Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 511: Evil heretics are nothing!

Chapter 511: Evil heretics are nothing!
Lin Yi sent Ying Shuangshuang to Pingda University, but there was really no one watching him there.

After arranging her, Lin Yi changed his appearance again and went to Wu's house by car.

The Wu family is in Pinghu, so it definitely belongs to a big family.Because the family is huge, they bought a large piece of land in the east of Pinghu City and built villas for the whole family to live there.

The taxi stopped ten miles away from Wu's house. According to the driver, except for Wu's car, other people or vehicles are not allowed to approach Wu's house at will, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.

Hearing this, Lin Yi frowned slightly. This Wu family is really arrogant, and they really regard themselves as the boss of Pinghu.

Of course, Lin Yi had his plans. Now the entire Ying family is under the surveillance of the Wu family. It can be seen that the Wu family has determined that after Lin Yi and the others come, they will definitely go to the Ying family.

Since they thought so, Lin Yi chose not to go to the Ying family, and captured the king first, of course it would be better to deal with the Wu family first.

He had already guessed that Zhou Yan definitely knew his whereabouts, so he concluded that it wouldn't take long for Long Fu to come to many masters.

The Wu family must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise the Wu family will be more and more difficult to eradicate as the number of enemies increases.

Lin Yi immediately dialed Wu Dang's number, with this insider inside, wouldn't it be silly not to use it?up?
After a phone call, Wu Dang rushed out. He didn't dare to hesitate, because he had felt it once before.

He just scolded Lin Yi secretly in his heart, and then he knew what it meant that life would be worse than death.

In the end, he silently recited Long Live Master Lin Yi countless times in his heart, and the heart-piercing pain gradually disappeared.

From then on, he never felt disobedient towards Lin Yi again. He never wanted to try that kind of feeling again in his life!

According to Lin Yi's arrangement, they came to a very remote place.

Lin Yi was very satisfied with Wu Dang's vigilance, and no one was staring at him.

After arriving at a safe place, Wu Dang immediately knelt on the ground and cried pitifully: "Master, I will never dare again next time, please forgive me once."

Lin Yi was taken aback by his move, did this kid do something to be sorry for him?

He took a closer look at Wu Dang, and he really found the problem. The restriction in Wu Dang's mind had been activated, that is to say, he had indeed done something sorry for himself.

"You are very courageous, don't you really fear death?" Lin Yi snorted coldly, and Wu Dang trembled with fright as soon as he finished speaking.

"Master, I really got it wrong! I didn't expect it, I just muttered something in my heart, and my head started to hurt. I really don't mean to betray, at most... At most, I just complain." Wu Dang The cold sweat was pouring down, and Lin Yi knew it immediately.

This guy probably scolded himself in his heart, otherwise he would have died of pain.

"Hehe, get up, I'm not the kind of person who likes to care about every detail, I don't take this trivial matter to heart. However, I have to remind you, if you scold me, it will hurt for a while at most. If you dare to betray My idea, hehe, can you persist for a day and a night?" Lin Yi said with a smile, and what he said made Wu Dang's face turn pale.

Not to mention one day and one night, he couldn't hold it for even a minute. That feeling really made him feel worse than death.

If the pain hadn't disappeared in time, he would have committed suicide last time.

"Master...Master, I...I know! I won't dare to do it next time..." Wu Dang stammered, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Tell me, how is the Wu family doing now? That guy Wu Da should go back."

Wu Dang nodded quickly, and said: "Returning to the master, Wu Da has indeed returned, and he was seriously injured, and is currently recuperating. The Wu family also knows everything, and the Dragon King of the Poison God Sect and Dragon Fury should know. I have already received news that people from Dragon Fury and the Poison God Sect are rushing here, it is said that many masters will come, master, you must be careful!"

"People from Dragon Fury and Poison God Sect will come? Hehe, it seems that they are very nervous!" Lin Yi said with a smile, with a hint of ruthlessness on his face, and said to himself: "What a good opportunity, if not Kill them tremblingly, how can I be worthy of them?"

Wu Dang was trembling with fright at the side. The murderous aura emanating from Lin Yi's body was extremely terrifying. He felt uncomfortable all over at such a close distance.

"Okay, how can I get into Wu's house without anyone noticing, don't tell me you can't do it." Lin Yi said lightly.

Wu Dang's expression changed immediately, and he quickly shouted: "Master, don't take any risks! There is a man with a strong alchemy in the Wu family. I have seen the strength of that man, and he is very terrifying. You must not be him." opponent."

"Oh? Don't you want me to die like this? Maybe once I die, your poison will be cured." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Wu Dang immediately shook his head desperately, and shouted anxiously: "No, no, how could I have such courage? I have been praying in my heart that the master will live a long life, and those who oppose the master will die a good death! I am really worried The master will be in danger, if possible, the master had better leave Pinghu as soon as possible, and don’t come back again, the strength of those people is too terrifying.”

"Hehe, for the sake of your loyalty, I'll let you read something." Lin Yi smiled lightly, and the power of the middle stage of Dan Qi burst out suddenly, and the powerful oppressive force made Wu Dang gasp But when he got angry, Lin Yi's aura was obviously much stronger than those alchemy masters of the Wu family.

"How? You should understand what I mean?" Lin Yi said lightly, he hadn't used the power of the Killing God Tree, otherwise his aura would increase several times, which is not something Wu Dang can bear .

Wu Dang sat on the ground with a plop, his face was full of horror, and said, "Master...Master, how did your strength improve so quickly? Last time...last time you were clearly..."

"Who told you that what you felt last time was my true strength? To tell you the truth, I really have to thank you last time. If it wasn't for your attack, my internal energy would not have recovered so quickly, because of this The reason is that I didn’t kill you, it’s a little reward for you. You know my name, so you should know my details, right?” Lin Yi asked with a smile, Wu Dang’s expression was very tangled when he heard the words, obviously, he don't know.

Lin Yi suddenly felt extremely embarrassed. He glared at Wu Dang and said, "I'm so ignorant, I haven't even heard of Lao Tzu's name."

"Uh... all I know is that are a traitor to China..."

"Damn! That's something that old dog Zhou Yan made up, do you believe it too? What a fool?! Listen carefully, I am the dragon god of Dragon Fury, the evil hunting god of the hunter world! The hunting god In my eyes, everything is prey, and those demons and heretics are just birds!"

(End of this chapter)

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