Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1443 That's Worth It

Chapter 1443 That's Worth It

The reincarnation of all generations, if it is in the Hongmeng universe, it will take at least 10 years.

However, in Lin Yi's universe, Lin Yi deliberately used the power of Xiao Sapling and Xiao Tiantian to create many illusory worlds. The so-called one life in these illusory worlds is only one breath when converted into the time of the Hongmeng universe.Therefore, Lin Yi didn't have to worry that it would take a lot of time to do so.

Hongmeng Universe, Nine Heavens Alliance.

Chu Lingtian, who was cultivating in the secret room, suddenly opened his eyes, feeling the powerful aura behind him, a wry smile appeared on his face, that guy really came.

"A friend came from afar, but you don't seem very happy? Hehe, my good partner, is it possible that you don't want me to come?" The man in black robe was speaking, and he walked towards Chu Lingtian while talking , just sat down face to face.

Chu Lingtian regained his composure for a while, and said with a smile: "Master Wen is here, how could Chu be unhappy? I didn't expect that Master Wen was able to leave the cemetery of gods and demons. It seems that Mo Xin must have died, right?"

"Hahaha, boy Chu, you are much smarter than them, and I am very pleased! Sigh, if Mo Xin and the others were as smart as you, they shouldn't have ended up like this." Mosquito demon sighed He breathed a sigh of relief, looking very regretful.

Chu Lingtian chuckled, and said: "Master Wen, everyone is a smart person, why do you open your eyes and talk nonsense? Just say what you have to say? Do you want to take back my power now? Haha, If this is the case, I feel that with your current strength, it seems to be quite a bit worse, right?"

"Hahaha, boy Chu, I also appreciate this point of yours. You speak straight, which is very good! However, you really made a mistake in judging one thing. Although the relationship between you and me has always been a relationship of using and being used, but We haven't reached the point where we will tear ourselves apart. Although that day is inevitable, at least for now, we can continue to cooperate!" The mosquito demon said with a smile, but Chu Lingtian's heart became more and more heavy.

Chu Lingtian knows the mosquito monster very well, and cooperating with him is definitely infinitely more terrifying than seeking skin with a tiger.

However, if he shrinks back at this moment, then he may never have the chance to get rid of his identity as a pawn in this life, and he will never be able to stand up in this life.

"What's the matter? Boy Chu, is it possible that you don't even have the courage to cooperate with me? Logically speaking, you don't seem so weak? I know, you are afraid that I will kill you and swallow your strength, but you You can also kill me and take my power! This kind of opportunity accompanied by danger is the most interesting, isn't it?" The mosquito demon said with a smile, and the words directly spoke to Chu Lingtian's heart.

Chu Lingtian rolled his eyes, and the chess piece in his hand slowly disappeared, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Master Wen, you won, I admit, your words interest me very much. Then Just tell me what you want me to do."

"Hahaha, this is my good partner! Then I'll just say it straight, I want you to go to the Golden Body Palace with me, and then help me get that thing in the Golden Body Palace." Mosquito Demon said Here, a hint of greed appeared on his face.

Chu Lingtian frowned suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "Are you still ruthless? Do you think that with your strength, you can beat Lin Yi? Not to mention Lin Yi, those members of the Destiny Clan are not blind, The reason why they haven't made a move is not because they are afraid of you, but because the seal is turbulent, and they are suppressing it with all their strength. When the seal is completely stable, they will be able to take out their hands to deal with you. At that time, I don't believe it. Strength, can deal with the Destiny Clan!"

"Hehe, that's right, those little fellows from the Destiny Clan are really strong. If the Primordial Demon Clan joins in, I really have no chance of winning. But, do you think that if we just sit and wait to die, we will have a chance to recover from the decline? Extremely ridiculous! God Chu Ling, you have betrayed the entire Primordial Universe now, and you are also the target of the Destiny Clan, and they will not let you go when they recover. In this case, why don’t we join forces? Then give it a go? If we win, we will become the pioneers of the new world, with supreme power and status! If we lose, we will just die, maybe we can survive, wait for the opportunity, and make a comeback Hehehe, isn't it very exciting to think about it?" The mosquito demon said this, and the smile on his face grew even brighter.

Chu Lingtian gave him a cold look, and said, "You are really crazy!"

"Hahaha, that's right, I was originally a lunatic, but what about a lunatic? As long as I can get what I want, even if I am really crazy, it is worth it! Chu Lingtian, let me ask you again, what is your answer? What is it!" Mosquito Demon's emotions became extremely crazy, and seemed to be on the verge of losing control.

Chu Lingtian chuckled lightly, shook his head, and said, "Since you have made your words so clear, what else can I say? Then let's play with you first, how do you want to play?"

Mosquito demon grinned and said: "Of course, let's order some appetizers first, so that the boy can be stimulated a little. I heard that the boy came from a small place called Earth. Wouldn't it be interesting there? Hehe... ..."

At the entrance of Xuanwu Realm, Xuanzang had already stood there early, and his intuition told him that his waiting would end today, and that strong feeling made him feel relieved.

In just two or three days, tens of thousands of people came to the Xuanwu world as guests, and these people came from various forces.

There is Yihong Courtyard, Shenyu Trading Company, Shenyao Valley, Jiuxiao Alliance, and all the forces in the Demon Realm.

Originally, Xuanzang didn't want them to come in, but Taiyi had already let go, saying that these people were all from Lin Yi.

He wiped it off!Who the hell is Lin Yi, who can subdue so many powerful forces? With such a strong force, why bother with them?
However, he was fooled by Taiyi's words.

"Why bother you? Master Lin Yi just sent someone to say hello, okay? You insisted on detaining him and blatantly provoking him. If you don't die, you won't die. If you do such a thing, you will be exterminated. There's nothing to be pitiful about."

Now Xuanzang really wanted to turn back the time for a few days, and then he kicked the turtle egg away, no, it should be very respectful to send this catastrophe away.

Speaking of which, Guidan is also a little entangled these days. Although he doesn't have a strong sense of belonging to the Xuanwu clan, this is at least his hometown. I'm sorry.

However, he was quite at ease. With Lin Yi's character, he probably wouldn't do anything too extreme, at most it would be a hit and miss.

Of course, the story of the Xuanwu clan quickly spread to the other three great beast races, the Suzaku Emperor, the White Tiger Emperor and the Azure Dragon Emperor were all alarmed, and rushed over one by one, bringing a large number of powerful people.

These powerhouses are all concentrated in the Xuanwu world, and Xuanzang's heart is almost in his throat. Although it seems to be calm now, if there is a real fight, the Xuanzang world will definitely not be able to hold it!

Just when he kept regretting and complaining about himself, a strange breath appeared within his perception range. At this moment, countless rays of light shot out from the Xuanwu world, and they stood in several camps in unison. It's crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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