Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1454 Really Stupid

Chapter 1454 Really Stupid
Cuihua opened her mouth wide, then turned her head and looked at Lin Yi in surprise, feeling that she didn't have enough brains for a while.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "What's wrong? Do you think I changed your body? Silly wife, do I need to do such a boring thing? If you feel it carefully, you might find something more interesting. !"

"More interesting things? What's the matter? Don't tell me, this is not the Grandmist Universe at all, but somewhere else? Huh? How did your expression freeze? Did I hit the spot? Oh, I see! This must be your universe, all people and things have been moved in by you unconsciously, right?" Cuihua opened her eyes wide and looked at Lin Yi, the appearance was really cute.

Lin Yi smiled wryly, and said, "You guessed it out, I thought I had to ask me to tell you!"

"Hmph! Am I that stupid? If I don't know such a simple truth, then my life will be in vain. However, since you have removed everyone in the solar system, why did you let Mohao set the knot?" Where is the world?" Cuihua asked puzzled.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Since others like to attack here, then leave this place for those guys to attack slowly. Next, I just need to move your body to this world."

Cuihua let out an oh, nodded, and agreed.

Cuihua's body is the core of the sun, so Lin Yi had to move the whole sun over.However, with Lin Yi's current ability, it is quite easy to create a fake sun.

However, Lin Yi thought about it, and suddenly realized that he was a big idiot.Since the survival of those creatures only needs suitable stars, why let Cuihua's body stay here?Wouldn't it be enough to just let it blend into Cuihua's body?
Thinking about it again, Lin Yi realized that he was really stupid. Why did Cuihua still have a connection with her body?Wouldn't it be good to just let it get out of the body?In this case, at least Cuihua will not be implicated by the main body.

Ever since, Lin Yi took some effort to completely separate Cuihua from its body, and Lin Yi also got rid of the hat of "tree lover".

After solving the intrusion incident, Lin Yi hurried back to Zixiao Palace, Zixiao Palace has become Lin Yi's base camp, the reason is very simple, just because this planet is quite comfortable to live in.

The news came quickly from the four great beast races that they were willing to cooperate with Lin Yi, but they were not surrendering.

Lin Yi didn't care whether they surrendered or not. After all, the four great beast races had their pride. Even though his strength surpassed the strongest among them, it didn't mean that he could really conquer them completely.The four great beast races have been able to stand in the Hongmeng universe for so long, how could it be possible that they do not have a strong background?Lin Yi didn't want to confront them head-on.

It was even easier for the Nine Heavens Alliance. Since the Nine Great Shrines had already been breached by Lin Yi, all Lin Yi needed to do was break through the headquarters of the Nine Heavens Alliance.

However, when the army approached the city, those guarding the headquarters directly chose to surrender, and Tai Yi didn't do anything at all.

All the forces in the Demon Realm surrendered to Lin Yi, and Shenyu Trading Company was also suppressed by the Heavenly Killers, and it has basically stabilized. As for Yihongyuan, it even publicly expressed cooperation with Lin Yi.In this way, the entire Creation God Realm was unified as never before, and all were under Lin Yi's control.

However, from the beginning to the end, there was no movement in the Eternal Temple, as if it was completely out of the way, which made Lin Yi a little confused. This situation even made him doubt whether the Eternal Temple was still there.

"My lord, there has been news from the Temple of Eternity. The master of their main hall has ordered to admit everything you have done to the Creation God Realm, but they want you to go to the Temple of Eternity and strengthen the seal with them." Tai Yi said very respectfully.

Lin Yi and his wife and children were having a picnic under a big tree, and those barbecue grills were placed all over the floor. They were drinking and making skewers with red pine nuts, having a great time.

Taiyi suddenly felt a little embarrassed, it seemed that such an atmosphere was not suitable for reporting anything.

Lin Yi, who was gnawing on the chicken wings, spit out the whole chicken bone, and said with a smile: "Tai Yi, you should sit down and play together, so you can have some leisure time and play, don't be tense every day, how boring is that?"

When Lin Yi spoke, of course Tai Yi couldn't refuse, he let out an oh, and suddenly felt even more embarrassed.

Mo Hao, who ate his mouth full of oil, has long been burying his head here, without any embarrassment. Is this really the frightening Primordial Demon Emperor in the legend?
Taiyi held the skewer and wanted to take a bite, but with a tangled face, he said, "My lord, I feel that there must be some conspiracy on the side of the Eternal Temple. They shouldn't be so kind..."

"I will definitely go to the Eternal Temple. Even if they don't invite me, I will go there. There are also the Destiny Clan and the Primordial Demon Clan. I will visit them personally to see what these pretentious guys are doing." Lin Yi looked very serious, but the look of gnawing a pig's trotter was too unsightly, how could he look like the leader of a big force?
"That's right, I have to go to the Primordial Demon Race to see what the hell are those little bastards doing, can they be addicted to being a turtle? It's been so many years, and even the small Creation God Realm can't be unified. Instead, let a brat finish it, it's embarrassing to think about it!" Mo Hao said while gnawing on the drumstick.

Lin Yi glared at him, and said coldly, "Really? Shall this brat ask you for advice?"

Mo Hao looked stunned, coughed lightly, and said: "The taste of chicken legs is quite delicious, come on, little radish, and sprinkle a handful of cumin for me."

"Yes, my lord, then I will take your words back. By the way, the Eternal Temple also said that the Golden Body Hall will be opened in a month. Are you interested in going in and taking a look?" Tai Yi said, Everyone who was immersed in skewers raised their heads and looked at Lin Yi at the same time.

Lin Yi crushed the pig's trotter bone, spit out a mouthful of broken bones, and said with a smile: "Golden Body Palace, hehe, I have been waiting for it to open for so long, and asking me if I am interested, isn't this a joke? Oh, By the way, I still don’t know where the Golden Body Temple is, it can’t be in the Eternal Temple, right?”

Chi Songzi chuckled, shook his head, and said, "Lord Lin Yi, you didn't ask, and I forgot to tell you. The location of the Golden Body Hall has actually been uncertain, but the time of appearance is regular. The last time Jin The body hall appeared in the cemetery of gods and demons, and it almost fell into the core position. If it really fell into the core position, few people would dare to go there. If you are eager to know the location of the golden body hall this time, Mr. Lin Yi, just ask Just ask the Fortune Gold Plate. After all, the priests of the Eternal Temple used the Fortune Gold to calculate the location of each prediction. Hehe, they are probably jumping now, annoyed at what the Fortune Gold Plate in their hands is for. None?"

(End of this chapter)

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