Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1457 It's pretty rubbish

Chapter 1457 It's pretty rubbish
As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, Bai Bingbing rushed towards Lin Yi frantically, almost biting him directly.

"Emperor Realm Ninth Level, it's only been less than 20 days, even in the Kunlun Mirror, it's only a year, you think I'm a pervert like you! Besides, what does our cultivation have to do with going to the Golden Body Palace? Anyway, we stay In the Kunlun Mirror, it's the same for you to bring it in, isn't it?" Bai Bingbing yelled.

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said: "No, when I really go to the Golden Body Hall, I may not bring the Kunlun Mirror, because I am not sure if I can protect you well. Anything can happen in the Golden Body Hall, If there is something wrong that can hurt you and the children in the Golden Body Palace, then even if I really got the Golden Body Palace, what's the point?"

"Husband is right. We have to become stronger ourselves. After our own cultivation reaches the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, we can then use the combination attack formation. Haha, when I think of it, husband, you shouldn't have anything to say, right?" Mei Ji He smiled, with a strong fighting spirit burning in his eyes.

Lin Yi smiled unnaturally, and said: "Of course, as long as the strength of wives and adults meets my requirements, I will have no worries, and naturally I will not stop you from going to the Golden Body Palace. I know, I say so It does make you a little dissatisfied, but there is no way, the location of the Golden Body Hall this time is too dangerous, and even I will fall into it if I am not careful, let alone you. I hope you can understand my good intentions, and the children cannot Without you."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, you are the same, children can't lose their father, otherwise after you die, we will give you countless green hats and let you be crushed to death below! Sisters, don't be with him Let's go back to the Kunlun Mirror to practice!" Bai Bingbing said angrily, and everyone nodded before disappearing in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi suddenly felt a heavy head, wondering if it was a hallucination.

Lin Yi didn't take everyone away, but let Tai Yi take his old people, plus the three brothers of the Wu family.These people, Lin Yi arranges them in his universe, so naturally it will not increase the burden on the Sunlight Treasure Box.

Lin Yi quickly activated the Sunshine Treasure Box, and soon, the power of the treasure box was activated, and Lin Yi successfully opened the space teleportation.

The Sunshine Treasure Box works very hard. After several times of use, the level of the Sunshine Treasure Box has obviously been improved a lot. Now counting it, it has at least touched the edge of a super artifact.

This is also normal, no one would use the mysterious and yellow energy to continuously warm and nourish magic artifacts like money, and Lin Yi also injected all his own understanding of the laws of time and space into the Sunlight Treasure Box. Under the means, it is difficult for the Sunshine Box to advance.

The location of the headquarters of the Eternal Temple is very special. If the entire Primordial Universe is regarded as a huge horizontal egg, then the Eternal Temple is located on top of this egg. In this way, it shows its specialness.

When Lin Yi stepped out of the crack in the space, he saw a large defensive barrier that could not be seen at a glance. At the same time, a voice full of apology came from the Sunlight Treasure Box: "Master, I'm sorry, I can only send you Come here. The barrier has completely sealed that space, and with my strength, I can't get in at all."

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and he said: "It's no big deal, you don't need to blame yourself so much. If this Eternal Temple can be easily entered, it is too much rubbish to take this place, although it is quite rubbish in the first place. of."

Lin Yi's last words were just muttering. Others thought the Temple of Eternity was so glamorous, but Lin Yi didn't think so.The Temple of Eternity is absolutely dominated by the Destiny Clan, which is obvious and understandable.How capable is a dominated puppet?
"However, this defensive barrier is pretty good. I have to copy it and place it outside my room. In this way, there should be no uninvited guests coming." Lin Yi said to himself.

Sunshine Treasure Box Qi Ling heard his words, and secretly slandered in his heart: "Ghosts would be bored and break into Lin Yi's room! Unless they think their life is too long!"

Lin Yi put away the Sunlight Treasure Box, and then released the power of his soul, trying to find the entrance of this enchantment.

And just as his soul power was released, suddenly, dozens of black shadows shot out from all directions, surrounding Lin Yi in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yi glanced at them, and was surprised to find that the strength of these little guys had reached the emperor level, and they were all waterless.As a result, Lin Yi was a little confused.

When he was in Tianbingxing back then, he saw a certain deputy hall master of the Eternal Temple, that guy didn't even reach the ninth level of the emperor realm with moisture, that is to say, just pull out a random minion here, and he can be dealt with.

"Who is coming, report your name! Don't blame us for being rude if you don't give up your hands!" shouted the man with the highest cultivation level among the men in black, looking as if his sword was on the verge of breaking out.

The other men in black agreed one by one, and then unceasingly released their own power. That kind of aura, if it is an ordinary ninth-level emperor, it is estimated that they will feel very uncomfortable.

Lin Yi enjoyed all this calmly, and took a deep breath, saying: "It's a little level, much better than ordinary watchdogs. But, don't you have eyes, or don't have eyes at all?" Brain? The reason why I came here is to fulfill the agreement with your Eternal Temple. Could it be that this is a trap of the Eternal Temple, trying to harm me with this trick? Hehe, this kind of trick is too rubbish, right? "

When a group of men in black heard Lin Yi scolding their dogs, they were ready to attack. At this moment, the leader of the men in black suddenly raised his hand to stop them, then looked at Lin Yi solemnly, and said, "Your Excellency, could it be... Lord Lin Yi?"

"Oh? Yes, there is another person with a head. No wonder you can be the boss of these brainless guys. That's right, I am Lin Yi. If you let someone from the Eternal Temple come out who can manage things, it is hard to let you little guys Hey guys, come to welcome me?" Lin Yi chuckled lightly, and after knowing Lin Yi's identity, those black people stepped aside one by one, not daring to say anything else.

The leader of the man in black nodded quickly, and said: "Master Lin Yi is very right, I will send someone to ask our palace master for instructions!"

As soon as the man in black finished speaking, he immediately sent two men in black to pass on the message, but just as the two of them were about to leave, a loud laugh suddenly came from a distance, shaking people's hearts.

"Hahaha, Your Excellency is Lin Yilin's younger brother. It's a pleasure to meet you! Xuanyuanhuo, the master of the Eternal Temple, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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