Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1464 Absolutely Not a Good Thing

Chapter 1464 Absolutely Not a Good Thing
Lin Yi showed a lost look, and Tianzhu beside him couldn't help laughing and said: "Everyone lives in this world, they can't help themselves, who can really live for themselves? Lin Yi, if you If you really want to kill someone, then kill this old man. If doing that can calm your heart down, even if I die, it will be worth it."

When Tianzhu said this, he closed his eyes, looking like he was about to die.

Lin Yi glanced at him, snorted coldly, and said, "You think that if you do this, I will be happy, and then ignore the things you have done? Since you have always thought that the experiment has failed, let's treat it as an experiment." It’s fine if you fail. It’s impossible for me to give you the ancient tree of the heavenly way. If this primordial universe really can’t last, I will of course do what I have to do. My own way doesn’t need any of you to control it! I’m not interested in chatting with you any more.”

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

Tian Ya hurriedly shouted: "My lord, I will go with you too!"

Lin Yi smiled and nodded, and said: "Brother Tianya, this may be the most suitable place for you. If you follow me, your achievements may not be higher than here. Are you really willing to go with me?"

"Of course I would! Although I have received a lot of help here, my heart is still not here. Even if it is of great benefit to me, I will not be happy here. I have been trying my best to eliminate those evil spirits these days. , for the purpose of repaying the debt, otherwise my heart will be uneasy. Now that the seal here is temporarily stable, I can leave with peace of mind." Tian Ya said brightly, he had long wanted to return to Lin Yi, and his cultivation had reached the emperor level The Yae he can already help Lin Yi!

Xuanyuanhuo's face was rather ugly, it's fine for Lin Yi to leave, but if Tianya is taken away, then their loss to the Eternal Temple is too great!

Tian Ya's ability was just enough to restrain those evil spirits, if after Tian Ya left, the seal loosened again, when those evil spirits gushed out, it would be even more difficult for them to resist.

Moreover, Tianya was cultivated by him with all his efforts. If Lin Yi was so cheap, he would be really unwilling.

"Brother Lin, wait a minute!" Xuanyuanhuo couldn't help shouting, after all, he is the master of the Eternal Temple and the avatar of Emperor Tianming, here, he has the absolute right to speak.

Of course Lin Yi knew that he would not let it go. If he were himself, he would definitely be very upset if he was poached suddenly.

He glanced at Xuanyuanhuo with a smile, and said indifferently: "Why, brother Xuanyuan, what else do you want to teach? If you have anything to say, just say it. I don't like to play tricks, it's too hypocritical."

Xuanyuanhuo, who was about to speak euphemistically, froze at these words, but he quickly reacted, put away the smile on his face, and said seriously: "Brother Lin, since you like to be straightforward, then I will be straightforward." Let me tell you. If you really don't want to help us, we don't blame you, but please don't add insult to injury and play tricks with us. Our two clans have spent a lot of resources and effort in cultivating Tianya boy, even if he Not the Son of Destiny, we have poured almost all our hopes into him. If you take him away now, all our previous efforts will be in vain! Boy at the End of the World, think of the source when you drink water, you will not do things so badly!"

Xuanyuanhuo's words made Tianya's expression tangled, these words hit his heart, and he couldn't find any reason to refute for a while.

Lin Yi sneered, and said, "I'm pulling my salary from the bottom of the pot? Huh, I'm not as shameless as you! If I really wanted to harm you, I didn't need to help repair the seal just now. Wouldn't it be better to let you suffer slowly? Let me ask you, Where were you when I was fighting the mosquito monster in the lower realm? Hehe, no matter how much you care about the seal, it is impossible for all the masters to gather here to repair the seal and eliminate the evil spirit? You are clearly watching the fire from the other side, trying to reap the benefits Right? Now that Lao Tzu has unified the lower realms, you don’t think it’s ridiculous to jump out and support me. It’s as if I was able to unify the lower realms because of your charity. As for being so shameless Is it? In terms of strength, Lao Tzu's people are no worse than you!"

With a wave of Lin Yi's hand, Tai Yi and the others appeared from the Kunlun mirror, and a large group appeared densely.

To Lin Yi's surprise, that guy Mo Hao also sneaked in at some point, and he was standing at the forefront arrogantly, completely trying to steal his limelight!

"Oh, it turns out that the good things have been put away. It seems that my descendants are not too stupid! What about the youngsters of the Primordial Demon Race? The ancestors are here, you youngsters, why don't you hurry up and kneel down? ?" Mo Hao put on a heroic posture, and all the members of the Primordial Demon Clan knelt down in a moment, even that guy Di Mie knelt on the ground, and cried excitedly!
"Grandfather, that's great! You finally escaped from that kid's clutches! I knew that you would be able to break free from that guy's imprisonment. You must... Ouch, old ancestor, why did you hit me? Did I say something wrong?" Di Mie complained, covering his head.

It's really embarrassing for a top expert at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm to be beaten on the head in front of so many people.

Mo Hao snorted coldly, and said: "Two mistakes, first, that kid's hand is not a magic claw, but my own is! Second, who told you that I was imprisoned by that kid? I just see that kid has good aptitude. Deliberately hiding in the realm of his soul, and teaching him by the way, don't you even understand this truth? Forget it, as my junior, you are not too bad, and if you don't embarrass me, I won't Comparing with you."

Di Mie smiled wryly, secretly slandering in his heart, this old ancestor is also very capable of telling nonsense with his eyes open, even a fool can see that he is talking nonsense.

However, as Mo Hao, no one dares to expose even nonsense, otherwise people will definitely die.

Although Xuanyuanhuo heard that the relationship between Lin Yi and Mo Hao was not simple, he never expected that Lin Yi would let Mo Hao out.

As the clone of Emperor Tianming, he is also a descendant of Patriarch Hongjun. Everyone knows the relationship between Patriarch Hongjun and the Primordial Devil Emperor, and it is absolutely incompatible.

After the two of them disappeared, the Destiny Clan and the Primordial Demon Clan came to cooperate because of some common interests, and the relationship eased a lot.

Now, Mo Hao appeared again, and the balance between the two races was immediately broken. This is definitely not a good thing!

(End of this chapter)

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