Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 502 How do you want to be played

Chapter 502 How do you want to be played

Lin Yi's arrogance finally angered Wu Dang. He glanced at the men beside him and shouted, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and arrest that kid. I want to torture him!"

Those people in black rushed over immediately, one by one viciously, surrounding Lin Yi in the middle.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said, "Wu Dang, right? You yelled at me as soon as you appeared, did you forget something? Don't tell me you don't care about that young master of Wuzhuang at all?"

"Master? Hehe, when you are caught, you will naturally confess. Before that, of course I will let you suffer a little more, otherwise how would you know that you will end up offending me, Wu Dang! Hurry up, why are you dawdling one by one, come on Ah!" Wu Dang yelled, and those young people rushed up immediately, looking like they were going to eat people.

Lin Yi smiled lightly, resisting the constant pain in his body, his fists rained down on the faces of these people, and screams continued.

The strength of these little guys is not very good, only one or two have reached the dark energy level, and they are not a big threat to Lin Yi at all.

As the battle time prolongs, Lin Yi clearly feels that the medicinal power of Yimaisan in his body is constantly being stimulated. Before long, he will be able to recreate the inner qi in the meridians. As long as there is inner qi, he will be able to stimulate Ruyi Dragon Ball and Jingchen Pearl, at that time, this Qi Transformation Realm warrior is not worth mentioning at all.

Seeing a group of young people being beaten up by Lin Yi and screaming, and soon fell down a large piece, Wu Dang's anger could not be suppressed, and he rushed over with a roar.

Lin Yi secretly exclaimed, he just felt a little angry, and Wu Dang rushed over like this, how could he bear it now?
Sure enough, when Wu Dang punched Lin Yi, he flew out and hit a big tree hard, breaking the big tree into two knots.

Ying Shuangshuang, who was watching the battle by the window, changed her face drastically. She was secretly delighted by Lin Yi's chic fighting, but she never expected that Lin Yi would be blown away by such a big turning point.

She quickly ran down the stairs, no matter how scary Wu Dang was, she ran directly to Lin Yi.

Seeing Ying Shuangshuang, Wu Dang showed a sneer on his face, and said, "Miss Ying, it seems that the information my people brought back is indeed correct. The relationship between you and this kid is very unusual! Hehe, this kind of thing is natural. It's not my business, I just ask you, where did you get the young master? If you say it, I can make that kid die more comfortably, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? Do you think you can kill me?" A cold snort came from the bushes, Lin Yi stood up with Ying Shuangshuang's support, and looked at Wu Dang with extremely sharp eyes.

He patted Ying Shuangshuang lightly on the shoulder and said, "Shuangshuang, didn't I tell you to cheer for me? Why did you just run over here? Be obedient, you are beside me. To me, it is Bigger burden, if you want to help me, just go aside and cheer me up, okay?"

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Ying Shuangshuang had no choice but to nod, and walked aside with tears in her eyes.

Lin Yi felt what was going on in his body, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

He was indeed seriously injured just now, but thanks to it, the medicinal power of Yi Mai San was activated by [-]% or [-]%, and a trace of internal energy was generated in the meridians in his body.

Don't underestimate this trace of internal energy, as long as this trace of internal energy expands a bit, he will have a chance to awaken the Ruyi Dragon Ball.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face became more intense, and he said to Wu Dang: "Come on, I want to see how strong you are, and don't let me down."

Wu Dang's heart skipped a beat. For some reason, he suddenly realized that the man in front of him who wasn't even a warrior was very dangerous. This sense of crisis came from his heart, but he didn't know why.

He gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Don't bluff there! I want to see how powerful you are!"

Wu Dang yelled and stomped on the ground. Under the powerful counter-shock force, his body flew out like a rocket. The speed was so fast that even Lin Yi was a little surprised.

Obviously, this Wu Dang mainly strengthened his speed when he practiced, which didn't match his powerful appearance.

"Good time!" Lin Yi yelled, not only did not dodge, but directly went up to him, punching Wu Dang.

The fists of the two just collided, without any suspense, Lin Yi was sent flying, and hit a tree again, causing a mouthful of blood to spurt out.

Ying Shuangshuang was so nervous that she would have rushed over if Lin Yiqian hadn't warned her.

Lin Yi coughed a few times, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and got up from the ground.

Although he looked very embarrassed, he was extremely excited in his heart.The punch just now had already fully stimulated the power of Yi Maisan in his body. As a result, the trace of internal energy that was originally produced in his body also rapidly expanded.

After his internal energy swelled, he immediately communicated with Ruyi Dragon Ball.After Ruyi Dragon Ball felt Lin Yi's internal energy, she was so excited that she almost jumped up.

This thing has been with Lin Yi for a long time, and has already produced a trace of wisdom.

The same is true for the Jingchen Bead. After being stimulated by the inner qi, it began to nourish Lin Yi's spiritual sea and repair its soul wounds.

As for the wishful dragon ball, it releases a large amount of internal energy to heal the injuries in Lin Yi's body.

Soon, a strong internal energy appeared in Lin Yi's body, and the tree of killing gods, which was originally dead, also began to rejuvenate.

Everything happened so fast that even Lin Yi was surprised.

That Wu Dang is very stupid?The ground did not attack, as if waiting for Lin Yi to rush over.

For him, it was too easy to deal with Lin Yi, just like just now, he sent Lin Yi flying without too much effort, this kind of battle, for him, was really as simple as a cat catching a mouse .

"How do you feel? Do you want to continue hitting? Hehe, if you continue hitting, I'm really worried that I'll accidentally punch you hard. If that's the case, I'll kill you by accident. Alas, Although I want to kill you, I want to play with you more, if I kill you so easily, I will be very sad." Wu Dang sighed, with a very helpless look,

Lin Yi laughed, first with a chuckle, and then with a loud laugh.

"Interesting, really interesting, I have to say, you feel really good about yourself as a mere bastard!" Lin Yi looked at Wu Dang with a smile, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted from him come out.

After the Killing God Tree was activated, his bloodline of the Killing God was naturally awakened. In addition, he used the Divine Dao Holy Healing Technique. Although he has not fully recovered at this time, his strength has reached the realm of true energy.

This is just the beginning, and it won't take long for his injury to fully recover.The so-called breaking and then standing, his cultivation base will definitely rise again, reaching a brand new realm!

Wu Dang's face froze immediately, he looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, and stammered, " is it possible?, you, you clearly..."

"Your sister Ming, hehe, it's time for me to play with you next. I'll give you a chance. How do you want to be played with?"

(End of this chapter)

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