Chapter 1458
This laughter was very hearty, and it sounded like a burly man, but when Lin Yi saw that figure, he was a little surprised, because this Xuanyuanhuo was not only not burly, but also looked like a scholar, as if he was very weak look.

When those people in black saw Xuanyuanhuo, they knelt down respectfully and saluted one by one. Xuanyuanhuo kindly asked them not to salute, and then waved them away without any pretensions of the palace master.

This approach made Lin Yi a little puzzled, after all, this Creation God Realm has always believed in the supremacy of power, and people with high power are generally domineering, except for Lin Yi, of course.

Now this Xuanyuanhuo is so approachable and different, which makes Lin Yi feel a little more fond of him.

"Hahaha, it turns out that you are the Master Xuanyuan of the Eternal Temple. You are not as famous as you meet, and it is different from what I imagined. It is quite pleasing to the eye." Lin Yi laughed and gave him a pretty good evaluation.

Xuanyuanhuo was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud, and said, "Brother Lin is overwhelmed! I am really flattered and excited to receive such a compliment from Brother Lin! You, since then, I have admired you, brother Lin, and hope to see your face someday. Sure enough, the emperor pays off, and I really made me wait for you. I am really lucky, hahaha ..."

Lin Yi was so praised that he was a little dizzy. This guy Xuanyuanhuo really has a set of flattery words, and Lin Yi can't do without admiration.

Lin Yi coughed lightly, and said, "Hall Master Xuanyuan is too generous, how can I..."

"Huh? Brother Lin, are you not giving my brother my face? It sounds awkward to always call me something like Xuanyuan Palace Master! Is it so difficult to call me brother?" Xuanyuan Huo's tone was slightly With some complaints, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth.

"I don't want to call you the Lord of the Palace, but I can't stand it if you take one bite at a time. Are you right, Palace Master Xuanyuan?" Lin Yi said playfully.

Xuanyuanhuo's face changed, and then he laughed loudly, saying: "Brother Lin, you really like to joke, yes, yes, I am putting on airs, I am really sorry. Brother Lin, please come with me Go in, there are some things I want to talk to you a long time ago."

Xuanyuanhuo's face suddenly became extremely serious, Lin Yi was very cooperative, nodded, and walked in with Xuanyuanhuo.

After passing through the barrier, Lin Yi suddenly realized that this place is clearly a huge city, and there is a big sign hanging on the gate of the city, with two words written on the sign - Mandate of Heaven.

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly. Judging from this situation, his previous guess was completely correct. The Eternal Temple and the Destiny Clan really belong to the same family!

"Brother Xuanyuan, there is one thing I don't understand. The gatekeepers of the Eternal Temple are all so strong. Why is your Deputy Palace Master Zhao Tianhen so weak? Your strength is a real emperor. Jiuzhong, but his strength should not even reach the emperor's realm, right? Such poor strength, how can he be the deputy palace master?" Lin Yi spoke very directly, and asked Xuanyuanhuo his own doubts.

Xuanyuanhuo smiled indifferently, and said: "Brother Lin, I understand what I mean. I did send Zhao Tianhen to go there when Tianbingxing discovered the remains of the Primordial Demon Emperor before. However, there was a turmoil in the seal at that time, and Zhao Tianhen couldn't go there in person. What was sent was just a clone. Brother Lin, you should also know that the Hongmeng universe is not as good as before. With the power of that clone, it is enough to have a say in the lower realm. Oh, by the way, I forgot to explain to you, we are eternal The temple has always been the order maker of the Creation God Realm, this is our status, and our place is also directly above the Primordial Universe, so the name for the world below is the lower realm."

"Hehehe, I understand, the Temple of Eternity, a sacred place high above, of course it's where I and other people worship." Lin Yi said with a smile.

After coming here, he felt a powerful force of restraint. The power of law here seems to be completely different from what he usually feels. It seems that there is a special force mixed in, manipulating the power of law very domineeringly .

Lin Yi knew that [-]% of this power belonged to the Mandate of Heaven, but he was very curious as to how strong the Mandate of Heaven was. It would be very difficult for him to do this.

Xuanyuanhuo heard the teasing meaning in Lin Yi's words, he shook his head with a smile, and said, "Brother Lin, being superior also has its difficulties. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility you have to bear. You should have guessed it, we The Temple of Eternity is dominated by the Destiny Clan and the Primordial Demon Clan, but do you know that the reason why the Hongmeng Universe has been able to be peaceful for so long is due to the Destiny Clan and the Primordial Demon Clan. The two great clans have made such great contributions, and it is worth noting that Respect is also due, Brother Lin, don’t you think so?”

"Hahaha, brother Xuanyuan, why are you so excited? I didn't say that they shouldn't be respected, but just focus all your attention on the so-called seal, but ignore the people in the lower world who are in trouble. Have you failed the respect of people from the lower realms?" Lin Yi's tone was somewhat cold, but Xuanyuanhuo shook his head lightly when he heard the words.

"Brother Lin, it's a bit wrong for you to say that. Although we have known for a long time that there are unstable factors in the lower realm, the turbulence of the seal is the most important thing. If there is a major damage to the seal, let the evil spirits outside the territory If we intrude into it, the situation of the creatures of the lower world will probably be even more miserable. I don't need to say more about this point, right? What's more, brother Lin was born out of nowhere to lead the creatures of the lower world to resist the evil spirits, so what should we worry about? Because of Brother Lin’s efforts, we can maintain the seal with more peace of mind. In terms of credit, Brother Lin is definitely no less than us! Hahaha..." Xuanyuanhuo laughed loudly, but Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly. Huo is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. He speaks and does things impeccably, and people can't find any flaws. This is the kind of person Lin Yi doesn't want to deal with the most!
He chuckled lightly, and said, "According to Brother Xuanyuan, the reason why I was able to unify the Creation God Realm is also the completion of your Eternal Temple, and even the Destiny Clan and the Primordial Demon Clan?"

Xuanyuanhuo chuckled, and said: "Brother Lin, didn't you ask this knowingly? If it wasn't for this reason, why didn't anyone bother you when you took the fortune gold plate away?"

(End of this chapter)

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