Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1450 Blood Mosquito Prison

Chapter 1450 Blood Mosquito Prison

Mo Hao laughed crazily after talking about it, but Chu Lingtian looked quite calm, just smiled lightly and said: "I don't have the tendency to be abused, let's forget it. But, with this kind of An attack of this level can't kill that guy at all, otherwise I would have turned over long ago."

"Oh? Is that so? I didn't expect you to be interested in killing mosquitoes. Why don't we work together and get rid of that mosquito first?" Mo Hao said with a smile. After the few collisions just now, he was almost sure, Chu Lingtian's strength is not weaker than him.

Mo Hao was quite annoyed, after all, he is also an old master who has been famous for so many years, so he can't do anything to a newcomer, which is really embarrassing!
Wouldn't it be even more tragic if it was him who hit the street at the end of the fight?

The smile on Chu Lingtian's face suddenly became much stronger, and he said, "Senior Mohao, isn't it too shameless to make such a wishful thinking? If I do this, will I be called a fool?"

"Hahaha, you're not stupid! It's just that the dead mosquito is going to die soon. It's not in its heyday, but you dare to run out and jump around. It's really courting death!" Mo Hao laughed loudly. Laughing, his face suddenly froze, and he clearly felt that there was an extremely bloody aura rising around him. These auras were very familiar, making his memory seem to return to that year, the bloody battle with the mosquito demon middle!

"This is the prison of blood mosquitoes. It's too exaggerated that the power of that dead mosquito has recovered to such an extent!" Mo Hao couldn't help exclaiming.

Chu Lingtian chuckled, and said: "Now you know, right? That mosquito is very strong, much stronger than me, how could it die so easily? Besides, that guy seems very angry now, a crazy mosquito Mosquitoes, that's quite dangerous!"

Lin Yi was right in the center of this bloody mosquito prison, and the strong bloody smell made him want to vomit, and this damned mosquito was still as disgusting as ever.

"Jie Jie, little guy, this should be counted as our second battle. The last time I deliberately let you win, let you get the endless hell. You can get to where you are today, and I definitely owe a lot to you. However, you This kid is so ungrateful, he is against me again and again, I am really sad! Don’t you know my good intentions? I really want to cooperate with you !" Mosquito demon said this, with a look of earnestness, but he didn't dedicate himself at all.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, he shook his head lightly, and said, "Your skin is thicker than that guy Mo Hao, and I have to admire that..."

"Hey, hey, please be careful when you speak. What does it mean to have a thicker skin than mine? This Emperor has always been known for being thin-skinned. Except for me, everyone has a thick skin! Especially you kid, you have the thickest skin! "Mo Hao immediately yelled, he hates others to frame him, even Lin Yi can't do it.

As if he didn't hear it, Lin Yi said slowly: "However, talking nonsense with your eyes open, you can fool a fool, but fool me, isn't it too ignorant? You just want to take my body and achieve a goal. An unspeakable secret. Hehe, if my guess is correct, you should be waiting for the opening of the Golden Body Palace, and I should be an important 'prop' for you to get something. I don't know if I said it right. what?"

Lin Yi's words stopped the strange laughter of the mosquito demon, and after a while, the voice of the mosquito demon came again: "Boy Lin Yi, you are much smarter than I imagined. I don't think I am satisfied with this point." Difficult. However, people who are too smart usually die earlier, how long do you think you can live?"

"Hehe, how long can I live? I'm so sorry, I haven't really considered this question, I just know that your life is not long, maybe you will die here today." Lin Yi smiled, Then gently spit out two words: "Chaos."

As soon as Lin Yi's words fell, the Blood Mosquito Prison, which was flooded with blood, suddenly began to tremble. Then, an invisible coercion continued to emanate from Lin Yi, and then, this force actually penetrated the Blood Mosquito Prison of the Mosquito Demon. Prison, covering all the mosquito monsters outside the Blood Mosquito Prison.

"What the hell is this? Brat, what have you done?" Mosquito Demon suddenly had an ominous premonition, but he had no idea what Lin Yi was doing, because nothing had changed.

Mo Hao, who was in the prison of blood mosquitoes, was also a little unclear, so he couldn't understand what Lin Yi was doing.He and Hongjun had used all their strength to break through the technique of the Blood Mosquito Prison before. He was still worrying just now, how could he and Lin Yi's strength break through this abnormal space constraint.

However, Lin Yi didn't seem to have the intention of forcibly breaking it open. He seemed to be using a very mysterious method. He had never seen this method before, and it was definitely a novelty.

Chu Lingtian and Mo Hao had stopped fighting a long time ago. In this situation, if they fight and lose both sides, the mosquito demon will just take advantage of it.

The scariest thing about the Blood Mosquito Prison is that it constantly absorbs the blood energy of the trapped people, especially those injured in battle.The blood energy of these people will be doubled, and of course they don't want to die like being sucked into a mummy.

Chu Lingtian closed his eyes and began to feel the coercion. Suddenly, a golden light flashed between his brows, and a chess piece flew out of it.

As soon as this chess piece appeared, it emitted a soft light, covering Chu Lingtian's body.

Chu Lingtian's face suddenly changed, he looked at the chess piece in disbelief, and exclaimed: "It can arouse the resonance of Tianyun Chess, this power, could it be the way of heaven... No, it's not simply the power of the way of heaven, it's something beyond the way of heaven. The power of power!"

"All things are originally Dao. Dao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things. Even though I have lived through all ages, I have only touched a trace of the origin of Tao, and this chaos is my understanding of Tao." Lin Yi said He muttered to himself, suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, and the power suddenly swelled thousands of times, and the blood mosquito prison of the mosquito demon was expanded under the explosion of this power, as if it was going to explode.

The mosquito demon's eyes widened, and suddenly he yelled loudly: "I don't care what power you have! As long as it is in my blood mosquito prison, I can absorb it! I will swallow them all!"

The mosquito monster looked like a madman, and immediately mobilized all its power to absorb that powerful force, but, what made him feel unbelievable was that he couldn't absorb this power at all.Not only that, he suddenly felt that the power of the Blood Mosquito Prison itself was being pulled by another force. He looked in the direction of that pull, and with just one glance, his expression suddenly changed!

(End of this chapter)

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