Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1451 Don't you feel ashamed

Chapter 1451 Don't you feel ashamed

At some point, the Blood Mosquito Prison has been enveloped by a larger space. This space is so gray that the edge cannot be seen at all.

He was as insignificant as an ant, as if he was in a new world, and he couldn't escape at all.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chu Lingtian's mouth, and Chu Lingtian's body under the light of the chess piece gradually faded away. This sudden change made Mo Hao's face change suddenly. He wanted to stop it without thinking, but when he reached out to grab it, , but caught in the empty space.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Forget it, his super artifact has a special ability, which can allow him to be teleported away in a short time without taking any damage. This guy hides it well." So deep."

"Hehe, I'm so honored, little friend Lin Yi. I was also forced to do nothing. In this world, it is impossible to survive without one or two means of life-saving. It's like the mosquito you are killing. Just be fully prepared and leave yourself a lot of retreats. It is too simple for you to kill him with that level of attack. However, if you play like this, I guess that guy will be able to calm down for a while Time, I can also breathe a sigh of relief, don't worry about him swallowing me up." When Chu Lingtian said this, his body had completely disappeared, leaving only traces of divine spirit.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, the body of the Fortune Gold Plate appeared in his hand, as soon as the Fortune Gold Plate appeared, a golden light shot out from it, just hitting those spirit breaths.

At this moment, Chu Lingtian, who had just appeared hundreds of light-years away, opened his mouth and spewed out a cloud of blood mist, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and muttered to himself: "How is it possible, why is the Golden Plate of Fortune in his hand?" Here, could it be that even the Destiny Clan is on his side? No, the Destiny Clan will not allow him to exist, there must be something wrong with it!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little scared. If Lin Yi took out the Fortune Gold Plate from the beginning, he would have nowhere to escape, and even a small life might be lost here.But why didn't Lin Yi take it out earlier?This is really a strange question.

Mo Hao looked at Lin Yi with a puzzled face, then glanced at the Fortune Gold Plate, and said, "Boy Lin Yi, you clearly know that this thing can deal with that guy, why didn't you take it out earlier? If that guy escapes, It might cause you big trouble in the future.”

Lin Yi glanced at him, hehe smiled, and said, "I just tried it, who knows that this thing is really useful? However, I am indeed a bit stupid. The Tianyun Gold Plate is obviously a chessboard, and the one in his hand is a chessboard. A chess piece is also called Fortune Chess, these two things are obviously related."

"Uh... my lord, I told you when the Sky Fortune Chess was brought out just now, I'm too innocent for you to say that..." Sky Fortune Jinpan's tone was a bit aggrieved. Lin Yi laughed out loud.

"I know, I admit that I didn't kill him on purpose, okay? Although I really want to kill him, but if Chu Lingtian is really dead, the only one who will really benefit is the mosquito demon, so maybe if you keep him It is more beneficial to us. As for taking it just now, it is to give him a wake-up call, pretending to be aggressive in front of me, and not paying the price." Lin Yi said with a smile, looking up.

Above his head, the mosquito monster was no longer protected by the Blood Mosquito Prison, with countless forces of chaos stuck to its body, like a trapped beast trapped in a quagmire, with no possibility of breaking free at all.

Lin Yi just looked at him quietly, their eyes collided, Lin Yi was very indifferent, and the mosquito demon was full of hatred.

"Stinky boy, do you think you can really kill me? You are dreaming! I have already cultivated the body of immortality, even if you kill my clone, what can you do to me? Hahaha, I am immortal Yes!" Mosquito demon raised his head to the sky and laughed wildly.

Lin Yi looked at him indifferently, shook his head lightly, and said, "I never thought about killing you, at least not now, so you don't need to be so complacent and pretentious in front of me. As for what Immortality? Hehe, it’s just a trick to deceive children, you probably don’t even believe it yourself?”

Mosquito Demon's face froze, with a ruthless look on his face, and said: "Even if that's the case? You can't reach that level in your life. This universe is doomed to fall completely, and it will be killed by our warriors from God's Burial Universe." Paradise! Haha, hahaha..."

The mosquito monster looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his body trembling from laughing.

Mo Hao's face was extremely gloomy, and he said coldly: "What a disgusting guy, he hasn't changed in the slightest after all these years. Kid Lin Yi, kill him quickly, I really can't stand it anymore."

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, stretched out his hand and gently grabbed the mosquito monster, a cage condensed by the power of chaos appeared, trapping it inside.

At the same time, with a thought in Lin Yi's mind, Chu Lingtian's shadow was also released, just standing beside the mosquito demon.

When the mosquito demon saw the shadow, his expression changed drastically, and he yelled at him, "You bloody traitor, how dare you betray me, I want to kill you!"

Shadow was flustered immediately, and hurriedly dodged to the side, seeing that the mosquito monster couldn't get out of the cage at all, his expression immediately softened a lot, and he sneered: "You are a dead mosquito, you have the ability to rush out and kill me! You are just a prisoner of Lord Lin Yi now, what are you dragging?"

When the shadow said this, he immediately knelt down towards Lin Yi, and said flatteringly: "Congratulations, Lord Lin Yi, for catching this dead mosquito. Lord Lin Yi is invincible and brave, and my admiration for you... um..."

The voice of the shadow suddenly stopped, because he found that he was also imprisoned in a cage, which was exactly the same as the mosquito demon.

"Um, my lord, what are you doing? I didn't make any mistakes. I have explained to you just now that this dead mosquito and that Chu Lingtian blocked my consciousness, so I didn't notice their movements. It can't be my fault!" Shadow anxiously explained, Lin Yi looked at him calmly, as if waiting for him to finish speaking.

"Have you finished? If you finish, I should be able to say a few words, right? I have to say that black people still have the advantages of being black, because in this way, I can't see the change in your expression, and I don't know. The lies you told are so ridiculous. Hehe, I want to ask you, isn’t it wonderful to scold yourself?” Lin Yi had a playful smile on his face, looking at him as if he was looking at someone stupid? .

Shadow looked "perplexed", looked at Lin Yi in a daze, and said, "My lord, what do you mean? Why can't I understand at all?"

"Hehe, don't you understand? I didn't expect you to be so stupid that you can't even understand human language. Then let me put it simply, as the shadow of a dead mosquito, don't you feel ashamed to live?"

(End of this chapter)

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