Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1463 Void Saint!

Chapter 1463 Void Saint!

When Tianzhu said this, he looked at Lin Yi with longing eyes, but Dimie was a little dazed, and asked suspiciously: "Old ghost Tianzhu, what are you talking about? Although this kid's medical skills are not bad, but his medical skills can only cure People, can you still cure the ancient trees of the way of heaven? Just stop talking nonsense, okay?"

Lin Yi glanced at him, and said coldly: "Since you know it, don't ask why you know it. This seems to be inconsistent with your usual style of doing things, right?"

"What are you asking? What are you talking about? How do I know what method you will use to heal the ancient tree of heaven? Brat, if you really have something, you'd better not hide it. The universe is doing its best, you won't be inferior to me, the devil, right?" Di Mie's tone became much deeper, and his eyes were very sharp.

Lin Yi snorted coldly and said, "It's funny, I have to do what you do? You underestimate me too much. Old man Tianzhu, don't think that you will tell me your heartfelt heartfelt words. I will be very moved, and I will give you my ancient tree of the heavenly way, if you have that kind of thought, it can only show your stupidity!"

"Little friend Lin Yi, I have to explain to the old man Dimie, because he didn't even know that you have the ancient tree of heaven. Besides, we don't want to force you to hand over your ancient tree of heaven. Don't say we do that kind of thing. If you don’t, even if you can do it, it’s absolutely impossible for you.” Tianzhu said with a smile, and as soon as he spoke, Di Mie beside him was dumbfounded.

"Hey, old man Tianzhu, what are you talking about? Could it be that what this kid said is true, that he really has an ancient tree of the Dao of Heaven? How is this possible? He obviously only has a tree of the world, how could he have that thing? ?” Di Mie looked completely disbelieving, that kind of appearance didn’t seem like he was pretending.

Tianzhu smiled wryly, and said: "Old man Dimiie, I've already said so, why don't you believe it? I'll also say something even more unbelievable to you, little friend Lin Yi, his world tree is not created A world, but a universe is created! His ancient tree of the way of heaven was conceived from the seeds of divine punishment, and everything is in destiny!"

Hearing this, Di Mie opened his mouth wide open. He looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, closed his mouth, swallowed, and said, "I didn't expect this kid to be so awesome, God Punishes the Seed? No, don't you? What do you mean, his ancient tree of the Dao of Heaven itself was bred from this tree? Was the experiment really successful back then?"

Tianzhu nodded with a smile, and said: "It is indeed successful, but we can't get the fruit of success. But this blow is enough, as long as Lin Yi has the ancient tree of heaven, even if this primordial universe is destroyed, we will at least have it." Way out. Little friend Lin Yi, how is your universe developing now? Can it accommodate all the creatures in the Hongmeng universe?"

Lin Yi's face was already full of question marks, he frowned, and said, "What do you mean by asking that? Could it be that you want to use my universe as a refuge and accept people from the entire Hongmeng universe at any time? I'm so sorry Well, the development time of my universe is less than a year, but I can’t fit all the creatures in this primordial universe that has developed for countless billions of years. By the way, what do you mean by the experiment you just mentioned? Why do I sound like my It looks like the God's Punishment Seeds were sent by you."

"It was originally! We have thought of many ways to continue the life of the ancient tree of heaven. One of them is to pass on the seeds of the ancient tree of heaven through the power of divine punishment." Dimie said very excitedly, Tianzhu did not He didn't stop him, and gave him the right to explain.

Lin Yi looked at Di Mie suspiciously, but he wanted to see what Di Mie could say.

Di Mie coughed lightly, and said: "This experiment is very simple. It is to ask Tiandao to choose a person, and give him a little of his origin, so that he can become a Tiandao envoy. You should also know his name. The little guy. That kid is quite smart. Using that sliver of original power, he created the Three Gods of Heaven's Punishment Seal, gained a firm foothold in the lower realm, and founded the God's Punishment Palace. However, in our eyes, he has always been They are all failures, because his God's Punishment Seed did not germinate, and the Ancient Tree of Heaven was born."

Although Lin Yi was well prepared, he was still shocked by Di Mie's words.He didn't expect that the old man's life was arranged by others, and he was also an abandoned failure. This word made Lin Yi uncomfortable no matter how he heard it.

He didn't get angry, but said coldly: "You mean, the old man was a failure, so you have given up any hope for this experiment. But now, my appearance proves that the experiment was successful, so you are very happy." Excited, right?"

Di Mie heard the words, immediately nodded desperately, and said: "Of course, you can't be excited! People with destiny are different. They let the seeds of God's Punishment germinate and grow casually, and even grow into ancient trees of the way of heaven. This kind of thing , I didn’t even dare to think about it before! Boy Lin Yi, since the ancient tree of heaven has been cultivated, then quickly take it out and replace this tree. In this way, the Hongmeng universe can also be rejuvenated, and the overall strength will be improved After that, why should we be afraid of that god-burial universe? When our strength reaches its peak, we will counterattack and let them bear the pain we have endured for so many years!"

When Di Mie said this, he laughed out loud.Lin Yi's complexion became more and more gloomy, and he exuded a very dangerous aura.

"Really? The old man God Punishment and I are just part of your experiment. Our existence is to give you a little satisfaction. You can control everyone's life unscrupulously, and let everyone do things according to your wishes." , at your mercy, right?" Lin Yi's voice was extremely cold, he took a step, and a terrifying force erupted from him, and the faces of all the people present changed instantly, looking at him in disbelief. With Lin Yi.

"Xu Sheng, this is the power of the Void Saint Realm! How is it possible, when did this kid take that step? This speed of cultivation is unreasonably fast!" Di Mie couldn't help exclaiming, he has been practicing for so many years , is still the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Emperor Realm, and has not even touched the edge of the Void Saint Realm.

And what about Lin Yi?Counting it, his cultivation time is less than that of Dimie, and all the people present, even Tianya, are much more than him.However, it is hard to describe in words the feeling that Lin Yi has become a virtual saint, so that everyone present can only look up.

Lin Yi himself didn't expect that he broke through the barrier in a moment of anger and really reached the virtual holy state. This is a real power, much stronger than when the soul reached the virtual holy state!

(End of this chapter)

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