Chapter 1453

Even Mo Hao didn't know Lin Yi's real thoughts, but Mo Hao admired Lin Yi's approach, and he wanted to kill this spineless coward a long time ago.

After killing the shadow, Lin Yi waved his hand, and the power of chaos turned into countless chains, binding the clone of the mosquito monster into a big rice dumpling, and then opened his universe door, sucking this guy in.

Mosquito Demon felt a strong sense of powerlessness. He glared at Lin Yi angrily, and then yelled at Mo Hao: "Mo Hao, your end will not be better than mine! This kid won't let you go, won't ..."

The voice of the mosquito demon just disappeared from the ears of Lin Yi and Mo Hao, and the chaotic space slowly dissipated, as if nothing had happened for a while, and everything returned to calm.

Lin Yi took a long breath and asked lightly: "Mo Hao, just say what you have to say? You can say whatever you want, keep it in your heart, and hold yourself back, so don't blame me."

Mo Hao glanced at Lin Yi, and said angrily: "As for you? I met you on the first day? Do you need to talk about these boring things? If you want to do something to me, you don't even need to let me out. Lock me up, I still have to work for you without complaint. The person who really needs to worry should be yourself. I am not a fuel-efficient lamp. I am still reasonable now. Maybe one day I will suddenly go crazy , you just wait to be killed by me!"

When Mo Hao said this, Lin Yi smiled unkindly. He had been pretending to be serious until now, but after hearing such words, he really couldn't pretend.

"You really know how to brag. Since I can release you, I still fear you will go crazy? Have you heard the story of Sun Houzi? No matter how good you are, I can put you under Five Fingers Mountain at any time. "Lin Yi completely revealed his true colors, looking like a stinking fart.

Mo Hao's anger was suddenly aroused, and he jumped and cursed: "Boy, how dare you talk to this emperor like this, and this emperor will make gestures with you to see who is more awesome!"

An incomparably domineering wave of magic power erupted from Mo Hao, as if he wanted to fight Lin Yi desperately, Lin Yi glanced at him disdainfully, snapped his fingers, the chaotic space reappeared, and Mo Hao's power was immediately suppressed. Squeeze it down and see immediate results.

Mo Hao looked at Lin Yi bitterly. Since this kind of strange chaotic power can easily eliminate the clone of the Mosquito Demon, it will definitely be effective against him.Always playing like this, he even spanks!

"Stinky boy, don't use this trick if you have the guts, we will fight with swords and guns!" Mo Hao snorted angrily.

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him, and said: "If you have the ability, you stand there and let me beat you. What are you doing? It's so boring. This chaotic space is a method I finally comprehended. If you have the ability, you should also understand it. I won't stop you. Don't forget, in order to find my own way, I have gone through the cycle of reincarnation, and I was beaten by those two stinky girls. Fortunately, both of them were bored in the end and didn't want to do it anymore. Play, or I will be killed by them. However, this method is really good, I recommend you to play a round."

"Don't, don't, I'm different from you. I've found my own road, which is guaranteed to be much better than yours, so you don't need to worry about it. However, you don't have to be so complacent. One day, my When he is stronger than you, he will definitely push you to the ground and beat you hard!" Mo Hao had a mean smile on his face, it was clearly a kind of smile that wanted to put the beautiful woman on the bed hehehe.

Lin Yi quickly avoided his gaze, coughed lightly, and said, "Let's not talk about such nonsense, and help repair the barrier, I'm going to accompany my wife."

Lin Yi threw out this sentence, and disappeared immediately. Mo Hao smiled wickedly, and said to himself: "Little guy, I know you are afraid of this. However, I really have to work harder. Jun that guy surpassed, already made me very upset, and now you are thrown away by you kid, and I have to do coolies for you, oh, forget it, do it, do it."

When Lin Yi returned to Cuihua's side, the latter's condition had fully recovered, not as dying as before.

"Husband, how are you? Are you not injured?" Cuihua asked with concern.

Lin Yi gently pinched her little nose, and said with a smile: "What will happen to me? Don't you believe in your husband's strength? I can crush such a small character to death with one finger. .”

Cuihua pursed her mouth immediately when she heard the words, snorted softly, and said, "Really? Such a small character can hurt me like this, so am I not even inferior to a small character? Hmph, don't you look down on me?" ?”

Lin Yi's expression froze immediately, and he quickly said with a smile on his face: "No, no, how could I have such an idea? I just want to say that I am stronger than that guy, and that guy's strength is rubbish, uh... well, I Admit that I said something wrong, and I apologize..."

Cuihua burst into a smile, Lin Yi's deflated look was so cute, it was really hard for her to keep a straight face.

"Silly old man, I'm kidding you. You worked so hard for me, how could I be angry with you? However, I am really worried now, no matter how strong we become and how powerful the barrier is, here It has always been our weakness. If there is the first time, there will be the second time. What's more, it is the third time now. We can't always rush back in times of crisis and let others lead us by the nose. ?” Cuihua said very seriously, her brows were full of worry.

Lin Yi chuckled and said: "My good wife, of course I know you are worried about this, don't worry, I have a way to solve it. I used to only set up barriers because I was not strong enough, but now, I It has been completely reborn, and only needs a little trick."

"Small means? What do you want to do? Is it to set up that kind of world-protecting formation that no one can break through?" Cuihua looked at Lin Yi in bewilderment. Lin Yi smiled, grabbed her hand, and With a light wave of one hand.

Cuihua looked puzzled, because nothing special happened, but Lin Yi gave her the feeling that he had done something.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Mrs. Cuihua, have you noticed any changes here?"

"Changes?" Cuihua's head turned into two big ones. She scratched her head and asked in confusion, "What's changed? Did you do anything?"

"Hahaha, my silly wife, you can't do this! After all, you have lived in the sun for so long, don't you even know your own home? You should feel it first..." Lin Yi laughed loudly, There was a bit of complacency in his tone.

Cuihua didn't understand anymore, she turned around, glanced around, and muttered: "It's nothing strange, the people are still the same, the scenery is the same scenery, the trees are still the same... huh? My What about the main body? Where have you changed my main body?"

(End of this chapter)

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