Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1452 It doesn't matter

Chapter 1452 It doesn't matter
Lin Yi's words were incomparably plain, and Shadow froze for a moment, while Mo Hao was much calmer, as if he knew it long ago.

The mosquito demon sneered, and said, "Boy, are you blind? Is he my shadow? Is my shadow such rubbish?"

Lin Yi didn't answer him directly, but looked at Tianyun Jinpan, and said indifferently: "Xiao Panzi, since this guy refuses to admit it, then you can do some calculations to convince them."

Although Tianyun Jinpan was somewhat dissatisfied with Lin Yi's address, since Lin Yi spoke, he had to be obedient.

Soon, the Fortune Gold Disk started to work, a beam of light shot out, and a light curtain appeared in front of the four of them, and a picture clearly appeared on the light curtain.

In the picture, Chu Lingtian's shadow is separated by the mosquito demon, which is the way of the mosquito demon's clone cultivation.However, not long after Chu Lingtian's shadow separated, the Mosquito Demon secretly moved his hands and feet, using his own avatar to snatch away that shadow.Ever since, that shadow has become the clone of the mosquito demon. The matter is so simple and clear.

Shadow no longer quibbled, but snorted coldly, looking cold.

Mo Hao laughed and said, "I thought you didn't know, but I didn't expect you to know it already."

"I'm not a fool, I see it much more clearly than you. When that guy couldn't wait to kill Mo Xin, I already saw his identity. This dead mosquito gave its power to others to nurture, but in the end It is impossible to regain power from those people, which is why they did so many stupid things. If my guess is correct, this shadow should be the method used by this dead mosquito to plot against Chu Lingtian, otherwise he should have regained all his power by now, It's awesome." Lin Yi said with a smile, and the mosquito monster snorted softly, with a look of disapproval.

"Well, since you have seen through everything, I have nothing to hide. Yes, I did do a lot of stupid things, but didn't you help me a lot? You helped me kill Ye Tianlong, and you also killed me. Mo Xin made my strength almost perfect, if you put in a little more effort today, you can kill Chu Lingtian as well... Hehe, will you still have a chance to stand here and talk to me?" Mosquito Demon sneered He said, since he had already said it, he had nothing to hide, so he simply said it happily.

"Speaking of yourself so awesome, why don't you become Lin Yi's prisoner in the end? What's there to be proud of? Your avatar should have almost [-]% of the power of the main body. If you are destroyed like this, how long will it take you to recover? ? Haha, just thinking about it is quite enjoyable." Mo Hao laughed, he really didn't like the mosquito demon at all.

The mosquito demon sneered, and snorted coldly: "Mo Hao, your fate will not be much better than mine, so what are you proud of? I used to admire you quite a bit. As the ancient devil emperor, you are still somewhat domineering. , However, now you have become so weak that you are even willing to become a lackey of a bastard. You really are getting better and better! Just wait, sooner or later you will be eaten by this kid until there are no bones left. Are you just kidding? But his!"

"Hmph, you are still trying to provoke the relationship between me and Lin Yi when you are about to die. Are you out of your mind, or are you just an idiot? Lin Yi, I suggest you kill this guy immediately. We have a period of peace. It is not a wise choice to keep his clone and be attacked by him at any time." Mo Hao said very seriously, and what he said was from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Yi shook his head lightly, and said, "Old man Mo Hao, let me ask you, if I really killed this guy's clone, what would this guy do?"

Mo Hao was taken aback for a moment, and said: "What will I do? It's not easy, of course, I have to practice hard, and then recover my strength! When I killed him with that guy Hongjun, I don't know how many clones he killed. I found his body, and then sealed it. Sometimes, I even wondered if it was his body that was sealed at the beginning, because he has too many means, it is impossible to guard against, and it is very difficult to kill!"

Lin Yi heard the words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Since you know this, don't you understand my intention? There is a key point in this clone technique, which is the distribution of power and the limit of power. No matter how much his power is Distribution, his overall strength has a limit, if he can break this limit, he probably won't need to absorb Chu Lingtian."

As soon as Lin Yi said these words, the expressions of Mo Hao and Mosquito Demon changed at the same time. Mo Hao rolled his eyes, and suddenly burst out laughing, saying: "Good boy, I understand what you mean. If you kill He will try his best to recover this guy's avatar. However, if this guy's avatar is imprisoned, his main body strength will not be restored at all. At that time, he will not only be able to trouble you, but I am afraid he will spend his whole life bouncing around No more! High, really high!"

"Not only that, but what you care about most is the millions of living beings. If the clone of the mosquito monster is destroyed, the only way to restore its strength is to slaughter a large number of living beings. Your lord does not want to see countless innocent beings die, so he made such a choice. What a small act of righteousness, I admire you so much!" Tianyun Jinpan flattered him at the right time, as Lin Yi's brainless fan, he has long been convinced of Lin Yi.

Mosquito Demon's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and he was even more troubled in his heart. He never thought that Lin Yi would play tricks with him to such an extent. He never thought of such a result.

He gritted his teeth, hesitantly, and began to gather strength secretly, but he suddenly found that under the shackles of that chaotic power, the power in his body could not be mobilized at all.

Lin Yi glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Don't struggle fearlessly, I know, you want to destroy this clone by self-destruct, so as to make my plan come to nothing. Hehe, you are thinking too simply, you think me and Are you just as brainless? I advise you to abandon that unrealistic idea, and obediently serve your sentence in my universe. Maybe one day when I feel better, I will take you out for a walk..."

"My lord, let me go! Although I am the clone of that guy, I already have self-awareness. Don't lock me up, okay? You can set any restrictions on me, and I won't resist. I just ask you to give me a chance, okay?" The shadow suddenly knelt down and shouted loudly, his expression and tone were very serious.

Lin Yi glanced at him, shook his head lightly, and said, "You think too much, I really never thought of locking you up..."

"Really? My lord, are you really willing to let me go? That's great, my lord, don't worry, I will definitely do a lot of things for you, and I promise to redeem you... ah—" Before the shadow finished speaking, Lin Yi casually pointed out a finger, and a golden light shot into the shadow's forehead, and the shadow exploded and disappeared after a scream.

"Because it doesn't matter if you die!"

(End of this chapter)

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