Chapter 504
Wu Dang's soul was almost frightened away. Lin Yi's words were too irritating, and the powerful deterrent effect made Wu Dang not even have the guts to try it.

"I don't dare, master, as long as you don't kill me or torture me, you can let me do anything." Wu Dang's heart has completely "fallen", and in order to live, he can even be treated as a dog.

Lin Yi smiled lightly, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Isn't it good to be so good earlier? It must be difficult after suffering so much? Hehe, don't worry, now that you are mine, Of course I won't do anything to you again, I will love you very much."

Lin Yi's words really gave rise to goosebumps, Ying Shuangshuang looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, obviously, she still doubted Lin Yi's interest in that direction.

Lin Yi couldn't help feeling a chill, he laughed and said: "Sister Shuangshuang, you don't need to look at me like that, don't worry, my sexual interest is normal, I don't have any thoughts about this guy. Hehe, if you want to say that I am interested, I am most interested The one who is interested is of course you, Shuang Shuang!"

Lin Yi's words made Ying Shuangshuang's pretty face blushes. At this moment, she suddenly thought of something, and said anxiously to Lin Yi: "Brother Lin, how is your injury? Just now, the bastard hit you so hard. Did it hurt you?"

"Hehe, don't be nervous, I'm fine. In fact, I have to thank this guy. If he didn't hit me hard, how could I fully absorb the medicine and recover? I still need a few days of recuperation before I can return to my peak Strength, at that time, no one will be able to block my way." Lin Yi's tone was very sure, he had already thought about it, taking advantage of the opportunity of Zhou Yan's injury, he shot with all his strength, maybe he could kill Zhou Yan and the Poison God. Those who taught are all destroyed.

If they are all dealt with, then he only needs to deal with the wood.Although it was exactly the opposite of his previous plan, the ending was the same.It might be easier to do so.

Wu Dang adjusted his breath a little, stood up tremblingly, and whispered to Lin Yi: "Master, you should have killed the young master of the Wu family, right?"

"Huh? Why do you ask this? The young master of the Wu family has done so many bad things. He looks like a little beast. If he kills him, is there any problem?" Lin Yi asked coldly, and Wu Dang shook his head in fright. Say "no".

However, Wu Dang quickly sighed again, and said: "Master, although that Wu Dang has done many bad things, his status in the Wu family is very high. To tell you the truth, the Wu family is actually the leader of the Tianshan School in the secular world." One of the industries, now that the Tianshan School is broken by the Poison God Sect, the Wu family has naturally become the secular world property of the Poison God Sect. Wu Zhuang's father, Wu Liangxin, is extremely cruel, even I am not half as good as him. If he knew His only son was killed by you, and he will never die with you! Not only you, but the entire Ying family will suffer his revenge. To tell you the truth, Wu Liangxin actually sent another group before sending us here If someone goes to Ying's house, it is estimated that all the winners should be taken away."

As soon as Wu Dang's words fell, Ying Shuangshuang's expression changed drastically, and he quickly grabbed Lin Yi's sleeve and shouted loudly: "Brother Lin, let's go back to Pinghu quickly, my father and my brother should have been arrested, I Save them!"

Lin Yi frowned, and said, "Don't get excited. Getting excited won't solve the problem. Don't worry, I will definitely save your family. This is what I have to do."

A trace of ruthlessness flashed on Lin Yi's face, he turned his head, and said to Wu Dang, "Go back to the Wu family first, be my internal response, and pass on all the actions of the Wu family to me. By the way, I still If you don’t have a mobile phone, please tell me your number first, and I will contact you after buying a mobile phone.”

"It's the master, my number is..."

After Wu Dang told Lin Yi the number, Lin Yi told him again before letting him leave alone.

As for the others, they didn't have that good luck, they were all silenced by Lin Yi with the ghost vein needle.

Lin Yi glanced at Ying Shuangshuang, who was still in shock, gently pinched her small face, and said with a smile: "Silly girl, don't worry so much, isn't there me? Let's go buy a new mobile phone first, and the counterattack plan must be formalized." here we go."

Ying Shuangshuang nodded, and the two quickly drove away.

In the headquarters of Dragon Fury, Zhou Yan, who had been healing his wounds, suddenly felt tightness in his chest, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Especially in the moment just now, the murderous aura in his body fluctuated greatly, and that feeling was very abnormal.

"Come on!"

"Yes, Lord Dragon King, what are your orders!" A man in black came in and asked very respectfully.

"Tell me, have any major events happened in the capital these two days? Have Lin Yi and his relatives and friends appeared?" Zhou Yan asked in a deep voice. When Lin Yi was mentioned, he suddenly felt the palpitations became more obvious. Very uncomfortable.

The man in black immediately replied respectfully: "Responding to Lord Dragon King, our spies are looking for news about that traitor Lin Yi, but there has been no clue for a long time. He seems to have evaporated from the world. However, these few days Something has indeed happened in Tianjing City, the young master of the Wu family in Pinghu disappeared in the capital, and almost all the people sent by the Wu family to investigate have died. Wu Liangxin has entrusted us with Dragon Fury to investigate, and our people have already dispatched."

"Hmph, relying on the backing of the Poisonous God Sect, they actually used the people who aroused my dragon's anger. Their Wu family is really arrogant. If you die, you will die. The more you die, the better. You can send a few people to investigate and do it. Pretentiously, the main energy is still spent on finding out where Lin Yi is. I can feel that he is very close to me, and he is probably in the capital!" Zhou Yan was always a little flustered in his heart, and the feeling of depression was very obvious .

The man in black hurriedly left, leaving only Zhou Yan sitting cross-legged in the secret room.

He gently stroked the big knife in his hand, sighed softly, and said: "My strength has never been able to break through that layer. How can I break that seal when I am so weak? It seems that I have to use some special means!"

On the expressway, Lin Yi asked Ying Shuangshuang to drive, while he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath to restore his own strength.

His condition is constantly improving, even Ying Shuangshuang can feel it.

"Shuang Shuang, when we arrive at Pinghu, I will also help you change your appearance. In this way, the Wu family will not find us. Since we want to fight back, we should take it by surprise. This way, the effect will be the best." Lin Yi said with a smile, which was full of evil intentions.

Ying Shuangshuang nodded, and said: "I understand this, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and when they are lax, give them a hard knife!"

Lin Yi nodded approvingly, a soft girl was finally trained by him to become a man.

But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he slammed down Ying Shuangshuang's head, only to hear a cracking sound, and a bullet hit the windshield and shot into Ying Shuangshuang's seat!

(End of this chapter)

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