Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1485 is simply a joke

Chapter 1485 It's a joke

Black Soul's voice was harsh, and while speaking, his physical body had been completely reduced to dust, and it was impossible to recover.

At this time, a black light flew out from the surrounding trees and vines, intending to escape.The little tree seedling had sharp eyesight and quick hands, stretched out his hand to grab it, and confined the ball of black light.

At this time, a shrill scream came from the black light: "Let me go! You can't kill me! If you dare to kill me, His Majesty Lingwang will not let you go! He will never let you go! "

Xiao Tiantian snorted coldly, and was about to urge the power of Xuanhuang to kill her, but Lin Yi gently grabbed her hand, smiled and said: "Don't be so excited, this guy is still useful to me, I have to understand through him Only by visiting the world of the undead and knowing ourselves and the enemy can we be victorious in all battles, isn't it?"

Xiao Tiantian's expression softened a little, she nodded, and said: "If you have any questions, just ask, and after you finish asking, I will kill this guy! Dare to hurt you, I must make him look good All destroyed!"

Xiao Tiantian's body was full of hostility, this kind of state really rarely happened.Lin Yi smiled softly, and said: "Don't be so excited, you are the ancient tree of heaven, representing the heaven of this universe, you can't change your temper, otherwise those creatures will be unlucky. Although I know you are for me, but... Ouch, it hurts so much, why did you hit me? I wiped it and my nose bleeds!"

"If you don't hit you, who will you hit? You are so beautiful in front of me. If I don't hit you, do I still feel sorry for you? It's so funny. He also said that I am for you, and my mother is for this universe. This guy pollutes this universe. He's so quiet and harmonious, he deserves to die, understand?" Xiao Tiantian snorted softly, she was really good at being stubborn.

Lin Yi rubbed his nose, the bleeding stopped soon, and he wanted to say something, but he swallowed it down.

This situation is very good now, otherwise, I don't know how troublesome things will become.Lin Yi was really scared, he didn't want to provoke too many women anymore.

He walked up to the little tree seedling, stretched out his hand to grab the imprisoned black light group, and then snorted coldly, saying: "Heihun, you should understand your current situation, your physical body is no longer, and your spirit is so weak. It is really easy for me to destroy your soul. However, I can give you a chance, as long as you are willing to answer my questions and solve the doubts in my heart, I can consider not killing you, and even let you go free."

"Don't kill me? Set me free? Do you think I'm stupid?? Your name is Lin Yi, right? I admit, I fell this time, but I didn't fall into your hands, but because of my own rival in love. Come on! Am I too stupid?!" Black Soul yelled, he has regretted it to the core now, if he hadn't reminded Lin Yi to let Lin Yi use the universe, Lin Yi would have been played to death by him.

Lin Yi stopped his words, and smiled unkindly, and said: "It's really interesting for you to talk. On the one hand, you say you are not stupid? On the other hand, you say you are. Are you, or are you not? And It’s really not easy for you to communicate. Could it be that people in the undead world are all stupid? Looks like this? I think the spirit king should be similar..."

"Shut up! You are not allowed to insult Lord Lingwang! Lin Yi, if you want to kill, kill me, I will never frown! Lord Lingwang will avenge me, you will never leave this world! Hahaha..." Hei Hun laughed loudly, and just a few seconds after laughing, his voice suddenly turned into a scream, that scream was so shrill, just listening to it made people shudder.

Lin Yi's face had turned gloomy, he snorted coldly, and said, "I'll give you one last chance, you'd better cooperate obediently with me, otherwise I have ten thousand ways to make your life worse than death! Others don’t have the means, but I have a lot of them, I promise you will enjoy them one by one, and make you cry and beg me to kill you!”

Lin Yi's cold voice made the Mosquito Monster beside him tremble. He always knew that Lin Yi was a ruthless person, but he never expected that Lin Yi's ruthlessness would turn out to be so terrifying.

He secretly rejoiced that fortunately he made the right choice, otherwise he would definitely have endured such pain.

"You continue to torture! Anyway, I am also a dead person, I don't care how you torture me! Ah - when you are tired of torture, you can't help but kill me, hahaha, body and spirit are destroyed, this pair For me, it is the real relief, please let me be free quickly, hahaha..." Heihun screamed and laughed, Lin Yi suddenly found that he lost the meaning of torturing this guy, this guy is obviously not afraid of death at all .

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little headache. This guy obviously didn't play cards according to common sense. If this is the case, how can he continue?
Xiao Tiantian snorted impatiently, and said: "Since this guy is not afraid of death, then just kill him directly. Does it need such trouble?"

Lin Yi frowned, and said, "I also want to kill him directly, but if I don't ask some questions clearly, do I have to arrest a few people to ask them? If all those people look like this, then I still have a headache and die?"

The little tree seedling smiled softly, and said: "Lord Lin Yi, what's the trouble? Don't you just know what you want to know? It's very simple, you can search for the soul! As long as you search for the soul, you can do anything. knew?"

Soul search?Lin Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, why didn't he expect that?Could it be that he was knocked out by this guy just now?
After Heihun heard the word "hunting soul", his mood immediately changed, and the power of the soul surged.

"No, Lord Lin Yi, he's going to blow himself up!" the mosquito demon clone immediately shouted.

Xiao Tiantian sneered, flicked his fingers, and a green light penetrated into the soul of the black soul.

As a result, the black soul immediately quieted down, and there was no movement at all.

"Hehe, what a ridiculous guy. He actually wants to blow himself up in front of his old lady. It seems that he is too mentally retarded. However, you really have a bit of backbone. If you are not a bad guy, I guess I will still admire you! "Xiao Tiantian sneered, with her power of heaven suppressing it, it was a joke that this guy wanted to blow himself up.

The black soul's soul was attacked, and the backlash from the interrupted self-explosion had already become very weak at this time.

"Lin Yi, you are Xu Sheng, and I am also Xu Sheng. Even if I only have a soul left, with your soul power, don't even try to perform a soul search on me. Of course, if you want to try it at the risk of backlash, I I won't stop you, Jie Jie, I would like to drag you into the water!" Hei Hun's strange laughter came again, and his words made Xiao Tian Tian and Xiao Shu Miao'er frown, that's right, Yi Lin With Yi's soul power, it is indeed too dangerous to forcibly perform soul search on a master like Hei Hun.

Before Lin Yi could speak, the mosquito demon clone suddenly said, "Master Lin Yi, I have a method that might work, do you want to try it?"

(End of this chapter)

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