Chapter 510
Although Tian Lingzi said it lightly, all the girls' eyes were on him, as if he wanted to eat people.

"Tian Lingzi, what do you mean by that? Are you trying to hinder us from saving people?" Solanum nigrum said coldly. Among the women, her words carry a lot of weight. When she speaks, it almost represents the meaning of the women. .

Hua Chuchu and Weiwei immediately erupted with great power and squeezed towards Tian Lingzi.

Tianlingzi shook his head lightly, easily blocked all the power, and said: "I said, don't be so excited. Besides, if you go over now, not only will you not save people, but you may die, and it is even more serious. The most likely thing is to harm people. With all of you stumbling blocks, is it possible for that kid Lin Yi to get away unscathed?"

"Old ghost, how dare you say that we are a stumbling block, how are we like a stumbling block!" Bai Bingbing scolded angrily, suddenly thought of something, and whispered: "Even... even if I am a stumbling block, then Solanum nigrum and Weiwei What about them? Their strength is not weaker than you, a dead old ghost, hum!"

"All right, all right, Bingbing, stop talking nonsense, the difference between us and Senior Tian Lingzi is not 01:30, we admit that." Solanum nigrum said very seriously.

However, she suddenly changed the subject and said, "But, Senior Tianlingzi, our weakness is not the reason for us not to save our beloved ones. If you don't let us go out, then don't blame us for using extraordinary means gone."

There was a strong murderous aura emanating from Solanum nigrum, which made Tian Lingzi smile wryly. It seemed that what he just said was in vain.

"Well, actually, I got the order from the ancestor of the god-killing clan, that is, the Holy Emperor Muze. You must have heard Lin Yi say it. Don't you believe what the old man said? This is Lin Yi If we miss this chance, we may not have a chance to win." Tian Lingzi sighed, looking helpless.

"You mean, Lin Yi will benefit from Pinghu, so let's not bother him?" Solanum nigrum asked tentatively.

"Yes, the answer is correct! Any variable may reduce or disappear the benefits he received. What you need to do is to stay here and improve your own strength. As your strength has improved, Lin Yi can naturally rest assured of you Some, if this is the case, isn’t it the best way to help Lin Yi? It’s alright, it’s alright, at worst, I’ll send a master to help him, shouldn’t that be okay?” Tian Lingzi said earnestly, and when it comes to this, all the girls His face softened a little.

"It's what you said, since that's the case, then let Abbot Wudu and Sect Leader Qin Xu go there!" Bai Bingbing said very seriously, in her opinion, these two people are definitely the first-class masters in the small world.

"Of course it's okay to send Qin Xu there, but I'm not in charge of Abbot Wudu!" Tian Lingzi said with a wry smile.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is willing to go, and the poor monk is very happy to be able to fight side by side with Master Lin again." Wudu softly called out the Buddha's name, and a gleam of light flickered in his eyes.

Although he has become the abbot, the warlike mood in his bones has not diminished at all. He even misses the time he fought side by side with Lin Yi, and he is still very much looking forward to doing it again.

"Okay, we don't have to go with Master Qin Xu and Abbot Wudu. We've all practiced hard, don't waste the Spirit Gathering Formation that Senior Tian Lingzi prepared for us." Solanum nigrum said lightly, and the other girls They all nodded, and obediently sat down to practice.

After Tianlingzi and Wudu left, they walked down the mountain quickly, Tianlingzi sighed, and said: "Finally got rid of them, otherwise I don't know how much headache it will be."

"Perfunctory? What's the meaning of this, senior?" Wudu asked doubtfully.

"Hey, I was talking nonsense just now. That kid might be really in danger. But, with that kid's luck, at most, there is no danger. If those girls ran over and accidentally made a mistake, what do you think? Will the boy break the old man's soul? Well, let's not talk about this, you and Qin Xu, hurry up and go to Pinghu, I will try my best to move the space of the small world, it should be more convenient. "As soon as Tianlingzi finished speaking, Qin Xu flew over, obviously already aware of his mission.

"Be careful, both of you, don't fight too hard. Our strength is already at a disadvantage. If the two of you suffer any losses, it will be even more difficult for us to turn around. I will open a passage for you, so go quickly." Tian Lingzi With a wave of his hand, a golden portal appeared beside him.

Qin Xu and Wudu nodded, walked into the door and disappeared.

When the car drove to Pinghu, Lin Yi's cultivation had returned to the middle stage of alchemy state. He could feel that his cultivation still had a lot of room for improvement. This time, he could definitely reach the spiritual state in one fell swoop.

As soon as he entered the boundary of Pinghu, Lin Yi smelled gunpowder smoke. Out of safety considerations, he immediately abandoned the car with Ying Shuangshuang and left.

With a simple disguise technique, the two of them changed their appearance, hailed a taxi, and soon came to the city.

Pinghu did not change much, but Lin Yi knew that he no longer had any power here.

At this time, the figure of Lu Guihua suddenly appeared in his mind. Thinking that Su Fei'er was controlled by Dragon Fury, Lin Yi was really worried about Lu Guihua's safety.

"I hope those guys don't do that, otherwise I will definitely kill the world!" Lin Yi's face showed a ruthless look, and he thought to himself.

Ying Shuangshuang was taken aback by the change in Lin Yi's expression. She looked at Lin Yi nervously, and whispered, "Brother Lin, what's wrong with you? Your face is very ugly..."

"Hehe, I'm fine, I just thought of something. Let's go to Ying's house first to see how far things have gone." Lin Yi smiled lightly, Ying Shuangshuang nodded, and got into a car with Lin Yi The taxi headed towards Ying's house.

As soon as he got out of the car, Lin Yi felt more than a dozen probes sweeping over them. Obviously, the entire Ying family was under surveillance.

Lin Yi has completely restrained his aura, and with the help of the Killing God Tree, unless the opponent's strength is three levels higher than his, he will never discover his cultivation base and his disguise.

The same is true for Ying Shuangshuang. Lin Yi is very confident about this.

Although Ying Shuangshuang is not a warrior, she also felt the oppression of the atmosphere, her eyes fell on Lin Yi, but Lin Yi's voice sounded in her mind: "Don't be too nervous, something happened to the Ying family, and people have been watching here. "

How could Ying Shuangshuang not be nervous?When Lin Yi's voice sounded in her mind, her expression froze. It was the first time she saw Lin Yi use such a powerful skill.

"Uh... forgot to tell you. When my strength recovers to a certain level, I can use mind transmission. If you want to whisper to me, then concentrate on what you want to say to me in your mind." , I can hear it. The Ying family probably can’t go back now, otherwise I will fight and protect you at the same time, it will be a bit difficult.” Lin Yi said very seriously, this is also the truth, after all, there are many masters who monitor here. Surrounded, the trouble is really big.

"Well, okay, everything is up to Brother Lin. Brother Lin, you must rescue my father and the others!"

"Don't worry, I'll take you to find a place to stay first, and then I'll visit Ying's family to make sure your family is safe, and then solve all the problems step by step. After today, the Wu family has to stay Pinghu has been removed!"

(End of this chapter)

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