Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1456 A Little Backache

Chapter 1456 A Little Backache
As soon as Chu Lingtian finished speaking, the Mosquito Demon was stunned for a while, and then scolded angrily: "I'm so excited! I didn't dare to go to that ghostly place of time and quicksand before, let alone now that my cultivation base has been greatly reduced. The Golden Body Palace appeared There, it is clear that they want to kill a large group of people!"

The corner of Chu Lingtian's mouth raised slightly, and he said, "But, Mr. Wen, don't you think it's strange? The place where the Golden Body Palace appears is getting more and more dangerous every time, and this time, the place where the Golden Body Palace appears is definitely Hongmeng Universe. The most dangerous part. I say that, you should be able to understand a little bit, right?"

"The most dangerous place? Nonsense! Of course I know that the quicksand of time is the most dangerous place in the Grandmist Universe, but so what? There is no place more dangerous than the quicksand of time, even the core location of the cemetery of gods and demons is impossible, so this is the last time the Golden Body Palace has appeared?" Mosquito demon fully reacted, his face was full of shock color.

Chu Lingtian nodded with a smile, and said, "I'm a little surprised that Mr. Wen can guess this. I thought you had to ask me to say it to understand..."

"Nonsense! Is Lao Tzu so stupid? It's just that I didn't realize it for a while. But this is exactly the same as what I deduced before. The key to the apse of the Golden Body Palace appears, and the things inside should be obtained. As long as you get that thing, this Who in the universe can compete with me? It’s just that there are many crises in the quicksand of time, and life may be cut off at any time. Weakened a lot..."

"Hehe, Mr. Wen, do you want to tell me after talking so much, I should sacrifice myself for you, and give you my cultivation base, so that your cultivation base will be greatly increased, so that you don't have to worry about the troubles in the quicksand of time?" Is it dangerous? Hehe, even if I dare to give it, do you dare to take it? Maybe I will play tricks and swallow you instead, so don’t blame me for not reminding you!” Chu Lingtian said with a smile, and immediately dismissed the mosquito The idea of ​​a demon, his self-confidence is very weak now, of course he dare not have that kind of thought.

"Brother Chu likes to joke too much, how could I have that kind of thought? I believe that as long as I follow Brother Chu, I will be able to sit back and relax and not encounter any danger. Hehe, Brother Chu, what I said should be fine, right?" Mosquito Demon He even changed his title, and his tone was a bit playful, as if he saw through everything.

Chu Lingtian chuckled, and said: "Master Wen has become very wise at this time, I don't think it's hard not to admire. I'll take you to a place and let you open your eyes."

Having said this, Chu Lingtian stood up slowly, and walked out of the space created by the mosquito demon. As soon as he appeared, a terrifying breath of death enveloped him, which is the unique power of the cemetery of gods and demons.

The mosquito demon also came out, frowned slightly, and said, "Brother Chu, what are you doing? The cemetery of gods and demons is very harmful to our bodies. Even I don't like to stand here for a second. You want Where are you taking me?"

Chu Lingtian smiled slightly, and said, "So, I have to thank you for this matter. If you didn't like to come out, I wouldn't have done so many things under your nose. Follow me closely, no luck Chess protection, I can't guarantee that you will survive."

Mosquito Demon froze slightly, and said, "Brother Chu, what have you done? Where are you going? Could it be that you want to enter the core area of ​​the Gods and Demons Cemetery?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Wen, you are not stupid! That's right, I do want to enter there, you don't have to be afraid, you can't die with me here." When Chu Lingtian said this, Tianyunqi suddenly split. For two, one merged into the center of Chu Lingtian's eyebrows, and the other flew towards the mosquito demon.

Mosquito Demon quickly started to defend, intending to block Tian Yunqi, but heard a sneer from Chu Lingtian: "Master Wen, do you still want to know what I did in the core of the cemetery of gods and demons? Don't you even have the slightest curiosity?" None?"

Mosquito Demon froze slightly, thought for a while, and then decided to give up his defense and let the fate chess piece penetrate into his forehead.

After the Fortune Chess entered between his eyebrows, his expression suddenly changed, because he clearly felt that the breath of death in the cemetery of gods and demons that made him dread was completely isolated, and it couldn't hurt him at all.

Chu Lingtian looked at him with a smile, and said, "Master Wen, you should trust me now, right? Sky Fortune Chess is driven by spirit power, and the stronger the spirit power, the stronger the power of Sky Fortune Chess. So, enter At the core of the cemetery of gods and demons, you can't take it lightly, or you will die accidentally, don't blame me!"

The mosquito demon swallowed, nodded and said, "Thank you brother Chu for reminding me, I have never dared to go in there before, so I just took this opportunity to go in and have a look."

Chu Lingtian did not respond, but walked step by step towards the depths of the cemetery of gods and demons.The power of death became more and more intense, so that the mosquito demon was trembling with fear when he followed him. After a while, he suddenly felt that he had stepped over a barrier, and then he saw a scene that shocked him so much!
"This... What are these? How is it possible? When did you make these things? How could..." The Mosquito Demon stammered, completely stunned.

Chu Lingtian chuckled, and said, "This is also my last hole card, the bottom of the box, I can't destroy it..."

Ten days passed, and Lin Yi stood there with a tired face in front of the main hall in Zixiao Palace.

He delayed the time to go to the Eternal Temple for ten days, and replaced it with the time in the Kunlun mirror, which was almost hundreds of days.Originally, he wanted to take a good rest, play and relax.

Unexpectedly, one-third of the time was pulled over by the girls, one-third of the time was surrounded by children, and the remaining one-third of the time was trapped by Xiao Tiantian and Xiao Shumiaoer. In his universe, the two of them yelled at Lin Yi, saying that Lin Yi was the shopkeeper and asked him to work as a coolie in the Hongmeng universe, responsible for creating various planets and the like.

During this time, Lin Yi ushered in a new evildoer, that is, his and Bai Bingbing's daughter.Bai Bingbing is no longer depressed, she is finally not so special.

Lin Yi, who was so exhausted, had to go to the Temple of Eternity, which was a huge torture, and Lin Yi almost cried when he thought about it.

"Husband, if this journey is boring, come to the Kunlun mirror. Anyway, the journey is quite long." Bai Bingbing looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and her nature as a girl was undoubtedly exposed.

Lin Yi swallowed, coughed lightly, and said: "Let's forget it, I have a little back pain recently, and, I have a solar treasure box, and I can go there very quickly. You all have to practice hard, if your cultivation base is not If you reach the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, the Golden Body Hall, I won't take you there!"

(End of this chapter)

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