Chapter 514

Lin Yi's fighting spirit rarely reached this level. He felt a fire in his heart, which made him feel hot all over.

He won't let go of any of those son-of-a-bitch things, even if it's his life!
Of course, he is not crazy enough to kill anyone he sees. With his soul insight, he can judge whether that person should be killed or not. After making a judgment, none of them can escape!
Wu Dang's work efficiency was quite high, and under his arrangement, those people were quickly sent out.

Lin Yi didn't return to Wu's house until he saw that everyone had left safely.

After returning to Wu's house again, he felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

An incomparably oppressive feeling welled up in my heart, and even the air was filled with the smell of killing.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Since I found out, why don't you come out, why are you hiding? Do you still want me to find you one by one and kill them?"

"Hmph! What an arrogant boy, I thought you had escaped, but I didn't expect you to dare to come back. Since you are back, you don't need to go!" The speaker was a middle-aged man with hair dyed red, yellow and green Man, Lin Yi can feel that he is what Wu Dang said is a strong alchemy realm.

However, what surprised Lin Yi was that the guy had reached the middle stage of alchemy, and his aura revealed blood and evil. This guy was probably a member of the Poison God Sect.

Soon, dozens of warriors appeared behind Lin Yi, and the strength of these people was above the real energy level. It seems that this should be the background of the Wu family.

For a secular family to come up with so many high-level warriors is already quite remarkable, even if these people do not belong to Huaxia at all.

"Master Mei Dingding, please capture that guy alive. I will cut off his flesh piece by piece with my own hands, making his life worse than death!" A middle-aged man with an extremely wretched appearance screamed. The guy is Wu Zhuang's father, Wu Liangxin, the head of the Wu family.

From the looks of the father and son, Lin Yi could easily tell that Wu Zhuang probably wasn't Wu Liangxin's seed.However, what needs to be complained the most is not this, but the name of the middle-aged man with shaggy hair, Mei Dingding, thanks to his father who can come up with this name, it is likely that his father wants to have a daughter.

"Hehe, Patriarch Wu, don't worry, it's easy for me to take that kid alive. However, Patriarch Wu, I don't have enough sacrifices for my practice, so I have to ask you to help me again." Mei Dingding said sinisterly.

A trace of confusion appeared on Wu Liangxin's face. After a long time, he said with difficulty: "Okay, as long as you can capture this kid alive, the hearts of a hundred children will be fine!"

"Haha, okay, since Patriarch Wu is so forthright, I wish us a happy cooperation! With rewards as incentives, it's much easier for me to do my job. Hehe, kid over there, did you hear that? Hurry up." Just catch it, and when I do it, you will suffer a lot." Mei Dingding laughed loudly, and with Wu Liangxin's promise, he became visibly excited, and his voice became much louder.

However, he suddenly found that Lin Yi's body was dissipating, indeed, it was dissipating, like a projection on a light curtain.

When he brought him back to his senses, a cold voice rang in his ears: "The evil spirits are crooked, and everyone will be punished if they get it. You must die!"

As soon as Lin Yi's words fell, Mei Dingding's chest suddenly burst into a cloud of blood mist, and the blood in his body seemed to spurt out without money.

His face suddenly changed, and he quickly distanced himself from Lin Yi. After all, he is also a strong alchemist, not weak enough to be instantly killed.

He looked at Lin Yi in awe, and stammered, ", how did you do it? In terms of intelligence, you are not so strong. Could it be that the information is wrong?"

"Are you using information from a few years ago? Hehe, am I standing still and waiting for you to kill me? You are too pretentious, and the alchemy state is amazing? I kill you, as simple as slaughtering a dog. Believe it or not, I will kill you." Immediately open another hole for you!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, Mei Dingding quickly distanced himself from Lin Yi again, for fear that Lin Yi would really make a hole for him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing, and his eyes fell on Wu Liangxin who was lying limp on the ground beside him.

With just one look, Wu Liangxin felt as if his whole body was being pressed down by a weight. It was hard to describe that feeling in words.

He could feel that the god of death was waving to him, and that young man with a bright smile was the executioner who was going to take his life.

At this moment, he no longer had any thoughts of revenge. He wanted to save his life. Only by saving his life would he have a chance to fight back. If his life was gone, he would lose everything!

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, he walked towards Wu Liangxin slowly, stretched out his hand to grab him, and grabbed him completely.

Although he didn't look at Mei Dingding, his aura had completely locked him in, so now Wu Liangxin didn't dare to act rashly at all, and could only recover his strength silently.

Lin Yi looked at Wu Liangxin, gently grabbed his wrist, felt his pulse, Lin Yi suddenly laughed, and said, "That's right, I'm really a genius doctor, you can tell from this, I'm really amazing!"

"You... What are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all? Can you let me go? As long as you let me go, I won't be held accountable for killing my son. What do you want? Money? A woman? You I will give you whatever you want, just please forgive me..." Wu Liangxin said pitifully, his eyes full of hope.

Lin Yi's smile slowly faded, he looked at Wu Liangxin sharply, and said, "Let you go? You are quite humorous. Hehe, do you know why I laughed just now?"

"No...don't know..."

"Haha, I know you don't know! Let me tell you, in fact, as soon as I saw you, I knew that your cheap son was not yours. Just now I gave you a pulse, and I made a mistake. You really don't have children Hey function! So, strictly speaking, the two of us have no revenge for murdering our son at all, don’t you think it’s funny?” Lin Yi looked at Wu Liangxin with a smile, Wu Liangxin’s expression froze for a moment, his whole body seemed to be petrified, and his mouth "Impossible" repeated over and over again.

"Impossible, you are lying to me, aren't you! Zhuang'er is my own son, you killed my son, and still say that about me, you..."

"What me? You don't want to live anymore? I'm killing you now, just like killing a dog. Ask them, can they stop me?" Lin Yi snorted coldly, and a majestic murderous aura erupted Come on, they suppressed all those warriors, each with a painful expression, as if they were about to die.

Wu Liangxin thumped in his heart, he finally understood how abnormal Lin Yi's strength is, this is simply not the power that human beings should have!

"No, no, what I mean is, since you didn't kill my son, then there is no enmity between us. Since there is no enmity, why did you kill me? Enemies should be solved rather than knotted. One more friend is better than How about one more enemy. Think about it, you are a traitor, and I am also a traitor, a traitor and a traitor, can we be friends, I... ah—"

Before Wu Liangxin finished speaking, his body flew out magnificently. Lin Yi's voice echoed over the Wu family's villas: "Fuck your mother's traitor, I will beat you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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