Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 512 It's up to you!

Chapter 512 It's up to you!
Lin Yi put on a pose that he thought was very handsome. It has to be said that even he was shocked by his handsomeness.

Wu Dang was stunned for a moment, then clapped his hands dryly, and said, "The master is so handsome, the master is so great..."

But Lin Yi could clearly feel that this fellow was perfunctory him!
"Tell me, have you never even heard of the name Hunting God?" Lin Yi looked at him very seriously, Wu Dang was startled, but he didn't dare to lie in front of Lin Yi, it would hurt to death.

He smiled with difficulty, and said: "Master, don't blame me. I have been practicing in the Tianshan School behind closed doors, and I have hardly ever been out. I have never heard of the name Hunting God? Hunting God, yes Isn’t he the kind of person who goes hunting in the mountains?”

Wu Dang looked at Lin Yi very seriously, Lin Yi patted his forehead, sighed, and said: "It seems that you really don't know anything, and I won't force you. Anyway, as long as you know, your Master, I just need to be very powerful. Let me in, I'll kill all the masters of the Wu family first. By the way, what happened to the Ying family?"

"The Ying family...Master, the people of the Ying family are in a bad situation now. They are all locked in the dungeon of the Wu family, and they don't know whether they are dead or alive..."

"What? Why didn't you say it earlier, you are still wasting time here! Take me there quickly, if they die, I will let you be buried with them!" Lin Yi interrupted Wu Dang, and the latter immediately complained. How could it be his fault!
Lin Yi was really terrified. If Ying Shuangshuang's relatives died in Wu's house, that girl would probably collapse.

Although Lin Yi didn't know what his relationship with Ying Shuangshuang was, Ying Shuangshuang was at least his savior. Without Ying Shuangshuang, he probably didn't even recover his internal energy.

In order to repay that girl, he must successfully complete this rescue mission.

With Wu Dang's help, Lin Yi entered Wu's house very easily.

He glanced around, and couldn't help sighing: "The Wu family's defenses are really tight. Such a large area is like a military base."

"Master, to tell you the truth, even the defense of some military bases may not be as good as here. There are a lot of sentries here, especially after the young master disappeared, the defense of the entire Wu family immediately improved a lot. If I Without bringing you in, you want to come in without anyone noticing, the difficulty is really not small." Wu Dang said very seriously.

"Really? That's really not easy. It seems that I have underestimated the Wu family. Let's not talk about this. Let's go to the dungeon. I want to see how the Ying family is doing." Lin Yi said in a deep voice, his tone Very serious.

Wu Dang nodded, because Lin Yi pretended to be the Wu family's bodyguard and Wu Dang led the way, it was very easy to move around the Wu family's villas.

Soon, they came to the depths of the villa complex, where there were four or five people in charge, all of whom were in the late stage of energy transformation, and they were not weak in the secular world.

Seeing Wu Dang and Lin Yi approaching, those people immediately raised their hands.

The leader glanced sharply at Wu Dang and Lin Yi, and it took him a while to confirm: "So it's Captain Wu Dang, why are you not going on patrol, why are you running here? The brother behind you seems a bit strange. !"

Lin Yi was startled secretly, this guy was quite vigilant, and he immediately saw that something was wrong.

He briefly glanced around. There are really many cameras here, a total of eight. Under this kind of carpet-like monitoring, any move will be clearly seen.

Wu Dang chuckled and said, "Captain Wu Lin, I don't understand what you said. My Wu Dang subordinates have all been killed. Can't I recruit people back? As for me coming here, It is by the order of the Patriarch to see if the members of the Ying family are dead."

"Don't worry, the members of the Ying family have been tortured, but they still can't die. The head of the family said before that before the eldest lady of the Ying family is caught, their lives must be saved, otherwise how can they attract that expert to come over?" What? Wu is the captain, I advise you to behave well. Last time your team was completely annihilated and the Wu family lost face. The owner didn’t punish you. It’s already very good. Don’t make any mistakes. You will be punished for both crimes." Wu Lin said bluntly, seeing Wu Dang's face full of contempt.

Before these troubles happened, Wu Dang had always been superior to him, and he was always arrogant and arrogant.Now that he finally has the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, he certainly won't let it go.

Wu Dang was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he couldn't express any displeasure on his face. He gritted his teeth and said, "Captain Wu Lin, of course I keep your advice in mind. However, I came here on the order of the Patriarch. You have to see the people of the Ying family to be sure whether they are still alive. If I don't carry out the order of the Patriarch well and something goes wrong, you will be fine. Agree, I can only report to the Patriarch, saying Captain Wu Lin, you deliberately blocked me from visiting, maybe there is some conspiracy."

"Wu Dang, don't spew blood! Well, if you want to go in, go in, come out quickly after you're sure, and don't play tricks with me." A trace of cold sweat dripped down Wu Lin's forehead, he didn't want to be caught by Wu Dang What is the handle.

Wu Dang laughed and said: "Of course, the lives of these people are very important to the Patriarch, how could I play any tricks? Then, we will go in, please take a look at the door."

Wu Dang patted Wu Lin's shoulder lightly. With this sentence, he called Wu Lin a watchdog.

After watching Wu Dang's performance, Lin Yi suddenly found that this guy is really a malleable talent. This time he accidentally received a talent.

He secretly held a few magic vein needles in his hand, and when he walked among those people, he suddenly performed a soul shock, and then shot out those magic vein needles at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

His speed was very fast, it only took a second for those people to regain consciousness from shocking and needle injection.

Although it was only for a second, Lin Yi's magic pulse needle had already controlled everyone's thinking. As long as he had a thought, these guys would be driven by him.

If his cultivation hadn't returned to the middle stage of alchemy state, it would be really difficult to use this move.

When the magic pulse needle was not activated, those people appeared to be the same as before, and even had a very clear self-awareness, which even Wu Dang didn't know about.

After entering the dungeon, Wu Dang let out a long breath, the sweat dripping down his forehead desperately.

At this time, Lin Yi's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Those people outside have been controlled by me, and I will hand over the control of those people to you in a while. You let those people take the people from the Ying family out, remember Hold on, hurry up! This is your first chance to show off, if something goes wrong, you will be the one to suffer!"

(End of this chapter)

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