Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1468 A Selfish Thing

Chapter 1468 A Selfish Thing

"Tape? I'll give it to you if you want it!" Lin Yi really took out a tape from the storage ring and threw it to him.

Xuanyuan was so angry that he really wanted to get angry, and a look made the tape melt into nothingness.

As soon as Xuanyuanhuo made a move, the group of his subordinates were also ready to fight. They only needed one order, and they attacked Lin Yi and the others at the same time.

At this time, the almost withered ancient tree of heaven began to tremble. It no longer provided power for Jieyun and the mother tree of the world tree, but instead poured all its own power into Lin Yi's body.

In this way, Lin Yi's strength continued to rise. This is a method of cultivation without pain and side effects. Lin Yi never expected that the ancient tree of heaven would have such a terrifying ability.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Tiantian snorted softly, and said, "I didn't expect you to be quite popular with the tree. This old tree is burning with vitality to improve your strength. I really don't know what charm you have. It is worth it for you." Do."

While talking, Xiao Tiantian extended a root from his feet, which was connected to the root of the ancient tree of heaven.In this way, her power is continuously fed into the ancient tree of heaven's way through the root to replenish the power it consumes.

A smile floated on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and he said: "You are the same, you are hard-spoken and soft-hearted. If you help it, isn't it the same as helping me?"

"Hmph! I just don't want to see my clansmen die because of helping you. Don't be too sentimental. And, I have to remind you that even if your strength increases, you may not be able to defeat that guy's body , if you really can’t fight, you can escape, I’ve already prepared the hole for you to go back to the universe.” Xiao Tiantian pointed, and a dark hole really appeared in the direction of her finger, but that hole No matter how you look at it, it looks like a dog hole.

Lin Yi chuckled lightly, and said, "You should drill that hole. Your figure is just right. If I drill it, it will get stuck. As for this guy's body, hehe, I really want to see it for a while!"

Lin Yi's indifferent gaze swept around. Anyone who was favored by him, even a strong man whose cultivation had reached the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, felt suppressed by a terrifying force, and it was extremely difficult to even move a finger.

Xuanyuanhuo's mind was shaken, and his cultivation base continued to rise. He reached the Void Saint Realm in the blink of an eye, and climbed to the Void Saint Peak.

The originally peaceful space has been shaken by the power of the two of them, and a large number of cracks have appeared on the wall of the space. It seems that this space will soon collapse.

"Enough is enough!" Tianzhu suddenly became angry, he roared, and rushed to the middle of the collision between the two, and in an instant, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Lin Yi and Xuanyuanhuo's expressions changed at the same time, and they withdrew their own strength at the same time. Lin Yi flicked his fingers, and the Destiny Needle entered Tianzhu's body, quickly healing his injury.

Just as Xuanyuan Huo was about to make a move, the Ancient Heavenly Dao Tree suddenly shot out more than a dozen vines, which bound his body layer by layer, preventing him from moving.

Xuanyuanhuo's face became a little more gloomy, and he sighed softly: "Ancient Tree of Heavenly Dao, do you really want to completely abandon me? I have done so much to save your life, is it all in vain?"

"Of course it's not in vain, because what you do will only make the ancient tree of heaven hate you even more. The ancient tree of heaven has its own ideas, and no one can control this. If I guess correctly, the so-called healing method you use The method is to devour the lives of other living beings, and then inject them into the ancient tree of the heavenly way? Hehe, do you think that doing so will make the ancient tree of the heavenly way recognize you? Don’t you feel that the ancient tree of the heavenly way is full of sadness and helplessness? Hehe , of course you don’t feel it, because your hearts are too selfish, especially you, Emperor Tianming, your selfishness is simply outrageous!” Lin Yi shouted loudly, his words pierced Xuanyuanhuo’s body and mind like a thousand arrows. The shot was riddled with holes.

Xuanyuanhuo's eyes turned red immediately, and he yelled at Lin Yi: "I'm selfish? Where is this sage selfish? I have given almost everything I have for the creation of God Realm and the entire Primordial Universe. How can I do that?" No? Why should I use that method to heal the ancient tree of Heaven’s Dao? Isn’t it for the sake of hundreds of millions of souls? To obtain the greatest return at the smallest cost, what is wrong with doing this?”

"Hehe, since you are so selfless, why don't you use your own life to nourish the ancient tree of heaven? A strong man like you can use it to nourish the ancient tree of heaven, and maybe heal its old wounds. In that case , wouldn’t it be better? Also, you clearly know that your daughter is not a thing, that you have harmed so many people, and even killed each other, and you have protected her so much. Isn’t this your selfishness at work? So, don’t be with her. I’m talking about selflessness, I’ve seen selfish things like you before, so what’s there to cover up?” Lin Yi said bluntly, while he was talking, he used his own strength to heal Tianzhu’s wounds, and soon , Tianzhu recovered from the serious injury he suffered, and slowly woke up.

Lin Yi sighed softly, and said, "In the Temple of Eternity, I only have a slight liking for you and that old man Di Mie, because you two still have some human flavor."

When Lin Yi said this, Xuanyuanhuo's subordinates all looked at him with wide eyes, and their eyes were not very friendly.

Lin Yi glanced at them, and smiled lightly: "Of course, I'm not saying that you are inhumane, because I don't know you well, and you are standing with that selfish ghost, so for the time being, I can only treat you like that." evaluation. If you one day turn from the dark to the bright, I will justify your names, and you don’t need to worry about this.”

Xuanyuan Huo already felt that his anger could not be restrained, but Lin Yi's words poured on his head like a basin of cold water. That feeling was really chilling.

Tianzhu stood up slowly, glanced at Xuanyuanhuo, and sighed softly: "My lord, don't you understand until now why Tianyun Jinpan chose Lin Yi instead of you? Not only Tianyun Jinpan Pan, God of Destiny, and Ancient Tree of Heaven, they all chose Lin Yi instead of you who are high above you! You are no longer the same as before, you are so tall that everything is an ant in your eyes , anyone who disobeys you will be punished unceremoniously by you, and those are all things you think should be done. Why? Why? Even Hongjun's ancestors probably wouldn't do it Come this far?"

Xuanyuanhuo's expression was very complicated. He gritted his teeth, glared at Lin Yi, and said, "I know, I've always been very clear that no matter how much I do, I won't get what I deserve. No matter how hard I try, I have never been affirmed by you. In the end, everyone turned their backs on me, accused me, and cursed me. Oh, it’s so ridiculous! Lin Yi, since you say I’m selfish, let me ask you, are you willing to selflessly share your heavenly principles? Will the ancient tree contribute to repair this nearly broken primordial universe? If you are willing, I will bow to you willingly; There is no difference between different types of people!"

(End of this chapter)

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