Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1449 I have always hated you

Chapter 1449 I've Always Hated You
Lin Yi struck quickly, the mosquito demon didn't react at all, his arm was ripped off, and he ate the energy ball by himself.

With a bang, the body of the Mosquito Demon was sent flying, crashing into several boulders the size of a football field along the way, and he was extremely embarrassed.

He never thought that Lin Yi's strength was so strong, it was completely different from what he had been monitoring and seeing all along!
Chu Lingtian narrowed his eyes slightly, and then dexterously flew backwards for more than ten miles, avoiding Mo Hao's sneak attack.

Mo Hao looked at Chu Lingtian in surprise, and said, "How is it possible? How did you escape my blow?"

Chu Lingtian chuckled, and said: "It's very simple, just dodged like this. However, I didn't expect that the majestic and immemorial Devil Emperor would also play a sneak attack with a junior. It seems a bit disgraceful to do so, right?"

"Fart! In a battle, there are only winners and losers. Your strength is not much worse than Lao Tzu. Why is Lao Tzu talking about benevolence and morality to you? Besides, Lao Tzu is an ancient devil emperor, a devil, I'm not a representative of integrity, am I?" Mo Hao looked so proud that Lin Yi couldn't bear to look at him again, this guy really became more and more shameless.

Chu Lingtian nodded with a smile, and said: "Master Mo Hao is absolutely right, this junior has been educated. However, why do you need to do anything to me, sir? The person who attacked this galaxy was sent flying just now, you should go and greet him." Right?"

"Hehehe, it's about this time, and you realize that you are afraid, isn't it too late? As for your thoughts, this emperor almost understands, you want to use our hands to kill that dead mosquito. Hehe, you Don't be too whimsical, neither you nor the dead mosquito should even think about leaving today! The two of us are more than enough to deal with you two bastards?" Mo Hao had a smug smile on his face, which he hadn't seen for a long time. I have fought with the main body, this time I just took this opportunity to stretch my muscles and bones.

Chu Lingtian's complexion changed slightly, and then he let out a long sigh, and said, "Since this is the case, there is really nothing to talk about. Forget it, let the younger generation learn how the legendary Lord Primordial Demon Emperor is. How powerful."

Mo Hao's eyes were smiling into crescents, he arched his body, flew out like a cannonball, appeared behind Chu Lingtian in the blink of an eye, and punched his head with a punch.

"Hahaha, this emperor can't wish for it, so let's die!"

Chu Lingtian raised his hand very calmly, and firmly caught Mo Hao's punch. The huge impact made his body shake, but did not make him move a bit.

It was only then that Mo Hao realized that Chu Lingtian's strength was definitely not simple, and this was probably a very interesting battle. Thinking about this kind of thing made his blood boil!
After Lin Yi knocked the mosquito demon into the air, he floated there, looking at the shattered stone, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"How long do you want to pretend to be dead, you dead mosquito? Do you want me to pull you out and give you a good greeting?" Lin Yi sneered, and waved a seal of the sky casually, and smashed those broken pieces The stone was smashed into powder, leaving only the uninjured mosquito demon floating there.

Lin Yi had to admit that the recovery ability of the Mosquito Demon was not simple. His arm was broken just now, and after being blown up, he also suffered a seal of the sky. After so many attacks greeted him, he recovered so quickly. This situation made Lin Yi want to curse.

However, this kind of result is also very normal. If the mosquito monster is so easy to kill, it is impossible for him to live for so many years.

The mosquito demon floated there, staring straight at Lin Yi with a mean smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that in just a few days, your cultivation base has grown to such a level. If I guessed correctly, your soul should have reached the virtual holy realm before your physical body cultivation base. You should go The way Hongjun walked?" The mosquito demon said with a smile, and Lin Yi smiled and shook his head.

"You're wrong. I'm walking my own way, and it doesn't matter to anyone. But you, if you insist on rushing to die, I can only fulfill you. Hehe, I know, you are hard to kill, almost I can't kill it all. But, if I kill a clone of your current level, it should be very harmful to you, right? I don't believe that you can keep recovering like this, and you can't kill yourself anyway." Lin Yi sneered , Ling Kong waved a palm at the mosquito demon.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in Mosquito Demon's heart. He no longer resisted stubbornly, but wanted to avoid it, only to find that his body had become extremely slow, as if he had taken a blunting agent.

With a bang, the Mosquito Demon was hit again, and was beaten down on a boulder in a very embarrassing situation, in the shape of a "big".

Lin Yiyun looked at him calmly, and smiled lightly: "Slow down, don't be impatient, you will soon get used to the feeling of being hit by me. I will give you time to recover your body, and then I will Crush your body, so you should be able to feel the pain of those innocent people you killed."

When Lin Yi said this, a strong breath of time lingered around Lin Yi. With every move of Lin Yi, the power of the law of time seemed to be his hands and feet, which made the expression of the mosquito demon extremely shocked.

"Impossible, the power of the law of time is the most difficult to control. How could you choose this path? You can't be so stupid!" The mosquito demon exclaimed, with disbelief written all over his face.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "You really can talk to yourself, so I have always hated you!"

Lin Yi's figure suddenly became illusory, and when he reappeared, his right hand was already strangling the mosquito demon's throat, and with a hard pinch, the neck of the mosquito demon was broken.

The body of the mosquito demon exploded, turning into a blood mist that filled the sky, and the blood mist quickly condensed again, turning into the body of the mosquito demon.

Mosquito Demon's face was quite pale. Although he recovered his body again, it took a lot of energy and blood from him.

Lin Yi glanced at him indifferently, before he could pretend to be aggressive, Lin Yi stretched out a hand and grabbed him.

In an instant, Mosquito Demon felt the space around him being squeezed by an extremely domineering force, and then his body was compressed, crushed into a meat ball the size of a ping pong ball.

During the process of compression, the screams of the mosquito monster were endless, which made people shudder.

Chu Lingtian and Mo Hao, who were fighting, glanced at it, and their expressions changed slightly.

Mo Hao sighed, shook his head and said: "Cruel, really cruel! Compared with him, how can I be considered a monster? However, I played this hand beautifully, I enjoyed watching it! Hahaha... surname Chu’s little guy? What do you think? Do you want to be like that guy, being pinched into a ball of meat, that feeling, maybe it’s very cool!"

(End of this chapter)

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