Chapter 1486
Lin Yi was a little surprised by the sudden opening of the mosquito monster's avatar. It seemed that this guy had really changed his nature.

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "Then tell me, is there any way for me to know what I want to know without any danger?"

The mosquito demon clone smiled and said: "My lord, don't worry, although my cultivation is not high, there are definitely more ways to torture the soul than you imagine..."

Lin Yi nodded lightly, and said: "That's true. After all, you were a villain before, and villains have always had a lot of vicious tricks. Okay, go ahead, don't be nervous. There are only evil hearts in this world. As for the tricks?" , even if it is vicious, if it is used in a righteous place, it is just, so you can use it with confidence."

Lin Yi's theory made Mosquito Demon clone feel very speechless. How can anyone in this world say that he is not righteous?This is simply perfunctory.

Of course, he didn't dare to say it, but he laughed, which seemed to support Lin Yi's point of view.

Nonsense, if such a good opportunity to perform is missed, he will regret it for the rest of his life!
"Ahem, my lord, listen to me! Although I am only a clone, I also have all the abilities of the main body. Our family has a magical power called the method of engulfment and communion. I only need to absorb part of his soul, and I can get it." All his memories will naturally be known about him at that time. My lord, do you think my ability will help you?" The words of the mosquito demon made Lin Yi's eyes wide open. Lin Yi did not expect that the mosquito Yao actually has such a terrifying skill, this trick is really amazing.

The black soul immediately became nervous, and exclaimed: "You can't be like this! You are just a clone of that mosquito. If you do this, you will be wiped out! Lord Lingwang attaches great importance to your body, as long as you are willing to abandon darkness and turn to light, your The future is definitely not worse than your body..."

"Have you said enough? My lord is right, this guy is really a fool?" The mosquito demon clone nodded in agreement, and said, "It's already at this time, and you are still talking about the body? That dog's body almost killed Lao Tzu, and you still let me follow him? What the hell are you throwing away the dark and turning to the bright? I'll vote for your brother-in-law! Don't be so nervous, I just absorbed a little bit of your soul, just a little bit, no kill you."

A smug smile appeared on the face of the mosquito monster avatar. When he walked to Lin Yi, his mouth suddenly became sharp and long. When Lin Yi saw that kind of mouth, his obsessive-compulsive disorder was about to move, and he really wanted to grab it and break it off.

The movement of the mosquito demon's avatar was very fast. With a little force, he pierced his mouth into the soul of the black soul, and then sucked lightly, and the soul was absorbed by the mosquito demon.

The mosquito demon immediately pulled out its mouth, then quickly crossed its legs and closed its eyes.His mouth had returned to its original shape, but his face had turned dark, which made Lin Yi very puzzled.

Soon, the face of the Mosquito demon avatar was extremely painful, as if it was struggling with another force, at this moment, a sneer suddenly came from the mouth of the soul of the black soul: "How dare you absorb the soul of this general? It's really brave to kill mosquitoes! It's a pity that the general is just acting on purpose, and I hope he can absorb it!"

"What do you mean by that? What kind of tricks are you playing?" Lin Yi's face was extremely cold. After all, the mosquito demon avatar became like this to help him, how could Lin Yi ignore it?
"Jie Jie, trick? I didn't play any tricks! Have you forgotten that I am a creature of this undead world, and the spirit of the undead here is my food. In this case, my body, and even my soul , of course, are full of the spirit of the dead. Although this mosquito comes from the universe of God's Burial, he has never tasted the breath of the four spirits of our undead world. Under such circumstances, he dared to absorb my spirit, isn't it courting death? But don't worry, this guy won't be able to die for a while, at most he will become a necromancer, hahaha..." Heihun laughed loudly, feeling very excited.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and immediately released a seal of the sky towards the black soul.The power of this seal of heaven was in a fully concentrated state, and then it exploded in the light cluster of the soul, and the intense pain caused the black soul to scream incessantly.

After venting, Lin Yi immediately pulled out the Destiny Needle and pierced it into the body of the mosquito demon.

After piercing with the Divine Needle of Destiny, the face of the Mosquito Demon clone eased a bit, it seems that this trick is really effective!
"Hehe, don't waste your energy, I have already said that there is no solution to this trick! No matter how much you torture me, it will not have any effect. But what use is this mosquito to you? Xu Sheng It’s worth your hard work for him?” Heihun sneered, this guy’s ability to fight is really strong, the seal of the sky just makes him feel painless, if he didn’t want to know the information, Lin Yi would have wanted to use it even more powerfully. means to kill it.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and said: "This guy is my servant, even if I want to kill him, I will kill myself, it has nothing to do with you bastard! As for you saying that I wasted my efforts? Hehe, there is no such thing as me in this world that Lin Yi can't control." Good injury! Not only do I want to heal the injury, but I also want to know all your secrets, and then I will wipe you out completely and let you be done with!"

Black Soul was silent for a few seconds, and then burst into a piercing laugh: "It's funny! It's really funny! Just because you want to save people and know my secret, I really don't know where your confidence comes from. Heart. Hehe, it doesn't matter, anyway, you and his ending are already doomed. Even if I can't kill you, you can't solve the endless masters in the undead world! You just wait for our undead world to re-enter the primordial universe, so that all Everyone surrender to our feet, hahaha..."

Lin Yi looked indifferent, and while listening to this guy bragging, he treated the clone of the mosquito monster.

With the powerful healing power of the God of Destiny, the breath of death in the body of the mosquito demon was quickly wiped out, and the face of the mosquito demon gradually returned to normal, and he looked at Lin Yi gratefully.

Lin Yi blinked at him, and he immediately understood and began to interpret the memory of the black soul.

Lin Yi snorted coldly and said, "The world of the undead? Hmph, I didn't expect such a ghostly place to be hidden in the tomb of gods and demons. Moreover, the people in this ghostly place are really good at bragging, and they all covet the ghosts outside. The Hongmeng universe is gone. Black soul, you say I'm ridiculous, your ability to be funny is beyond the reach of others!"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you don't believe me, just wait and see! However, you won't live long, and you probably won't see it. Don't think that I will pity you and tell you what you want to know. It is absolutely impossible!" Hei Hun's tone was very certain, as if he wanted to make Lin Yi give up.

At this moment, the mosquito monster avatar who had been "painfully" closing his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, and said happily: "Master Lin Yi, I have read all his memories, and I know everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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