Chapter 515
Although this Wu Liangxin looked wretched and thin, his body had obviously undergone a series of strengthening, otherwise he would not be able to withstand Lin Yi's raindrops of slaps.

Lin Yi's hands were unceremonious, and the more he smoked, the more addictive he was. He slapped him in the face continuously, pulling him from the sky to the ground, and when he was about to fall, he was pulled back to the sky by Lin Yi.

Repeatedly like this, after a while, Wu Liangxin's face was so swollen that his teeth were almost blown away.

The audience members were all stunned, with their mouths wide open, as if they had seen a ghost.A few warriors sneaked away in fright, but within a few steps, their bodies froze strangely and turned into a puddle of blood in a few seconds.

Once the power of the ghost vein needle explodes, one can imagine its power.Mei Dingding was stunned for a moment, because he didn't see how Lin Yi made a move at all.

what to do?In this case, once Lin Yi finishes Wu Liangxin, he must be next.

Thinking of this, he even had the idea of ​​running away in the middle stage of Dan Qi.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and picked Wu Liangxin up from the ground.He was very measured in his strikes, so Wu Liangxin was only seriously injured and did not die.

"Slapping a swollen face can really make you fat. I will help you gain weight for free. Would you like to thank me?" Lin Yi said with a smile.

Wu Liangxin opened his mouth with difficulty, mumbling in his mouth, he couldn't hear what he was saying at all.Of course he wanted to talk, but unfortunately, he couldn't say anything now.

"How arrogant! You don't thank me for helping me so much!" Lin Yi snorted coldly, loosened his hand, and Wu Liangxin fell to the ground like a dead dog.

Lin Yi raised his foot and stomped violently. With a crisp click sound, Wu Liangxin's left arm was smashed to pieces.

Wu Liangxin's body suddenly arched, and he wanted to scream, but he couldn't make a sound.

The scalps of the spectators were numb, as if they had seen their own ending, this man was too cruel.

They wanted to escape, but the end of the escape of the two people just now was there. For a moment, they didn't know what to do, they just stood there blankly, trembling all over.

Lin Yi looked at him coldly, and said indifferently: "I agree with that point. Before, I wouldn't bother to do such troublesome things. But what you did touched my bottom line!"

Lin Yi stomped again, smashing Wu Liangxin's other arm to pieces.

"So, you, and your Wu family have to pay the price in blood! You all have to die!" Lin Yi roared, and a mad murderous aura erupted from him, enveloping Wu Liangxin. In the blink of an eye, Wu Liangxin His body was strangled into slag, beyond human form.

A sinister smile appeared on Lin Yi's face. He raised his head, looked at the terrified crowd, and said lightly, "Isn't it enjoyable to watch? It's your turn next."

Mei Dingding immediately distanced himself from Lin Yi, and said nervously: "Evil Hunting God, don't be impulsive, this is a conflict between you and the Wu family, the grievance has its head, the debt has its owner, I don't have any grudges against you ! At most... At most, I said a few things I shouldn't have said just now, but I have already been taught by you. According to the rules of the world, isn't the grievance between us two wiped out?"

Seeing that Mei Dingding had become like this, the other warriors dared not even have the slightest idea of ​​resistance, begging Lin Yi for mercy one by one.

Lin Yi looked at them calmly, smiled lightly, shook his head, and said, "As a warrior, it's really embarrassing to be mixed up to your level. Especially you, Eunuch Mei, you are a member of the Poison God Sect." Your status should not be low, if your leader knows that you are begging for mercy today, I am afraid that your life will not be saved, right?"

Mei Dingding felt the killing intent in Lin Yi's words, he gritted his teeth, and said: "Master Xie Kuang, as long as you are willing to let me live, I promise, I will leave the Poison God Sect and be loyal to you from now on, can it be... Isn't that even okay?"

"We are also willing to be loyal to you, my lord, please don't kill us—" the other warriors shouted, each of them was terrified to death.

Lin Yi watched this scene, sighed softly, and said: "I'm still doing unnecessary things until now, alas, I'm also drunk."

Lin Yi raised his right hand slowly, and the power of the Killing God Tree in his body burned rapidly, and after a while, a ball of red light appeared in his hand.

The red light kept changing, as if it was alive, and it didn't take long before it turned into a red long knife.

Lin Yi looked at the knife condensed with murderous aura, sighed lightly, and said, "Xie Dao, I'm really not used to it without you."

When Mei Dingding saw Lin Yi condense his anger into a knife, he knew that he would not let him go.

He quickly shouted: "Hurry up and attack! He won't let us go, it's better to fight him than to be killed!"

As soon as Mei Dingding finished speaking, Lin Yi's figure appeared behind him strangely, and the familiar feeling made his hair stand on end.

He subconsciously turned his body to one side, a blade of light crossed his left shoulder, and a bloody arrow shot out, Mei Dingding's left arm flew out.

Mei Dingding's escape speed was quite fast. As soon as his arm was cut off, he flew away a hundred meters away, his face pale and panting.

Lin Yi looked at him calmly, and said with a faint smile: "Aren't you going to fight me? How can you escape faster than anyone else? If I'm not wrong, you bewitched these people to fight me desperately, probably because you want to They entangled me, and then you can escape for your life, right? Wishful thinking was well done, but unfortunately, you found the wrong partner."

"Lin Yi, you can't kill me! I am the guardian elder of the Poison God Cult. If you kill me, our leader will not let you go!" Mei Dingding shouted viciously.

After hearing his words, Lin Yi couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Interesting, it's so interesting! It's the first time I've heard such an interesting thing! I knew from the very beginning that your status in the Poison God Sect is not low. , but I still beat you like this, you still don’t understand the reason? Let me ask you, even if I don’t kill you, your Poison God Cult will let me go? What a joke! Even if you Poison God Cult see now Even if I walk around, I will completely eradicate you, leaving no one behind!"

Lin Yi's aura suddenly increased, and he raised his arm a hundred meters away, and a huge aura condensed in his body.

Mei Dingding wanted to escape, but found that she couldn't move her body.Under Lin Yi's powerful influence, he has no ability to resist at all.

"You can't kill me! If you kill me, those monsters of yours will all die! They are in my hands now, don't you want them to die?" Mei Dingding screamed at the top of her voice, Lin Yi's His movements stopped suddenly, his brows frowned, he took a step forward, and appeared beside Mei Dingding in the blink of an eye, punching him hard to the ground.

There was a huge roar, and a big hole with a diameter of three meters appeared on the concrete floor. Mei Dingding lay limp in the middle of the big hole, more than half of his bones were broken, and he couldn't even move.

Lin Yi fell to the ground, stepped on his face, and said coldly: "I'll give you a chance to tell me where my two subordinates are obediently. In that case, I can let you die without pain, otherwise, I will It will make you unable to survive, unable to seek death, and even a ghost!"

(End of this chapter)

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