Chapter 1475
Lin Yi has already talked about this point, expressing his attitude very bluntly, he has no interest in these so-called power positions, if it is not for the so-called harmony and tranquility of the Hongmeng universe, he would not even bother to think about it.

A smile appeared on the corner of Biyue's mouth, and she said, "I almost understand what Master Lin Yi means. I agree with the alliance and have no objections."

"I have an opinion, I have an opinion!" Yao Yuan suddenly yelled, emotionally said: "Master Gu Master, according to your intention, would you let us go? My lord, you are the owner of our Shenyao Valley , how can you..."

"Okay, okay, what I said is the water that was poured out, and it will not change. I think you can handle the matter of Shenyao Valley better. As for Shenyu Trading Company, Ye Zimo is there. Everyone please Remember one thing, I don't like to be a high-ranking official. If it weren't for the current situation, I wouldn't want to make such an alliance. Of course, if any of you are confident that you can do better than me Alright, I can give up the position of the leader. I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it." Lin Yi spread his hands, looking helpless.

Lin Yi's words made the power holders of some forces breathe a sigh of relief and feel relieved.Especially the patriarchs of the four great beast races, they have always regarded themselves as the guardians of the creation god world, but now they lower their status and cooperate with Lin Yi.They thought that Lin Yi would always suppress them and make them his subordinates forever, but they didn't expect that Lin Yi would speak so bluntly that they had no reason to be picky.

Chi Songzi gently grabbed Biyue's jade hand, and said with a smile: "Now you can rest assured, my lord palace master?"

Bi Yue's pretty face blushed slightly, and she said: "You know how to make fun of me, after all, I am the Grand Palace Mistress of Yihong Courtyard, so of course I have to think about the future of our Yihong Courtyard! Everyone likes to live a free life, don't they? ?"

Chi Songzi couldn't help smiling, and said: "You're right, if I didn't want to help Master Lin Yi, I wouldn't want to recruit my old subordinates anymore. After this catastrophe subsides, we will let Master Lin Yi give us a planet , we can live a free life there and have a lot of children, that would be great!"

Biyue gave Chisongzi a white look, and said, "I'll talk about these things when I go back. Are you not ashamed to say it in front of so many people?"

"Hahaha, you're right, you're right, let's talk about it when we go back." Chi Songzi laughed loudly, and his words eased the atmosphere in the conference hall a lot, and it was no longer as embarrassing as it was just now.

Lin Yi coughed lightly, and said: "Let's get back to business, I have already thought about the name of the alliance. The reason why the Hongmeng universe is declining now is because the ancient tree of the way of heaven has been severely damaged. The way of heaven is almost gone, how can the Hongmeng universe be peaceful? Therefore, the name of the alliance For the Heavenly Dao Sacred League, aiming to incarnate the Heavenly Dao and rebuild the order of the heavens and the earth!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the entire Primordial Universe seemed to tremble. In an instant, a golden beam of light shot down from the sky, covering Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's body exudes a sacred light, which Lin Yi is very familiar with, and it belongs to the ruined ancient tree of the Dao of Heaven in the Hongmeng Universe.

Lin Yi was quite surprised that the ancient tree of the Dao of Heaven could penetrate layers of shackles and respond to him in this way. This alone has already moved Lin Yi very much.

"Hahahaha, congratulations to Leader Lin, congratulations to Leader Lin. The establishment of the Alliance of Heaven and Dao is the blessing of the universe, can I ask for a glass of wine?" A burst of laughter came from outside the door, and Lin Yi could of course hear the voice, Who else could it be if it wasn't Tianzhu.

Lin Yi couldn't help feeling amused, Tianzhu didn't come for such a long time just now, why did Tianzhu come here just after he announced the name of the alliance, and the timing was too accurate.

However, the significance of Tianzhu's coming here is quite important, after all, he represents the Eternal Temple.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, he stood up, walked towards Tianzhu, and said with a smile as he walked: "It turns out that it is Elder Tianzhu, why do you have time to visit the lower realm, elder? You are the envoy of the upper realm, so you are not afraid of this lower realm." Is the air in the air too stale to pollute your body?"

Tianzhu heard the teasing meaning in Lin Yi's words, laughed a few times, shook his head and said: "Leader Lin, Lord Lin, you are still not forgiving, and you have made it clear that I, an old man, cannot step down! The upper realm and the lower realm It's just a random name we gave up for the sake of distinction. Everyone in the Hongmeng universe is equal, so how can there be a distinction between superior and inferior? Now you have unified the entire Hongmeng universe, founded the Heavenly Dao Saint League, and have received the blessing of the Heavenly Dao Ancient Tree. With such a status, Even if you compare yourself to the Emperor Tianming, why do you want to belittle yourself?"

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile on his face remained unchanged. The old man Tianzhu was still the same as usual, and his words were tight. This kind of person, Lin Yi didn't want to have a close relationship with him.

Therefore, compared with Tianzhu, Lin Yi prefers Dimiie, straight to the point, and does not speak and do things sloppily. This kind of person is easier to get along with.

Lin Yi sighed softly, shook his head, and said, "Elder Tianzhu, don't give me a high hat. I know how capable I am. Elder Tianzhu, you came all the way from the Eternal Temple. Is it just for congratulations? Besides, I don’t seem to have invited you, how would you know? Could it be that someone from you has already been placed by my side?”

Tianzhu's smile subsided slightly, he shook his head, and said: "Leader Lin, you think too much. The old man has been busy with sealing and searching for the man of destiny these years. How can I have time to play those little tricks? The reason why I know News, it’s because your identity is too special and dazzling. There are so many people who follow you, even if I don’t deliberately inquire about you, your affairs will spread throughout the Hongmeng universe. Are you satisfied with my explanation?”

Lin Yi nodded slightly, and said: "It really sounds like that, forget it, you should talk about the business. I have only left the Eternal Temple for a few days, and you suddenly came to me. That guy went wrong in his cultivation, and died of madness?"

Mo Hao, who was drinking, couldn't help taking a sip of the wine, then laughed loudly, and said, "Boy Lin Yi, don't talk so badly, okay? Are you afraid of making this kid mad?"

Lin Yi chuckled and shook his head, and said: "You think too much, how could Elder Tianzhu turn his face because of such a trivial matter, he is not the kind of person who has no guts."

Tianzhu, who was about to blame Lin Yi, froze for a moment, not knowing what to say.

He smiled wryly, and said: "Leader Lin, although the emperor has done some things carelessly, he is still pretty good on the whole. The emperor specially asked me to come here because he forgot to give you something. Let me bring it to you .”

(End of this chapter)

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