world. Really hit him!

"What a clever method, Lin Yi, Lin Yi, I'm really curious about what kind of person you are. If you can really lead our Xuanwu clan and even the four great beast races out of the predicament, maybe those old guys won't either. Do you have an opinion? Hehe, I seem to be overthinking again, let's find a place where there is no Taiyi, and have a good sleep." Xuanzang said to himself, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the next few days, Xuanzang was never at peace.Because at the entrance of the Xuanwu Realm, various masters appeared again and again. Although these people are not as exaggerated as the Emperor Realm Ninth Layer, they are all in the same Emperor Realm, and there are quite a few of them.

Because of Taiyi's order, Xuanzang certainly didn't dare to neglect, and invited them in one by one.For a while, even he himself didn't know what he was doing. This seemed to be different from the version he imagined before!

Logically speaking, he should look down on Lin Yi with a lofty attitude, reluctantly agree to Lin Yi's request with a compassionate attitude, and get a lot of benefits from Lin Yi.However, the current situation has completely changed. He can no longer deal with Lin Yi's subordinates, let alone Lin Yi who is more deterrent?Is this trick the legendary "throwing bricks to attract jade"?
If Lin Yi knew that he thought so, he would definitely call him wronged.He just asked Taiyi and the others to gather there as quickly as possible, there is no other meaning!

At this time, he was exhausted and out of breath in the Kunlun mirror, and his mood was very manic.

"No, it's not right! If you cultivate in this direction, you still can't get rid of the shackles of the way of killing the gods. This is not the way I want to go!" Lin Yi gasped, looking crazy.

He flew up and rushed to the sky. In an instant, his body was enveloped in flames. It was obviously the strongest flame in the legend, the Nirvana Skyfire!

Under his control, Ji Mie Tianhuo turned into fire dragons. The fire dragons rolled and roared in the sky, and the entire Kunlun Mirror trembled with this terrifying force.

Suddenly, Lin Yi let out a loud roar and smashed all the fire dragons with his fist. Panting, his body slowly fell from the air, sighed softly, and said to himself: "Find your own way from the thousands of roads, It’s really not that simple, no matter what I do, I’m always following the old path of others and can’t break through, how can I aspire to a higher level if this continues?”

"Hehehe, Lin Yi boy, it's really good that you can understand this. There are three thousand roads, some people reach the end all the way, and some people can't find their way after working hard all their lives. Let your mind calm down and return to the original point. Maybe you can understand the path that belongs to you more clearly." Mo Hao's voice was somewhat deep, but Lin Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he knew that the old man was enlightening him.

Once upon a time, Mo Hao was a blockbuster to him, ready to explode at any moment, making him tremble all the time.However, the current Mo Hao is helping him everywhere, and that kind of help is definitely from the heart.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and said: "Thank you, old man Mo Hao, I almost understand what to do."

As soon as Lin Yi finished his words, his figure slowly disappeared into the Kunlun Mirror, and when he reappeared, he actually came to his universe, standing in the sea of ​​clouds filled with mysterious and yellow aura.

In the middle of the sea of ​​clouds, two big trees stood there, which were the bodies of Xiao Shumiao'er and Xiao Tiantian.

The location where Lin Yi appeared surprised the two of them, and soon they appeared there, looking at him very suspiciously.

"Strange, what are you doing here all of a sudden? Mysterious and yellow energy doesn't seem to be of much help to your cultivation, right?" Xiao Tiantian asked with a puzzled expression.

Lin Yi smiled lightly and said: "When I was on earth, I heard a legend that one can prove the Tao under the Bodhi tree. I think that the World Tree and the Ancient Tree of Heaven are much higher than the Bodhi tree. The two of you sit down for a while, maybe you can also let me realize my own path."

(End of this chapter)

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