Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1476 Strange Fragments

Chapter 1476 Strange Fragments
Forgot something for me?
A trace of doubt suddenly rose in Lin Yi's heart, what exactly will the Man of Heaven give him?Is that guy really that kind?
Before Lin Yi could ask, Tianzhu took out a jade box.The jade box slowly floated towards Lin Yi, and was caught by his hand.

After taking the jade box, Lin Yi suddenly felt his heart tremble, and his intuition told him that there must be something extraordinary in this jade box.

"What is this?" Lin Yi asked in a low voice.

Tianzhu smiled slightly, and said: "Leader Lin, you will know when you open it. Don't worry, I will never play any tricks in front of so many people. I don't think my life is long!"

Lin Yi couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, and said: "Elder Tianzhu, you are overthinking, I just asked subconsciously, if you really want to harm me, you don't need to come to my site, I went to the Eternal Temple before, yours There aren't many opportunities, are there?"

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he was about to open the jade box.Although he said it very easily, he didn't relax at all. He didn't have much affection for Emperor Tianming. What good things would he send?

After the jade box was opened, there was no burst of divine power as Lin Yi had imagined, and the radiance was brilliant. On the contrary, the contents of the jade box were very ordinary, just a black unknown fragment.

Lin Yi picked up the fragment, and asked with a puzzled expression, "What is this thing? It's black, like a tile. Elder Tianzhu, what do you mean by giving me this thing?"

Tianzhu smiled and shook his head, and said: "Leader Lin asked me this, and I don't know how to answer it. Actually, I also know a little bit of the inside story. It is said that this thing was presented to His Majesty by the prophet, so that His Majesty can find the fate of God." hand it over to him. As for the usefulness of this thing, the prophet didn’t say anything, so I don’t know.”

Lin Yi frowned suddenly, and said: "Prophet? Such a familiar name! I remember that the reason why I was discovered by the people of Shenyu Firm at the beginning was because of that bullshit prophet. Where is that guy now? Why do I go?" Didn't you see him in the Eternal Temple?"

"Of course you can't see him. After he calculated the location where the Golden Body Palace will appear, he went to the Quicksand of Time. Now, he is doing all the calculations there, trying to find the safest way. Leader Lin should know that Time There are dangers everywhere in the quicksand, if there is a slightly safer road, the danger will be much less." Tianzhu explained very patiently, what he said surprised Lin Yi.

He used to think that it was great that the prophet could figure out that he killed himself, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated that guy.Calculating the appearance location of the Golden Body Hall without the Fortune Gold Plate, and trying to find a way out in the quicksand of time, everything can show that guy's awesomeness, making Lin Yi's curiosity about him already to the point of being irrelevant.

Tianzhu seemed to see Lin Yi's thoughts, smiled slightly, and said: "If leader Lin wants to find the prophet, you only need to go to the Quicksand of Time to find it. My mission has been completed, and it's time to go back to the seal. From the golden body The closer the time for the temple to appear in this world, the more likely something will go wrong with the seal, we can't relax at all!"

Lin Yi nodded lightly, didn't hold back much, and watched Tianzhu leave.

After Tianzhu left, Lin Yi put away the black fragment. At this moment, Mo Hao said seriously: "Boy Lin Yi, you must be careful. The lineage of prophets has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years. It’s not easy for a branch to survive countless catastrophes. So, you must pay more attention to it, otherwise you’ll be fooled, and don’t implicate our Niubi League!”

Lin Yi wondered why Mo Hao was so kind and cared about him so much.But that last sentence exposed his true nature, this guy is still as annoying as ever!

He snorted angrily, and said: "If you like the Niubi League, then you can build it yourself, and it has nothing to do with me! Lao Tzu's alliance is called Tiandao Shengmeng. If you don't like it, I will seal you again immediately and let you live again." Live the kind of good days that you will miss!"

Lin Yi's words made Mo Hao quiet all of a sudden. For him, this trick definitely had immediate results.

Chi Songzi really has nothing to do with the two of them. He looked at Lin Yi with a smile, and said, "Master Lin Yi, what Master Mohao said is somewhat reasonable. The prophet is definitely not easy, so you must be careful in dealing with it. Also, since The Heavenly Dao Saint Alliance has been confirmed to be established, so it is best to hold a grand alliance founding ceremony within the next few days to announce to the entire Hongmeng universe. Not only that, but some hidden dangers must also be eliminated."

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and said: "Let's leave this matter to Senior Chisongzi. Time is tight, so don't make it too grand, it will waste too much time. As for hidden dangers, I have my own way to solve them. Don't worry. Don't talk nonsense, I have to solve the problem, so let's leave if you have nothing to do."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace, without even a trace of space fluctuation.

When he reappeared, he was already standing in his universe. In front of him, there were two iron cages, in which the shadow and the mosquito demon clone were respectively locked.

In fact, speaking of it, they are all clones of the Mosquito Demon, but one is strong and the other is weak.

The appearance of Lin Yi surprised both of them. The shadow immediately grabbed the railing of the iron cage and shouted at Lin Yi: "My lord, are you here to let me go? Actually, I really don't want to be your enemy." !Although I am also the clone of Mosquito Demon, I already have the consciousness of independence. As long as you give me a little time, I will be completely independent and become your most loyal dog! I beg you, just believe me once Bar!"

Shadow's demeanor and tone were very sincere, but Lin Yi didn't seem to have heard it. He just quietly looked at the clone of the mosquito demon, and said indifferently: "Dead mosquito, you asked him to act, right? Acting is such a thing. , requires sufficient acting skills and requires a high level of professionalism, which is not something that can be achieved by just a random character. At the very least, you have to cooperate and show your anger at this time, maybe I will believe it? "

The mosquito monster avatar lazily raised its head, glanced at Lin Yi, and smiled lightly: "Lin Yi, don't you feel guilty when you look down on me so much? I know very well that you will never let me go, since So, why would I do such a stupid thing? Like this clone, when I have the opportunity, I will definitely destroy it with my own hands, otherwise, letting him live is too embarrassing for me!"

"Dead Mosquito, you're not finished! You've already become a prisoner, why are you pretending to be coercive! You want to kill me, but I want to kill you! Why is the power bestowed on you by the main body stronger than me? You are all clones! , but it is so unfair, I not only want to kill you, but also want to kill the body!"

(End of this chapter)

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