Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1469 Unhappy with him won't change

Chapter 1469 Unhappy with him won't change

Xuanyuanhuo yelled almost hoarsely, but Lin Yi looked at him quietly, as if looking at a fool? .

"I'm really speechless. This is the first time I've heard such a high-sounding nonsense, and it made me laugh." Lin Yi shook his head slightly, looking helpless.

He tilted his head, glanced at Xiao Tiantian, and said, "Girl, what do you think? If I let you stay in the Hongmeng Universe and restore the Hongmeng Universe to its former state, would you be willing?"

"I wish you a big-headed ghost! I will do whatever you ask me to do? Do you think my mother is your slave? How funny!" Xiao Tiantian immediately went into a rage, and a lot of foul language shocked the audience, they couldn't imagine , A little girl who looks only eighteen or nineteen years old can say such vulgar words, one mouthful and one old woman, the contrast is too great.

They didn't believe that this was a cute contrast. Their only feeling was that this woman must not be messed with.

Lin Yi spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "See? I think, you don't need to explain too much, you should understand what I mean. This girl is not something ordinary people can control, even if it is me, talking to her We have to discuss it. Hehe, this is also the difference between me and you. If it were you, you would use force to oppress her, and you might even deprive her of everything and make her a tool of yours, right? I'm so sorry , I’m different from you, I can’t do this! So, the sentence you just said that asked me to contribute my ancient tree of heaven is ridiculous, she is my relative, not an item, can she contribute?”

Although Lin Yi's tone was flat, it had a great impact on everyone.Because almost all of them did not take the will of the ancient tree of heaven seriously. In their view, the only function of the ancient tree of heaven, that is, their only mission, was to maintain the existence and development of the universe.As for what they think, they can completely ignore it.

However, now Lin Yi gave each of them a big slap in the face very directly. The crackling sound seemed to resound in everyone's state of mind and soul, and it lasted for a long time.

Tianzhu sighed softly, and said, "My lord, at this point, don't you still understand Lin Yi's meaning? Or are you going to pretend to be stupid like this forever and not admit your failure? You and Lin Yi In comparison, the difference is more than 01:30, I am afraid that even if Hongjun's ancestor is here, he will agree with me?"

Xuanyuanhuo stumbled back two steps, with a rather sad expression on his face, and said, "Elder Tianzhu, even you say that? Could it be that everything I did was wrong for so long?"

"Hey, right or wrong, what's the point of talking about it now? My lord, if you really care about the Hongmeng universe, then don't worry about Princess Xianmeng anymore. Little friend Lin Yi has made it very clear that Xianmeng The disappearance of the princess has nothing to do with him, so why do you bother about it? If you can, please let Xue Ziyi go. This world is fair, and Princess Xianmeng has committed so many sins, so she should be punished. You can’t just because she is Your daughter, just let your other daughter die with grievances, and if you do that, your own heart will not be at peace, right?" Tianzhu's tone was very deep, and Xuanyuanhuo's hostility gradually dissipated after hearing his words. .

His eyes fell on Lin Yi, he sighed softly, and said: "Lin Yi, you won, I finally understand now that you can dominate the lower world not only because of your strength..."

"Of course, I'm also handsome. You don't need to say it, everyone knows it. But I like to keep a low profile, so you can keep these words in your heart, so don't say it." Lin Yi waved his hand with a look A sense of loneliness among masters.

There was a black line on everyone's foreheads, Lin Yi's ability is indeed not small, and his skin is so thick that many people can't help shaking their heads and sighing.

Xuanyuanhuo's expression froze, he couldn't help but shook his head, his eyes fell on Tianzhu, and said: "Elder Tianzhu, I will leave the rest of the matter to you. I want to return to my body and make the final impact. The Golden Body Hall It is about to appear in the world, and the seal will be greatly weakened at that time, and the degree of weakening this time will be far greater than before, so we must not be careless."

"Yes, Great Emperor, just leave the rest to the old man, and I promise to handle it properly." Tianzhu said very seriously, and he was relieved immediately, Xuanyuanhuo returned to normal, and he can be completely relieved.

Xuanyuanhuo nodded, turned around and prepared to leave.

Lin Yi's expression suddenly panicked, and he quickly shouted: "What are you talking about? What is the relationship between the Golden Body Palace and the seal? Please explain to me first..."

Xuanyuanhuo didn't look back, he walked forward while talking, and disappeared soon.

"Leave the task of explaining to Elder Tianzhu, Lin Yi, next time, when you don't have to rely on external forces, we will fight again. I really want to see how powerful the so-called man of destiny is. Hehe, Don't let me down."

Lin Yi looked at Xuanyuanhuo who was gradually disappearing, and felt angry.What is this guy pretending to be here?Still looking like an outsider, it really made him feel sick.

Tianzhu chuckled and said, "Little friend Lin Yi, can you just give this old man me some face? Don't be as knowledgeable as that kid. In fact, although he has been in a high position for a long time, he is still quite kind. The kind that is more close to the people, you should have noticed this a long time ago. Thank you for your righteousness just now, otherwise my old life may not be saved!"

"Old man Tianzhu, don't say these are useless. You are injured, I am duty-bound, it is normal to save you, there is nothing to say. As for the Emperor of Heaven, I don't bother to comment, no matter how kind he is to others, how close to the people , I am not one of his people, so I can’t change my displeasure with him! Compared to this, what I’m most curious about now is the relationship between the Golden Body Temple and the seal. Why does the power of the seal weaken when the Golden Body Temple appears? Is there an inevitable connection between the two?" Lin Yi's curiosity overflowed and he couldn't suppress it, and he stared at Tianzhu with burning eyes.

Tianzhu nodded with a smile, and said: "It's really not a secret. Many people in the Creation God Realm know about it. This seal was forged by the ancestor of our clan with his own painstaking efforts, and the Golden Body Hall was created by the ancestor's body. Casting. The seal is to protect the billions of living beings in the Hongmeng universe, and the Golden Body Hall is to allow more qualified descendants to be inherited by him, so that more powerful people will be born in the Hongmeng universe. The purpose of the ancestor is very simple. It is to restore Hongmeng Universe to its former strength, even stronger than it was then, so that we can reverse the decline and avenge our shame. Hehe, in this regard, your thinking is really close to that of our ancestors!"

(End of this chapter)

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