Chapter 1466
Tianzhu's eyes were extremely sharp, and his eyes seemed to see through everything.

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, and said: "If you can't find out, you are useless. It has nothing to do with my means. Although I traveled through time and space with the help of magic tools, it was just to witness a truth. I never wanted to meet a poisonous person. Wife, that vicious woman is dissolute by nature, with vicious methods, and she calls herself a little princess of the Destiny clan. We thought she was vicious to the extreme, but we didn't expect that later, she would take the initiative to admit that she killed her own sister. Hehehe, this If such a woman lives in this world, the primordial universe will be polluted."

When Lin Yi said this, Xuanyuanhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "So, you killed her? Or imprisoned her by some means?"

"No, no, I really want to kill her, but she has so many tricks, I really can't grasp it. However, evil comes with evil, this sentence really makes sense. Although she has been arrogant for a while, but It ended with a scream. It's just a pity that I didn't see who made the shot, otherwise I would really have to thank him." Lin Yi said with a smile, ignoring Tian Zhu's eyes that seemed to be breathing fire.

Mo Hao snorted softly, and said: "A cheap woman dies when she dies. What's there to be excited about? Seriously, this is the first time I've seen such a cheap woman in my life. It's also very cheap to do things, and she actually forced Lin Yi to fuck her! Lin Yi, like me, can't get used to this kind of cheap woman, so we kept scolding her. I never expected that that cheap woman would go beyond The more you scold me, the more excited you are, and you don't even let me, an old man, want to do something wrong to me. What kind of avatar, how did you give birth to such a lowly daughter? Don't you know that if you have a life, you have to be taught? ?Family education plays a vital role in children's physical and mental health development, if it is too neglected, children will go astray and become so cheap!"

Mo Hao spoke earnestly, while Lin Yi looked at him in surprise, and said, "Old Man Mo Hao... Oh, no, Lord Primordial Demon Emperor, I really didn't expect you to have such accomplishments in pedagogy. I really admire it! If you have the opportunity, you must teach me a few things, as you know, I have a lot of children, and the education problem has always given me a headache."

"Small meaning, when this emperor guides you, you must make those little brats behave and be obedient. It's not like some people who teach their daughters to be that kind of scum, and this emperor can't stand it anymore." Mo Hao sighed He took a deep breath, looking helpless.

Xuanyuanhuo's face was extremely ugly, these words were clearly words of punishment, as if a sharp knife had stabbed him in the heart, that feeling was really hard to describe in words.

However, he quickly regained his composure, smiled lightly, and said, "Brother Lin, you are right. In terms of children's education, I did not do enough. I am sorry to make you laugh. However, no matter how bad the children are, , that is also my own flesh and blood, and this cannot be changed. Therefore, it is impossible for you not to give me an explanation for this matter. "

"What about you? Should you give me an explanation first? Where is Xue Ziyi now? Did you kill him?" Lin Yi asked back, a strong murderous aura erupted from him, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Xuanyuanhuo snorted coldly, and said, "Xue Ziyi? That kid killed my two daughters, and even if he died, he would be the one to blame! But this house is kind and didn't want his life, but locked him in the only In the Rotten Bone Pond of the Three Great Jedi, I want him to be tortured for eternity, to live or die!"

Xuanyuanhuo's body erupted with monstrous hostility. As a clone, he was indeed weaker than Lin Yi in terms of aura.But he didn't show any fear at all, he looked like he wanted to fight Lin Yi to the death.

"Hahaha, it's really ruthless! Although the Rotten Bone Pool is not as good as the Three Great Jedi, its level of torment is much stronger than the Three Great Jedi. A normal person will become Rotten Bone after entering it. , if the strength of the emperor is strong, it is estimated that the flesh and blood will be regenerated soon, and then be rotted again. If things go on like this, it will be more cruel than killing people. I am very envious of that old fellow Hongjun who can have such a ruthless descendant!" Mo Hao laughed loudly, not paying any attention to Lin Yi's extremely cold face.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tianzhu quickly smoothed things over and said, "You all take a step back, okay? The matter of Princess Xianmeng has long been settled, why bother to affect the peace of the entire Hongmeng universe because of this matter?"

"Old man Tianzhu, don't you think it's ridiculous to say this now? As long as you are a righteous person, it is impossible not to know who is right or who is wrong. In order to achieve her goal, that bitch did everything she could to achieve her goal. Evil thing, shouldn't I have shot her? Now I only hate that I was not the one who killed her. Every time I think of this, I can't eat anymore. Since the Emperor of Destiny wants to avenge that bitch , then come on! I am still afraid that he will not succeed?" Lin Yi said in a cold voice, hit him as soon as possible, who else was he afraid of?
"Xianmeng is not dead, Lin Yi, since this matter is related to you, I hope you hand her over. In this case, we can still cooperate. Otherwise, I can only use special means against you. "As soon as Xuanyuanhuo finished his words, a large group of men in black descended from the sky, densely surrounding the place for several floors. This number was much more than that brought by Lin Yi.

Looking around, Lin Yi saw that all of them were strong in the Emperor Realm. Although there were not many of them at the ninth level of the Emperor's Realm, there were a lot of people at the seventh or eighth level of the Emperor's Realm.This kind of combat power is really not ordinary.

Lin Yi sneered, and said: "I made it so clear, you still want to argue with me? How the hell do you know that bitch is not dead?"

"Hmph, don't you even know the soul jade token? Xianmeng's soul jade token is not broken, which proves that she is not dead. As for where she is locked up, if I don't ask you, who else can I ask? "Xuanyuanhuo glared at Lin Yi viciously. Compared with the kindness at the beginning, Xuanyuanhuo seemed to be a different person now.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and muttered to himself: "It's strange, I clearly heard her scream. Could it be that she didn't die? This is too unreasonable!"

He thought for a while, then glanced around, with a sneer on his face, and said, "I don't care if she's dead or not! If she's not dead, you just go find her, it's none of my business! If you want to beat her, then Hurry up, don't tell me I'm afraid you won't succeed? However, I have to remind you that this is the place of the seal that you are most worried about, if you accidentally break the seal, you can't blame me!"

(End of this chapter)

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