Chapter 1448

Lin Yi's face suddenly turned pale, and his figure flashed, appearing beside Cuihua, with one hand on Cuihua's body, continuously injecting vitality into Lin Yi's body.

At this moment, a scene appeared in Lin Yi's mind, Mosquito Demon and Chu Lingtian were attacking the solar system's world-protecting array, while Cuihua was desperately mobilizing her body's power to resist the impact.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, and with a thought, a black shadow appeared beside him, it was Chu Lingtian's shadow!

Lin Yi's face was extremely gloomy and cold, he stared at the black shadow viciously, and said, "You should know all about Chu Lingtian's actions, right? You know it, but you deliberately conceal it from me, what a coward!"

Feeling Lin Yi's killing intent, Heiying's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "My lord, spare me, I can't blame me for this! They separated me from Chu Lingtian a long time ago, and Chu Lingtian couldn't feel me. I can't feel Chu Lingtian either, so you blame me for this, I'm really wronged!"

Lin Yi frowned tightly, killing the shadow was useless, he had to rush back as quickly as possible, otherwise Cuihua's body would be in danger.

"Mo Hao, go kill people with me!" Lin Yi said coldly.

Mo Hao chuckled, and said, "Okay, although I haven't killed people for a long time, but you opened your mouth, of course I will fulfill your request."

Xuanzang looked puzzled. He was about to ask a question when Lin Yi's voice suddenly sounded: "Xuanzang, the future of the four gods and beasts is in your own hands. It is up to you to decide whether to exist or perish. I will go first. To deal with some matters, you should think about it yourself. Taiyi, gather everyone and launch a general attack on the headquarters of the Nine Heavens Alliance. Since the Eternal Temple does not care, then I will simply unify the entire Creation God Realm!"

"Yes! Master Lin Yi, I promise to complete the task!" Tai Yi responded loudly, and quickly acted.

Xuanzang and the others had complex expressions, none of them answered, and they didn't know what they were thinking.As for the tortoise egg, his body has been wrapped in a huge golden egg. Obviously, when he breaks out of the egg, he will be completely reborn.

When Lin Yi said this, he picked up Cuihua, and soon, he was connected with Cuihua's body.

He snorted coldly, and took out the Sunshine Treasure Box. The Sunlight Treasure Box was completely different from before, and the power it emitted was no less than that of a top-grade artifact.

"I've positioned the location well, Sunshine Treasure Box, don't let me down." Lin Yi said in a deep voice. With his current control over the laws of space, long-distance movement is of course no problem. You can use Uninterrupted Hell, which can also be reached in a short time.

However, if you want to reach the solar system in an instant, you can only rely on the solar treasure box!
Mo Hao immediately flew to Lin Yi's side, and the light from the Sunlight Box burst out, covering the three of them, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This time the girls didn't clamor to go together, in order to ensure instant arrival, of course, the fewer people the better.

But within three breaths, they reappeared, and the sunlight treasure box did not disappoint Lin Yi, they had already arrived in the sun, under Cuihua's body.

At this time, Cuihua's body was showing signs of withering due to the large amount of energy expended. Seeing this scene and feeling the constant vibration, Lin Yi's face was extremely gloomy. Chu Lingtian and the mosquito demon were clearly looking for death!

Outside the solar system, the world-protecting array has withstood dozens of attacks from the mosquito demon. The mosquito demon's face was extremely gloomy. He never expected that a mere small world-protecting array could block so many attacks from him. Is it fake?

Chu Lingtian floated there motionless, without any intention of making a move, as if he was watching a play.

Mosquito Demon threw another punch and was blocked, turned around with a look of resentment, "Chu Lingtian, you're still standing there motionless, aren't you a bit too leisurely? Watching Lao Tzu's performance is great, isn't it?"

Chu Lingtian chuckled, and said: "Master Wen, you are a master with extraordinary strength, do you still need the help of me, a little guy? You can attack alone, and I will be fine by watching."

"You... well, since you want to leave a way out for yourself, I want to see if you can retreat or not! After Lin Yi knows that his lair has been destroyed, you want to stay out of it, is it possible? "The mosquito demon sneered.

Chu Lingtian chuckled and shook his head, and said, "Master Wen, you are thinking too much, how could I have such unrealistic thoughts? Since I promised to be in trouble with you, I have already prepared to fight with Lin Yixue Prepare to fight to the end. Besides, that boy Lin Yi hated me very much. Even if I don’t destroy his lair, he won’t let me go. So, Mr. Wen, don’t be so boring Concentrate on your suspicions, and break through that big array of protective circles."

Chu Lingtian looked calm, and the mosquito demon was even more annoyed. In this situation, it seemed that he was listening to Lin Yi's instructions, and that feeling really made him uncomfortable.

However, what he is even more upset about now is this big protective formation. How did this thing come out? With his strength, he has not broken through the attack until now, which is really unbelievable!
He gritted his teeth, snorted coldly, and said, "Originally, I just wanted to break through the barrier, and then pull out the world tree inside to stimulate that kid Lin Yi. Now it seems that there is no need to do so, just Let me destroy this small world with one blow!"

When the mosquito demon said this, a black energy cluster began to condense in his right hand, and that energy cluster quickly grew at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it became the size of a house.

The expression of Chu Lingtian, who was closest to him, changed. He clearly felt the horror of this force. If this energy ball hit him, it would at least seriously injure him.

"I didn't expect the power of this dead mosquito to reach such a level. No wonder he dared to be so arrogant and took the initiative to provoke Lin Yi." Chu Lingtian thought to himself. The energy group pressed towards the protective circle.

"If you dare to obstruct this seat, you will be completely destroyed!" The mosquito demon roared, his expression extremely crazy.

Just when the energy group was about to touch the barrier, suddenly, the barrier that had been hindering them disappeared.

The momentum of the mosquito demon could not be stopped, and he still rushed forward. When he rushed a hundred meters, a familiar figure appeared beside him, and then grabbed his wrist.

"It's better for you to keep such a dangerous thing for yourself. Didn't someone tell you that ugly people shouldn't do more mischief?" Lin Yi's sneer sounded in the ears of the mosquito demon, and then Lin Yi's right hand was violently slammed. Tear off the mosquito demon's arm, then grab his arm, and press the black energy ball towards his face.

"Want to destroy my world? Hehe, enjoy yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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