Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 516 Do You Have This Chance

Chapter 516 Do You Have This Chance

Lin Yi seemed to be a killing god overlooking the earth, with a powerful aura oppressing Mei Dingding. Although his cultivation level was the same as Mei Dingding's, after he used the Xing Tian Jue with the Killing God Tree, his murderous aura, even in the spiritual state The strong dare not collide with it.

"Hahaha, it's death if you say it, why don't you say it! Hmph, although I, Mei Dingding, am afraid of death, I'm not that stupid yet!" Mei Dingding laughed loudly, but she really looked like she wasn't afraid of death.

Lin Yi sneered, and said: "Okay, I like this kind of personality the most. But you may have forgotten one thing, I am a student of the three major medical schools in China, and the magic clothes school is best at soul control. My Your mental power is so much stronger than yours, as long as I use the technique of soul-hunting, I can easily get what I want to know from you."

When Lin Yi said this, with a thought, three magic vein needles appeared in his hands, and Lin Yi's powerful spiritual power was also released. The power of just one person suppressed the spiritual power of everyone present.

Mei Dingding's complexion suddenly changed, he looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, and said, "How is it possible? No...don't...I will fight with you!"

The internal energy in Mei Dingding's body began to crazily concentrate in his dantian, Lin Yi glanced at him and knew what he was going to do.

"Want to detonate the dantian? Hehe, in front of me, do you still have this chance?" Lin Yi sneered, flicked his fingers, and a ghost vein needle directly pierced his dantian. The ghost vein needle was completely swallowed up, so that he could no longer accumulate the power to explode himself.

Mei Dingding was completely desperate. He never expected that Lin Yi would have so many tricks, which can be called endless!
Lin Yi looked at him with a smile, and said: "Do you feel hopeless? It's normal. I often give people the feeling of despair. I hope you can remember this feeling. Hehe, it seems that you can't remember it either, because Your soul will be completely shattered, your soul will be scattered, and there will be no dregs left."

When Lin Yi said this, his smile suddenly faded, and a majestic murderous aura fell on Mei Dingding.

"You have killed innocent people indiscriminately, and you have harmed so many people. This is the retribution you deserve! I really don't have time now, otherwise I must let you have a good taste of what hell is like!" Lin Yi snorted coldly, Pierce the three magic vein needles into the top of Mei Dingding's head.

Soon, Mei Dingding explained the locations of Xiao Bai and Jin Ling, and he was relieved that they were both still alive.

Lin Yi lightly patted Mei Dingding on the head, and Mei Dingding fell limply to the ground, dead beyond belief.

"As long as I'm alive, I hope they don't hate me." Lin Yi said to himself, his eyes fell on those warriors.

After killing Wu Liangxin and Mei Dingding, Lin Yi's murderousness obviously weakened. After all, he is not a murderer.

With a wave of his hand, about 20 people fell to the ground and quickly turned into a pool of blood.

The others turned pale with fright and knelt down to beg for mercy. Lin Yi glanced at them and said, "Those who were killed just now are all sinful people. As for you, abandon your cultivation and get out of my sight, and I will forgive you." You die."

"Thank you, sir, for not killing me!" The group of warriors shouted loudly, smashing their dantians and abolishing their own cultivation, before stumbling and disappearing from Lin Yi's sight.

Lin Yi let out a long breath. His injuries have not fully recovered. The battle just now had a heavy impact on his body. He must adjust his breath well.

Not long after, he heard a rumbling sound, he flew up, stood on the top of a villa building, and saw all the scenery outside very clearly.

A large group of soldiers was rushing in from outside, and even dispatched tanks and armored vehicles, as if they were going to fight.

"Hehe, even the military force has been used, Zhou Yan, you really dare to do it!" Lin Yi said coldly.

To be honest, he didn't want to fight with the military. Those Huaxia soldiers were innocent, and they could only follow the orders of their superiors.

If they fight with them, there will be a lot of casualties.Although Lin Yi was dissatisfied with some senior officials in Huaxia, he still had reason.

If so many soldiers were really killed, the crime of traitor would definitely be confirmed.

"Master, do you want us to help?" Xiaobing's voice came over.

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "Forget it, let's retreat first, the culprit of the Wu family has been solved, and there must be no disturbance."

Lin Yi quickly left Wu's house and disappeared from under the eyes of those soldiers.

After leaving Wu's house, he immediately contacted Wu Dang, and Wu Dang did not disappoint him, and sent everyone to the hospital.

"Master, my mission is complete, and everyone has been sent to the hospital. The old lady, I put her in the intensive care unit. However, the police started to intervene, and I don't know how to respond." Wu Dang said very respectfully, waiting Following Lin Yi's further instructions.

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and said: "Of course, tell the truth, and expose all the crimes of the Wu family. Wu Lin and his group can be the best witnesses. What should I do, don't I need to say more?"

Wu Dang nodded and said, "Master, I understand! I'll do it now!"

Lin Yi was quite satisfied with Wu Dang's efficiency. He quickly left the hospital and went to Pingda University to inform her about the rescue of Ying's father and son.

After Ying Shuangshuang found out, she rushed to the hospital immediately, while Lin Yi speeded up and ran towards the northern suburbs of Pinghu City.

The northern suburb is a mountainous area, which has not been developed much so far.The purpose of Lin Yi coming here is to find Xiao Bai and Jin Ling.

The two of them were locked here by Mei Dingding and used by him to absorb spiritual energy and practice martial arts.Although they are just monsters, Lin Yi must rescue them, after all, they have helped him a lot.

According to the memories Lin Yi ingested, he quickly found the place where Xiao Bai and Jin Ling were detained. It was a very hidden cave, and if you didn't search carefully, you wouldn't be able to find it at all.

Moreover, a phantom formation was set up outside this cave, which was also Mei Dingding's masterpiece.

Lin Yi, who has the ability to break the formation, of course doesn't have to worry about this formation.

After he broke the formation, he immediately entered the cave.This cave was beyond his expectation. Although the entrance of the cave was not big, the cave became wider as one went in.Going further inside, Lin Yi actually felt a surge of aura, no worse than the small world.

Lin Yi felt very strange, because Mao's small cave has aura, which is really unscientific!
As he walked, suddenly, he felt several faint auras, at least 11 of them.Judging from the breath, these people are in poor condition.

"Could it be that guy who caught him?" Lin Yi frowned. He forgot to ask about the specific situation of Mei Ding Ding's Cave before, but now that he thinks about it, he really regrets it.

"No matter how much it is, let's talk about it first, I don't believe that there is anything here that can threaten me." Lin Yi gritted his teeth and walked towards the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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