Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1465 Thank you so much, boy

Chapter 1465 Thank you so much, boy

Lin Yi glanced at Mo Hao who was pretending to be a fart, snorted angrily, and said, "I didn't seem to say I brought you with me? When did you sneak into my Kunlun Mirror?"

Hearing Lin Yi's tone, Mo Hao blinked at Lin Yi immediately, and then secretly said: "Boy Lin Yi, don't be like this, okay? They are all men, let me have a little face, okay? I still have A group of descendants are watching, if you say that, won’t I lose all face!”

"Damn it! Do you still want to show face to me? I still count on you to guard Zixiao Palace for me. If you run away without permission, if something happens, I will settle with you!" This old guy, he was really speechless, if it wasn't for the fact that there were so many people here and it wasn't easy to strike, he would have used the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty on him long ago.

"Oh? It turned out to be Lord Primordial Demon Emperor. I didn't expect you to be protecting me in secret all the time. Thank you so much, kid!" Lin Yi said while suppressing his discomfort. Since this guy wants to save face, let's give him some face.

"Huh! You kid has never let me worry, of course I have to come and take a look! Sure enough, they are all in my territory, and they are so tense. As for you? As long as I let me come out, these people Not all of them are very well-behaved? What a mentally retarded, brain-dead!" Mo Hao fired at Lin Yi unceremoniously, and his words were so stimulating that Lin Yi couldn't help but pull out the evil knife.

He gritted his teeth, managed to force a smile, and said: "Lord Primordial Devil Emperor has taught you a very good lesson. This junior already knows his mistakes, so he must find a way to correct them in the future."

"Hmph, it's good to know, so as not to worry me again! I have worried enough about you, and you really haven't made any progress. You really disappointed me! Forget it, I will forgive you again, Don't do it again next time!" Mo Hao found that Lin Yi's expression was a bit wrong, so he restrained himself, changed the topic, looked at Xuanyuanhuo, and said with a sneer, "You have the aura of old fellow Hongjun on your body. Are you the descendant of that guy? No, the blood is thin and the soul is incomplete. It should be just a clone. Hehe, the clones all have such cultivation. It seems that the bloodline passed down by Hongjun is stronger than Lao Tzu's bloodline. Less!"

When Mo Hao said this, his eyes fell on Di Mie, and he snorted coldly: "Boy Di Mie, is it you who is the strongest person in the ancient demon clan? It shouldn't be so bad, right?"

Di Mie really felt very aggrieved. With his strength, there is no problem at all in the God Realm of Creation World, but with such strength, even Mo Hao despises it. This is too unreasonable!The most important thing is that Mo Hao's current strength is not much higher than his. Does it need to be so exciting?

As a junior, he certainly didn't dare to challenge his ancestors. He quickly saluted and said, "Ancestors, our Primordial Demon Clan is different from the Destiny Clan. Our main force is in the Demon Realm of the Lower Realm. Originally, our strength They are not weaker than the Destiny Clan, but the sudden disappearance of that generation of the Holy Demon Emperor weakened the strength of our Primordial Demon Clan. However, even so, the number of Emperor Realm powerhouses of our Primordial Demon Clan is no less than that of Destiny I can guarantee this with my life!"

Mo Hao frowned. Originally, he didn't care much about his descendants, but now that he's pretending to be aggressive, of course he has to care a little bit about these descendants.

However, when he heard about the disappearance of the Holy Demon Emperor, his face immediately became a little ugly, and he muttered to himself: "It's missing again. What I hate most is disappearance. Could it be that the kid and those people before Same……"

"Lord Mo Hao also thought of this? Hehe, our thoughts are similar. The situation of the disappearance of the Holy Demon Emperor back then is very similar to those of the previous saints. We have investigated for a long time, but we can't find anything. Alas, For this matter, our Destiny Clan has been blamed for so many years, it is really innocent!" Tianzhu sighed, looking helpless.

Mo Hao rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Tianzhu boy, you can't say that. The one who benefits the most from the disappearance of our people is your Destiny Clan. Only in this way can your boss be firmly seated as the strongest in the Hongmeng universe." Since you are the ones who benefit the most, then you have to obediently be the first suspects, don’t keep complaining about your grievances, it’s meaningless to do that!”

Tianzhu smiled wryly, and said: "Master Mohao taught you a very good lesson, but everything has to be based on evidence, otherwise it doesn't make sense, doesn't it? Moreover, our Destiny Clan really doesn't need to take action against you Primordial Demon Clan, after all Our strength is weakened, and those guys who really benefit from the God Burial Universe. What's more, our Destiny Clan has also disappeared many people for no reason these years. If our two clans doubt each other, then the entire Primordial Universe will never have peace. This is not what our two races want to see, is it?"

What Tianzhu said made Lin Yi suddenly think of something. He looked at Tianzhu and said, "Old man Tianzhu, you said that many people have disappeared, including a woman named Xianmeng?"

Tianzhu's face changed suddenly, he looked at Lin Yi very seriously, and said, "Little friend Lin Yi, is it possible that you know the whereabouts of Princess Xianmeng? If you know, please tell us! Our Destiny Clan must have someone Thanks a lot!"

Seeing Tianzhu's nervous look, Lin Yi couldn't help wondering, what should be nervous about a woman like Xianmeng who doesn't know how to love herself?Could it be that the women of the Destiny Clan like that tune very much?Thinking about this kind of thing makes Lin Yi feel sick.

He calmed down the disgusting feeling a little bit, and said indifferently: "I'm sorry, old man Tianzhu, I just heard this name and some stories about her. I heard that there is a woman named Xue Ziyi The man and the sister of that Princess Xianmeng fell in love, and then, that Princess Xianmeng was jealous, so she killed her sister and devoured her... Hehe, I thought only people from the demon race would do such a thing, no Thinking of people from the Destiny Clan doing even better. I heard that Xue Ziyi went to the Destiny Clan alone to clarify everything to the Emperor of Destiny. I don’t know what happened to him? He should have been wiped out by your Destiny Clan, right?”

When Lin Yi said this, he exuded a sense of coldness. One of the important purposes of his coming to the Destiny Clan was to find Xue Ziyi.However, when he came here, he didn't feel his breath.The only explanation is that Xue Ziyi is not here.

Based on his current understanding of the Destiny Clan, since they can indulge Xianmeng in such a rampant way, even if Xue Ziyi is killed by them, it is not surprising.

Tianzhu took a deep breath, looked at Lin Yi solemnly, and said, "Little friend Lin Yi, I really didn't expect that you were the one who reversed time and space back then. No wonder we couldn't find out all this time. Your method is really not simple. ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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