Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1447 Pass the burden on

Chapter 1447 Pass the burden on
It didn't take long for the ancestral blood in Guidan's body to exceed [-]%, that is to say, the power of the ancestral blood in his body has surpassed Xuanzang.

This improvement didn't stop, but became more and more rapid. It didn't take long for the ancestor's blood in the turtle egg to reach [-]%!

Lin Yi frowned slightly, because he felt that the next promotion would become very difficult, as if a force was suppressing it.

He snorted coldly, the mysterious and yellow energy suddenly doubled, trying to forcefully break through the suppression of this force.

At this time, Turtle Egg suddenly let out a roar that shook the sky, and then flew up, and its body turned into a basalt body with a height of [-] feet.

However, this growth did not stop. The turtle egg continued to grow, and in the blink of an eye, it became the size of the earth. Compared with it, Lin Yi and the others couldn't be smaller.

At this moment, the entire Xuanwu Starfield began to vibrate. Lin Yi could feel that there was a very powerful force in the center of the Xuanwu Starfield. However, with Lin Yi's current strength, it was more than enough to suppress that force.

"Hmph, I'd like to see what you are!" Lin Yi snorted coldly, and a powerful soul force rushed towards the center of the Xuanwu Starfield, colliding with that force.

At this time, a wave of spiritual thoughts suddenly sounded in Lin Yi's mind, with a trace of surprise.

"The soul power of the Void Saint Realm, are you my descendant? No, you don't have the aura of the Xuanwu clan. Who are you?"

Lin Yi's expression was slightly startled, if he couldn't even understand this, then he is really stupid?up.

"Are you the ancestor of the Xuanwu clan? Hehe, I never thought you would hide in the Xuanwu Starfield to protect your descendants. Could it be that the Xuanwu Starfield is impenetrable, and no one has broken through it for so many years." Lin Yi's tone was somewhat tinge Playing around, the fluctuation of the divine sense was still peaceful, without much change.

"You are too much. With my strength, I can only do this step. I have already felt that it is you who helped my descendants awaken the power of my blood. For this, I must thank you .However, it is too risky for you to do so, I am really worried about entrusting the future of the Xuanwu clan to such a little guy!" The ancestor of Xuanwu sighed a little helplessly.

Lin Yi heard the words, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "It's so ridiculous, an old ghost who should have entered reincarnation, but also occupies the strongest power of the Xuanwu clan, don't you think it's an idiot to do this? If you really want Xuanwu For the sake of the family, the entire Xuanwu family should not be turned into a shrinking turtle, hiding in such a small place, that is the real tragedy! Passing the torch from generation to generation, this is the way of reproduction of a race, you hide like this Hiding it will only lead the Xuanwu clan to decline step by step."

The Xuanwu ancestor was silent for a long while, and suddenly his voice became much lower, and said: "Little guy, how can you be sure that what you do will make the future of the Xuanwu clan better? How can you be sure that what you do will not make the future of the Xuanwu clan better?" The Xuanwu clan is going to perish? You should know how difficult it is to get there!"

"Hahaha, you dare not leave when it's too difficult? How ridiculous! How can you become a real strong man without a heart to become a strong man? You must know this truth better than me! My brother is the same as me. , are much younger and immature than those old immortals, but it does not mean that we are much worse than them! Everyone is willing to put the future of the Hongmeng universe on my shoulders, and I am also willing to believe that the turtle eggs will lead the Xuanwu clan to the real Brilliant, will lead the four great beasts, and fight against those demons to the end! I don't care if you believe it or not, I will make my brother's blood complete, even if I fight you!" Lin Yi exuded a powerful Fighting intent, Mo Hao's expression not far behind him changed slightly, his soul power was no less than Lin Yi's, of course he could see it clearly.

However, he did not intervene, but quietly watched Lin Yi perform.In fact, what he is most curious about now is Lin Yi's strength. He wants to know how much confidence Lin Yi has to release him from the realm of spirit and soul.

Xuanzang's complexion was very ugly. As the Xuanwu Emperor of the Xuanwu clan, he certainly knew the secrets of the Xuanwu Starfield.

He could also hear the words of the ancestor of Xuanwu clearly, and because of this, his mood became very complicated.As Xuanwu Emperor, he should be the inheritor of Xuanwu's first ancestor. However, judging from the current situation, the turtle egg will soon surpass him. This kind of result is really hard for him to accept.

However, he thought about it again, with his aptitude, it might be difficult to improve in his life.Now that Turtle Egg's bloodline strength has been raised to such an extent, having him as Xuanwu Emperor will definitely be beneficial and harmless to the Xuanwu clan!
The Xuanwu clan has been closed for so long, and they have been shrunken turtles for so long, it is time to raise their eyebrows and let the world know how powerful the Xuanwu clan is.

Thinking of this, he put all his selfishness behind him, and then used his soul to transmit a voice: "Lord First Ancestor, please promise Lord Lin Yi! Since you left, our basaltic beasts, and even the entire four great beasts, have It is constantly declining. In my generation, there are not many divine beasts who have cultivated to the ninth level of the emperor's realm. We don't want to shrink our heads, just because we are afraid that one mistake will lead to the demise of the entire race. If your power can be passed down, maybe Being able to break the current decline, and with the help of Master Lin Yi, we may have a chance to turn around! You should also feel that the Hongmeng universe is constantly declining. Once the seal is broken and evil spirits from outside the territory invade, we can continue to escape and let those Did evil spirits destroy the entire universe?"

Xuanzang knelt down on the ground, Qingshan and the three of them saw it clearly, each with complicated expressions.Although they usually have trouble with Xuan Zang, they all want to compete with him.

But now, they felt their cheeks were burning hot, Xuanzang's words were clearly slapping them!
The ancestor of Xuanwu was silent for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh, saying: "Forget it, I can't find any reason to object, so it's better to agree to come. You are right, maybe the best way is this , to pass on the burden. In the future, it is better for the young people to take care of themselves. It is time for us old guys to sleep forever. Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, you heard it too? You think the big brother is doing this, right? "

Intense soul fluctuations came from the other three divine beast star fields respectively, and the expressions of the three divine beast emperors changed at the same time, some looking happy and some looking disappointed.

Inheriting power, those who are able can get it. Lin Yi never thought that his actions, which he only wanted to frighten the gods and beasts, would trigger a huge change in the four races of the gods and beasts. Things went much smoother than he imagined!

When Lin Yi was complacent, a muffled hum suddenly came from the flying boat.

Lin Yi hurriedly turned around, only to see Cuihua clutching her chest, with blood streaming from the corner of her mouth, and said in panic, "'s not good, home...something happened at home!"

(End of this chapter)

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