Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 513 Killing Without Regret

Chapter 513 Killing Without Regret

Lin Yi's words were full of murderous intent, and Wu Dang's heart skipped a beat. Lin Yi's tone of voice was so similar to that of Wu Lin's.

However, what was more shocking in his heart was that he didn't even see what Lin Yi did, and he actually dealt with the group of guys outside.

Naturally, his strength was not up to the level of sound transmission, so he just nodded to express his understanding.

They kept walking, and the air was normal at first, but as they got deeper, there was an indescribable musty smell floating in the air.

Lin Yi could tell that many people must have died here.

"Let me go, please, I will give you whatever you want, just let me go!"

"I can't take it anymore, please let me go, let me go..."


A howl came out from those cages, and Lin Yi's heart trembled. These bastards of the Wu family actually did such a crazy thing.

The people imprisoned here were all tortured to the point of being out of shape, disheveled and miserable.

Wu Dang was dripping with cold sweat, he was afraid that if Lin Yi got angry, he would turn his anger on him and kill him directly.

Soon, his footsteps stopped, and what appeared in front of Lin Yi was a [-]-square-meter cage. A father and son were sitting in the cage. The father and son were covered with scars and their eyes were very empty, as if they were dead.

Lin Yi knew that they were Ying Shuangshuang's father and elder brother. Unexpectedly, after only a day or two, the two of them would be tortured like this. If they came a day later, wouldn't they be dead?

Thinking of this, the hatred in Lin Yi's heart increased a bit, he glanced at Wu Dang, and said via voice transmission: "Get the two of them out immediately and send them to the best hospital for treatment. If they die, I will You are buried with me! The Wu family, there is no good thing!"

Wu Dang's body trembled, and his heart was extremely bitter: "Master, I am not the Wu family now, but yours..."

"That's now. You used to be part of the Wu family, and you probably did a lot of bad things! From now on, you will follow me and do good deeds to atone for your sins. If you dare to do another bad thing, I will let you die without a whole body!" Lin Yi viciously The voice transmitted from the ground, Wu Dang was so scared that he dared not speak.

Just when Lin Yi was about to turn around and leave, suddenly, his heart hurt, and an extremely ominous premonition came to his heart.

He seemed to feel a very faint breath, and that breath was nearby, very familiar.

He turned around, followed that breath and walked inside. Walking, he reached the deepest point, and saw the small cage of five or six square meters in the deepest point.

His heart began to tremble inexplicably, as did his hands and feet. He moved his lips and looked at the unkempt, hunched figure in the cage. He suddenly felt that at this moment, he lost the ability to speak, as if there was a One hand strangled his throat, making him unable to breathe!

Seeing Lin Yi's abnormal behavior, Wu Dang suddenly felt a little strange. He also knew the old woman inside, and she was arrested immediately after Wu Da came back today. He didn't know why the Patriarch arrested the old woman.

Now, with a thought, he immediately thought of something.

At this moment, Lin Yi's aura suddenly rose sharply. He grabbed the iron railing of the cage with both hands, and his inner energy surged, and he actually bent the railing made of fine steel.

His eyes were wide open, anger, murderous intent, these things erupted from him continuously, but they flowed past the old woman very strangely, without affecting the old woman at all.

The old woman shrank tremblingly, she pushed back the hair that covered her face, revealing the bloody face with red finger marks, who else could it be if it wasn't Lu Guihua!
Lin Yi's tears suddenly burst into tears, and he knelt down in front of Lu Guihua with a plop, crying loudly: "Mother Lu, Xiao Yi is unfilial and made you suffer! It's all Xiao Yi's fault, mother Lu, hit me, scold me!" I..."

Lu Guihua's body trembled, she didn't recognize Lin Yi's appearance, but she couldn't be more familiar with that voice!
"Xiao Yi, you're here, you're finally here... No, how could you come here, the people here are all devils, you shouldn't be here! Hurry up, get out of here, it doesn't matter if Mama Lu is dead , you must have nothing to do!" Lu Guihua suddenly shouted excitedly, her expression extremely flustered.

Lin Yi quickly tore her chains apart, and then injected a burst of internal energy into her body, whispering: "Mother Lu, I will rescue you right away. Don't worry, no one here can do anything to me. Today, I originally I just wanted to get rid of the culprit, but now I have changed my mind. I want to let the Wu family go up and down, and no chicken or dog will be left behind!"

Lin Yi's voice was very low, murderous aura pouring out of his body continuously.Even so, he still forcibly calmed down his emotions so that he could treat Lu Guihua better.

Fortunately, Lin Yi has recuperated Lu Guihua's body, making her more than 30 years younger than her peers. Otherwise, she would not be able to survive in such an environment.

Wu Dang stood there far away, looking at a loss.He really didn't dare to get close now, the angry Lin Yi might really lose his mind and kill him.

Lin Yi quickly healed Lu Guihua's injury, and then carried her on his back.

Lu Guihua's tears flowed down and fell on Lin Yi. Lin Yi's heart seemed to be stabbed by a sharp knife. He hated himself so much. If he could go back to Pinghu sooner, Lu Guihua would not suffer like this!

"Wu Dang, take my mother out of here, and everyone imprisoned here. If you do this well, I will lift your restraint, and I will guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life. Your cultivation base will at least reach the alchemy state. I want you Guaranteed, we will send them away safely without any mistakes, do you know?" Lin Yi's tone was very cold, Wu Dang was overjoyed when he heard this, he believed that Lin Yi didn't need to lie to him at all.

"Master, my little one obeys! As long as those people outside help, it's very easy to leave here!" Wu Dang shouted quickly, his body no longer trembling.

"Okay, then I will teach you the method of control." Lin Yi placed one hand between Wu Dang's eyebrows, and soon Wu Dang knew the method of control, with a look of extreme joy on his face.

Wu Dang began to control Wu Lin and the others, asking them to prepare the car, and asked him to pretend to be ordered by the head of the family to transfer the prisoner.

This kind of thing happened in the Wu family, so 100% will not be suspected.

After making these preparations, Lin Yi put Lu Guihua down and said to her: "Mother Lu, I will do what I have to do to completely destroy this demon cave. I will kill none of the demons in the Wu family. , I want to avenge you!"

"Don't be so extreme, Xiao Yi, although those people deserve what they deserve, it's still not good to kill people..."

"Mother Lu, you may not know that unless I do it myself, they will never be sanctioned in this life. Therefore, I did this to do justice for the heavens, killing one person and saving thousands of people. I have no regrets in killing!"

(End of this chapter)

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