Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 503 This is unscientific!

Chapter 503 This is unscientific!

Lin Yi looked at Wu Dang with a smile, that smile and eyes made Wu Dang's heart rise to his throat immediately.

His intuition told him that fighting Lin Yi was simply asking for his own death!
"You... don't come here, who are you, do you know who I am?" Wu Dang stammered, his face was extremely ugly, and he was so nervous that he died.

"Oh? Do you have any special status other than being the dog of the Wu family? Tell me, which sect are you from?" Lin Yi said lightly. Wu Dang's skills are overbearing and fierce, and it can be seen as an authentic inheritance. Obviously he is a disciple of an ancient martial arts sect, which is easy to see.

Wu Dang swallowed and spit, and said: "I am an inner disciple of the Tianshan Sect! Do you know the Tianshan Sect? It is one of the seven righteous sects, and its strength is extremely powerful. If you dare to attack me, it will be against the entire Tianshan Sect. If you are right, will die without a place to die!"

When Wu Dang said this, his back straightened a little.He knew that Lin Yi must be from a certain ancient martial arts sect, otherwise he wouldn't have asked this question.

Since Lin Yi is also a member of the ancient martial arts sect, he must know the power of the Tianshan sect.Even if he is not afraid of the Tianshan faction, he will at least let himself go out of consideration for his fellow martial artists.

Thinking of this, Wu Dang felt a little more relaxed, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

Lin Yi looked at Wu Dang with very calm eyes. He walked towards Wu Dang step by step, and said lightly: "It turned out to be a member of the legendary Tianshan sect with a shrunken head. Pai actually chose to close the mountain. Hehe, if I guessed correctly, the Tianshan faction has been completely controlled by the evil faction, right?"

Lin Yi's words made Wu Dang's face change suddenly. He didn't expect that Lin Yi even knew about it.Now the Tianshan faction is completely under the control of the Poison God Sect, even he is also a member of the Poison God Sect.

"The Poison God Sect, it turns out that the Poison God Sect has completely controlled the Tianshan Sect." Lin Yi's eyes narrowed, and with just one glance, he saw through Wu Dang's thoughts.

Wu Dang's face changed suddenly, and he exclaimed, "How is it possible? How did you know? I... I didn't say anything!"

"I don't need you to talk, all I want to know is just a look. You are very scared, you are afraid that I will kill you. Hehe, how could it be? It is so easy to let you die, isn't my suffering just now in vain? Got it?" A sneer appeared on Lin Yi's face, and the murderous aura emanating from his body became stronger.

Wu Dang gritted his teeth, and roared: "Stop pretending to be a ghost, I will fight with you!"

He is very clear about his current situation. If it really falls into Lin Yi's hands, his result will definitely be tragic.Instead of doing this, it is better to give it a go, maybe there is still a chance to escape.

"Is it better to strike first? Hehe, this sentence is for some people of comparable strength, and you are too far behind!" Lin Yi smiled lightly, took a step forward, and just stretched out a finger , and easily blocked Wu Dang's fist.

With a sneer, he flicked with his fingers, and a powerful burst of energy exploded, directly flying Wu Dang out.

Wu Dang slammed into a big rock hard, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his breath suddenly weakened.

With just a simple blow, many meridians in his body were broken. In this situation, he has no chance to resist at all.

resist?This is actually a joke, Lin Yi hurt him like that with one finger, what if he punched him?Hehe, it is estimated that the fist wind can shock him.

Lin Yi shook his head slightly, walked up to Wu Dang, and said, "People can be a little stupid, but if they are too stupid, they will be called stupid? I am really sad that you are like this. Isn't it good to be a human being? Why are you being stupid? What?"

Lin Yi sighed softly, flicked his fingers, and a Shenmai needle pierced into his body.

Under the effect of the Shinto Holy Healing Technique, most of Wu Dang's injuries healed quickly, and he became much more energetic.

"Does it feel comfortable? Doesn't it feel good to recover from the injury?" Lin Yi said with a smile, stretched out his hand, and the Shenmai needle flew back to his hand.

Before Wu Dang had time to thank him, Lin Yi suddenly kicked Wu Dang out and hit another rock hard.

Wu Dang groaned miserably, and spat out another mouthful of blood, which was more serious than the injury just now.

Ying Shuangshuang watched this scene in disbelief, she had no idea what Lin Yi wanted to do.

I saw Lin Yi walking towards Wu Dang, standing still one meter in front of him, then looked at him with a smile, and said, "How do you feel? Is it more painful than just now? Don't worry, you won't die, as long as there is I am here, even if your injury is ten times more serious than now, I can heal you. Just watch, I will heal you right now."

Lin Yi flicked again, and the two Shenmai needles pierced into Wu Dang's body. These two Shenmai needles contained a powerful breath of life, and they lifted Wu Dang's vitality almost instantly.

Wu Dang really wanted to die now, but he had no ability to resist at all, not even the ability to commit suicide.

Lin Yi's murderous aura has completely sealed off his meridians and every inch of muscle in his body. This is a purely unilateral suppression.

"Please, kill me if you want to kill me. I won't play anymore, I really don't want to play anymore!" Wu Dang was already crying bitterly. happy.

Lin Yi chuckled lightly and said, "Don't want to play? If you say you don't want to play, then you don't want to play. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me? You are now my prisoner. I have the final say on how I want to treat you."

"Boss, how can you let me go? Or, what do you want me to do? Can you just say it? Can I be your cow or horse? Please, don't torture me anymore..." Wu Dang has completely lost his temper, and looks like he is being slaughtered.

A satisfied smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, and he said: "It's considered that you have a good eye, you can see my thoughts, very good, you are qualified to be my subordinate."

Lin Yi took out a magic pulse needle, pierced directly into the top of Wu Dang's head, and then quickly pulled it out.

Wu Dang thought that Lin Yi was going to kill him, and he was already prepared to be killed.However, he suddenly discovered that he was not dead, and he was fine after being pierced by such a long needle in his brain. This is unscientific!

"Don't be so scared. I said I won't kill you, so I won't kill you. Just now I have used the magic vein needle to place a restriction in your brain. The function of this restriction is to control your brain. Don't worry , you have absolute freedom. However, as long as you have the slightest thought of betraying me, you will have the feeling of being bitten by thousands of bugs in your mind. Hehe, do you want to give it a try? That feeling is very Ecstasy!"

(End of this chapter)

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