Chapter 517
Lin Yi was actually a little worried. There was nothing he could do. The Poison God Sect had always been known for being despicable and cunning. It was not surprising that there were any traps.

He restrained his breath and walked in cautiously.As soon as he entered, he felt a stronger aura fluctuation.

He took a closer look and found a huge magic circle on the ground. Because of that magic circle, the aura here has been purified many times.

"This... this is the legendary spirit-gathering circle! How is it possible? Isn't this kind of thing lost long ago?" Lin Yi murmured.

However, he soon discovered the abnormality of this magic circle. He saw many grooves, and within those grooves were lumps of black objects.

Lin Yi looked carefully for a long time before he realized that it was rotten meat. Where is the rotten meat?Lin Yi began to think.

Suddenly, he thought of what those things were.

When he was in Wu's house, Mei Dingding said that he wanted Wu Liangxin to prepare a child's heart for him.

Now it seems that what is placed in those grooves should be the heart of a child.

"Grandma, it turns out that this magic circle can absorb children's innate spiritual energy, and use this spiritual energy to practice without fear of thunder! It seems that there should be living children here, and I have to rescue them all." Lin Yi talked to himself, and his mental power spread out, searching for nearby creatures.

Sure enough, he found a tunnel, and the breath of life came from that tunnel.

He hurriedly quickened his pace and entered the corridor. After walking a few steps, he clearly felt the aura of Xiao Bai and Jin Ling.

Soon, he saw two small rooms with closed doors, but Lin Yi knew that those people were all in the room.

He walked to Xiaobai's room first, and after punching the door open, he saw an astonishing scene.

Xiaobai and Jinling had already turned into their original forms, and they were still facing each other on both sides of the room, looking like they were going to do their best.However, both of them had black threads wrapped around their bodies, and that black thread seemed to be connected to the evil magic circle, maintaining the aura here.

It was precisely because the black line was constantly absorbing their vitality that they degenerated. If this continued, they would lose their last consciousness and become beasts again.

Mei Dingding really has brains, with Xiao Bai and Jin Ling's huge vitality, they can definitely maintain this magic circle for a long time.

When Xiaobai and Jin Ling saw Lin Yi, their eyes were very confused, as if they didn't know each other, but they were very familiar.

Lin Yi sighed softly, approached them slowly, and said, "Sorry, I'm late, I'm here to save you."

As soon as the words fell, Xiaobai was the first to attack Lin Yi, opening his mouth wide, trying to swallow Lin Yi in one gulp.

Lin Yi sighed softly, and with a wave of his hand, he cut off the black thread between the two of them, and flicked his fingers again, a Shenmai needle pierced into her body.

At this moment, the powerful vitality of the Shenmai Needle rushed into her body, making her eyes brighten.

"It's you, you're finally here!" Xiao Bai exclaimed, and with a twitch of his tail, he sent the golden spirit that was attacking Lin Yi flying away.

Lin Yi also pierced a divine meridian needle into Jin Ling's body, then flew over, put one hand on Jin Ling's body, and injected a large amount of inner energy into Jin Ling's body.

Soon, Jin Ling returned to human form at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his mind became clearer for a while.

"My lord, it's great that you came to save us!" Jin Ling was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

Lin Yi didn't say anything, and came to Xiaobai's side again to restore Xiaobai's human form.

After doing this, Lin Yi's face was obviously paler than before, and his breath was much weaker.

He sighed, and said: "In this case, your cultivation base will not be dropped. What's the matter with you? How did you fall into that guy's hands?"

"Hmph! What's none of your business? Didn't you care about our life and death a long time ago? It's meaningless to be so hypocritical now!" Xiao Bai looked furious, obviously, she had a lot of resentment towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled wryly, and said: "Xiaobai, I encountered no less danger than you, and almost couldn't come back. I was surprised to be able to save you this time, and these two little guys told me. "

With a thought in Lin Yi's mind, Xiao Bing and Xiao Chan separated from him and appeared in front of Xiao Bai and the others.

"Miss Bai, Brother Jinling!" Xiaobing and Xiaochan happily ran to Xiaobai Jinling, rubbing against them.

Xiao Bai's face immediately softened a lot, and she obviously took great care of Xiao Bing and Xiao Chan.

Lin Yi smiled, suddenly, he thought of something, and hurriedly kicked open the door opposite.

As soon as the door was opened, a foul smell came over his face, the scene in front of him made Lin Yi's face change drastically, and an indescribable hatred came to his heart.

He saw more than a dozen teenagers and girls huddled together, the age at most would not be more than seven years old, their faces were full of horror.

In another corner, there are many corpses of children. Those corpses have their hearts removed, and some of them are even in a state of high decay, which looks extremely terrifying.

A group of children living in a room with so many carrion corpses can imagine the stimulation they received.

Lin Yi suddenly realized that he had killed Mei Dingding too kindly before, and he should have cut that beast into pieces!

Seeing this situation, Jin Ling sighed, and said: "Everyone says that we monsters have no humanity. Who would know that it is human beings who really destroy humanity. I, Jin Ling, are absolutely incapable of such heart-breaking cultivation. Can't do it!"

Xiaobai also frowned tightly, and said: "Get them out quickly, every second they spend here is one more second of danger. However, with you here, they should be able to heal their injuries."

"Well, their physical injuries are indeed easy to heal, but their spiritual injuries are not easy to heal, and it may take a long time. Let's not talk about that, let's take them out first." Lin Yi With a sigh, he walked towards the children.

"Don't kill me, uncle, don't kill me, okay? We are obedient, we are good..." A child suddenly knelt on the ground, crying loudly.

Lin Yi's tears were about to stay, he held his breath, suppressed his emotions forcibly, and said: "Children, uncle is here to save you, uncle will take you out and leave this ghost place. After leaving here, uncle will send you off again Go home, now, you guys go to sleep first."

Lin Yi's voice is full of bewitching power, which is a kind of spiritual hypnosis.

Soon, all the children fell asleep, but they were twitching all over while they were asleep, obviously having a nightmare.

"Xiao Bai, Jin Ling, and Xiao Bing and Xiao Chan, let's send these children out. Be gentle, don't wake them up. After I leave here, I will find a way to help you improve your cultivation. I have endured for too long. It's time for us to fight."

(End of this chapter)

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